List of Figures

  1. First theoretical computation of the cQED lineshape of the SE of a system in SC, by Sanchez-Mondragon et al. (1983)
  2. Lineshapes with cavity dissipation, by Agarwal & Puri (1986).
  3. Lineshapes with both cavity and emitter dissipation, by Carmichael et al. (1989), showing the subnatural linewidht averaging
  4. Schema of a semiconductor heterostructure, by Houdré et al. (1994), and its observed anticrossing, by Weisbuch et al. (1992)
  5. SEM of pillar from the LPN in Paris.
  6. SEM of pillars from the University of Sheffield
  7. SEM image of Bragg mirrors and of embedded QDs, from Löffler et al. (2005)
  8. SEM image of a microdisk, from Kippenberg et al. (2006)
  9. Purcell effect, as observed by Chang et al. (2006)
  10. SEM image of a Noda cavity, by Badolato et al. (2005)
  11. Seminal observations of SC of a QD in a MC, by Yoshie et al. (2004), Reithmaier et al. (2004) and Peter et al. (2005)
  12. Later reports of SC of a QD in a MC, by Hennessy et al. (2007), Press et al. (2007), Laucht, Hofbauer, Hauke, Angele, Stobbe, Kaniber, Böhm, Lodahl, Amann & (2009) and Nomura et al. (2008).
  13. Laucht, Hofbauer, Hauke, Angele, Stobbe, Kaniber, Böhm, Lodahl, Amann & (2009)'s on-chip device, controlled by an applied bias-voltage
  14. SC parameters of the state of the art experiments as estimated by the authors
  15. Systems studied in this text
  16. Energy levels of the coupling LM Hamiltonian
  17. Schema of the SS system with incoherent pumping.
  18. Excitation ladder in the LM
  19. Chain of correlators for two coupled harmonic oscillators (LM)
  20. Complex Rabi frequency in the LM
  21. SC SS spectra and their decomposition into Lorentzian and dispersive parts in the LM
  22. Dynamics of the SE correlator (LM)
  23. SC spectra at resonance and its mean number dynamics for the SE of three different initial states (LM)
  24. WC spectra and its mean number dynamics for the SE of an exciton and a photon (LM)
  25. Dynamics of the SS correlator (LM)
  26. Phase space of the SS strong/weak coupling as a function of pump and decay in the LM
  27. Rabi splitting at resonance and the observed position of the peaks in the PL spectra (LM)
  28. Splitting with detuning of the LM
  29. Phase space of SC/WC as a function of exciton pump and cavity decay for not cavity pumping (LM)
  30. Phase space of SC/WC as a function of the pumps (LM)
  31. Anticrossing in the PL spectra as reported by Reithmaier et al. with our superimposed fits (LM)
  32. SE anticrossing spectra for various initial conditions in various geometries of detection (LM)
  33. Our fit of the data, digitized from Reithmaier et al. (2004), with the LM
  34. Phase space of SC/WC for the parameters fitting the experiment of Reithmaier et al. (LM)
  35. Dynamics of the SS second order correlation function and its spectrum (LM)
  36. Dynamics of the SS second order correlation function (LM)
  37. Spectra with polariton pump (LM)
  38. Energy levels of two coupled QDs
  39. Chain of correlators for two coupled QDs
  40. SS spectrum from a QD in SC with another
  41. Phase space of the SS SC/WC regimes as a function of pump for two coupled QDs
  42. Spectra sampling different regions of the phase space of two coupled QDs
  43. Broadenings and positions of the lines that compose the spectra of two coupled QDs
  44. Phase space of coupling regions as function of the pumps for two coupled QDs
  45. Positions and populations for the different coupling regions of two QDs
  46. Anticrossings in SSC and MC
  47. Dynamics of the SS second order correlation function and its spectrum (2QDs)
  48. Dynamics of the SS second order correlation function (2QDs)
  49. Chain of correlators for one AO
  50. SE spectra of the AO
  51. SS spectra of one AO
  52. Comparison between the truncation of the QRF in the Hilbert space of correlators and in the Hilbert space of states
  53. Energy levels of the light-matter coupling LM Hamiltonian with interactions
  54. Excitonic component of the polaritons in the LM as a function of the added interactions
  55. Cavity spectra of transitions from the second manifold with excitonic interactions
  56. Mean number of photons and excitons as a function of detuning
  57. Cavity spectra as a function of detuning for the coupled cavity-QD systems with excitonic interactions
  58. Spectra for different detunings in the coupled cavity-QD system with excitonic interactions
  59. Chain of correlators for the dissipative JCM
  60. Spectral structure of the JCM at resonance and without pumping
  61. Decay rates for the cavity and QD, as estimated by Khitrova et al. (2006) and parameters used in this text
  62. Populations and statistics in the JCM
  63. Spectral structure in the cavity emission of the JCM as a function of cavity decay with some electronic pumping
  64. Spectral structure in the cavity emission of the JCM as a function of excitonic pump
  65. Jaynes-Cummings forks in the spectra
  66. Expanded view in logarithmic scale the JC forks in the spectrum
  67. Loss of the multiplet JC structure with increasing exciton pumping for Point 1
  68. Incoherent Mollow triplets
  69. Fine structure of the JCM
  70. Fine structure of the JCM increasing decay
  71. Spectra of emission in log-scale as a function of pumping (JCM)
  72. Photonic statistics in the JCM
  73. Loss of the JC multiplet structure with increasing exciton pumping for Point 2.
  74. Cavity spectra in the JCM for Point 2
  75. Spectra in the JCM for Point 3 at different pumpings
  76. LM spectra for Point 3
  77. Positions of the JC lines in the spectrum with detuning in the absence of pump
  78. Anticrossing in the spectra of the JCM
  79. Two QD levels as compared to the cavity mode
  80. Levels up to two excitations in the Dicke basis.
  81. Two QDs with their associated collection areas
  82. Mean number of photons in the cavity as a function of the coupling of the second dot
  83. Tangle for various detunings as a function of the common pump for two QDs
  84. Entanglement effect between two QDs in a cavity
  85. Tangle and mean number of photons for two QDs in a cavity
  86. Schema of a proposal for a transport experiment with three QDs
  87. Current intensity and tangle as a function of detuning for the three QDs
  88. Current intensity and tangle in the three QD system as a function of ``decay''
  89. Optimizing current intensity and tangle for the three QDs
  90. Mean number of photons as a function of pumping
  91. Mean number of photons and second-order coherence function as a function of pump
  92. Rabi oscillations of the QD levels as a function of time at a precarious 2PR
  93. QD levels with biexcitonic binding energy at the 2PR
  94. Rabi oscillations of the QD levels approaching the 2PR
  95. QD levels as compared to the cavity mode with a biexcitonic energy changing detuning
  96. Rabi oscillations of the QD levels changing detuning towards the 2PR
  97. Visibility of oscillations probing the resonances of the biexcitonic system
  98. SS properties as a function of detuning for a biexciton system
  99. The same for a better and for a worse cavity
  100. The same for less pump
  101. The same for a system with different biexciton binding energy and a better cavity
  102. Spectra varying detuning for the biexcitonic system

Elena del Valle ©2009-2010-2011-2012.