First order correlation function and power spectrum

The luminescence spectrum of the system through the emission of one of the dots, $ S_1(\omega)$, requires the correlator  $ \langle\ud{\sigma_1}(t)\sigma_1(t+\tau)\rangle $ in Eq. (2.75). Let us write the quantum regression formula for the most general set of operators  $ \{C_{\{m,n,\mu,\nu\}}=\ud{\sigma}_1^m\sigma_1^n\ud{\sigma}_2^\mu\sigma_2^\nu\}$, with $ m$, $ n$, $ \mu$, $ \nu\in\{0,1 \}$. The regression matrix $ M$ is defined by:

\begin{subequations}\begin{align}&M_{\substack{mn\mu\nu\\ mn\mu\nu}}=i\omega_{E1...
...u\nu\\ m,1-n,\mu,1-\nu}}=-ig[n(1-\nu)+\nu(1-n)]\,, \end{align}\end{subequations}

and zero everywhere else.

Figure 4.2: Chain of correlators--indexed by  $ \{\eta\}=(m,n,\mu,\nu)$--linked by the Hamiltonian dynamics with pump and decay for two coupled 2LS. On the left (resp., right), the set  $ \bigcup_k\mathcal{N}_k$ (resp., $ \bigcup_k\tilde{\mathcal{N}}_k$) involved in the equations of the two-time (resp., single-time) correlators. In green are shown the first manifolds  $ \mathcal{N}_1$ and $ \tilde{\mathcal{N}}_1$ that correspond to the LM (see Fig. 3.2), and in blue, the second manifold  $ \mathcal{N}_2$ and  $ \tilde{\mathcal{N}}_2$. The equation of motion  $ \langle
\ud{\sigma_1}(t)C_{\{\eta\}}(t+\tau)\rangle$ with  $ \eta\in\mathcal{N}_k$ requires for its initial value the correlator  $ \langle
C_{\{\tilde\eta\}}\rangle$ with  $ \{\tilde\eta\}\in\tilde{\mathcal{N}}_k$ defined from  $ \{\eta\}=(m,n,\mu,\nu)$ by  $ \{\tilde\eta\}=(m+1,n,\mu,\nu)$, as seen on the diagram. The thick red arrows indicate which elements are linked by the coherent (SC) dynamics, through the coupling strenght $ g$, while the green/blue thin arrows show the connections due to the incoherent QD pumpings. The sense of the arrows indicates which element is ``calling'' which in its equations. The self-coupling of each node to itself is not shown. This is where  $ \omega_{E1,E2}$ and  $ \Gamma_{1,2}$ enter. These links are obtained from the rules in Eqs. (4.4), that result in the matrices  $ \mathbf{M}_1$ and  $ \mathbf{M}_0$. The number of correlators needed to compute the spectrum is truncated naturally (with four elements) thanks to the saturation of the 2LSs.

For the computation of the spectrum, we need two more correlators and equations than in the two coupled HOs (see Fig. 3.2). In Fig. 4.2 we can see a schema of this finite set of correlators (left) and mean values (right), labelled with the indices  $ \{\eta\}=\{m,n,\mu,\nu\}$. The coherent (through $ g$) and incoherent (through $ P_{E1,E2}$) links between the various correlators, given by the regression matrix, are shown with arrows (see a detailed explanation of the figure in the caption). Thanks to the saturation of both modes, being 2LSs, we obtain a simple equation,

$\displaystyle \partial_\tau\mathbf{v}(t,t+\tau)=-\mathbf{M}_1\mathbf{v}(t,t+\tau)\,,$ (4.5)

for the correlators

$\displaystyle \mathbf{v}(t,t+\tau)= \begin{pmatrix}\langle\ud{\sigma_1}(t)\sigm...
...angle\ud{\sigma_1}(t)\sigma_1\ud{\sigma_2}\sigma_2(t+\tau)\rangle \end{pmatrix}$ (4.6)

with the matrix

$\displaystyle \mathbf{M}_1= \begin{pmatrix}i\omega_{E1}+\frac{\Gamma_1}{2} & ig...
...}&-ig\\ -P_{E2}&0&-ig&i\omega_{E1}+\Gamma_2+\frac{\Gamma_1}{2} \end{pmatrix}\,.$ (4.7)

At low excitation, this system is reduced to the LM, where only the first two correlators and columns/rows of  $ \mathbf{M}_1$ remain. The general solution (for positive $ \tau$), $ \mathbf{v}(t,t+\tau)=e^{-\mathbf{M}_1\tau}\mathbf{v}(t,t)$, leads to a correlator of the form:

$\displaystyle \langle\ud{\sigma_1}(t){\sigma_1}(t+\tau)\rangle=\sum_{p=1}^4 (l_p(t)+i k_p(t)) e^{-i\omega_p\tau}e^{-\frac{\gamma_p}{2}\tau}\,.$ (4.8)

The coefficients $ l_p(t)$ and $ k_p(t)$ depend on the dynamics of the mean values,

$\displaystyle \mathbf{v}(t,t)= \begin{pmatrix}\langle\ud{\sigma_1}\sigma_1\rang...
...rix} = \begin{pmatrix}n_1(t)\\ n_{12}(t)\\ 0\\ n_\mathrm{B}(t) \end{pmatrix}\,.$ (4.9)

Here, we have introduced some notation in order to highlight the meaning of each quantity:  $ n_i=\langle\ud{\sigma_i}\sigma_i\rangle\in\mathbb{R}$ (for $ i=1,2$) are the probabilities of having each dot excited (1 or 2), independently of the other dot's state. $ n_B\in\mathbb{R}$ is the joint probability that both dots are excited:

$\displaystyle n_B=\langle\ud{\sigma_1}\sigma_1\ud{\sigma_2}\sigma_2\rangle\,.$ (4.10)

If the QDs were uncoupled, we would have  $ n_B=n_1n_2$. The quantity  $ n_{12}\in\mathbb{C}$ is the coherence between the dots due to the direct coupling. The third mean value of vector  $ \mathbf{v}$, $ \langle\ud{\sigma_1}\ud{\sigma_1}\sigma_1\sigma_2\rangle $, is zero due to the fact that each dot can only host one exciton at a time and, therefore, $ \ud{\sigma_1}\ud{\sigma_1}=0$. This simplifies the algebra as only three elements of the first row in matrix  $ e^{-\mathbf{M}_1\tau}$ need to be computed in order to obtain the correlator of Eq. (4.8).

Note that $ n_B$ is also the population of state $ \ket{B}$ (see Fig. 4.1). The population of the intermediate state $ \ket{Ei}$, and also the probabilities of having only dot $ i$ excited, is given by $ n_{Ei}=n_i-n_B$. The population of the ground state is given by $ n_{G}=1-n_1-n_2+2n_B$. The last interesting averages are the excitation of each dot, $ n_1$ or $ n_2$, and the total excitation in the system, $ n_1+n_2$.

In order to insert these average quantities in the expression for the spectrum, they must be either time integrated in the SE case to give $ \mathbf{v}^\mathrm{SE}=\int_0^\infty \mathbf{v}(t,t)dt$ (and the coefficients $ l_p^\mathrm{SE},k_p^\mathrm{SE}$) or computed directly in the SS to give $ \mathbf{v}^\mathrm{SS}=\lim_{t\rightarrow\infty}
\mathbf{v}(t,t)$ (and the coefficients $ l_p^\mathrm{SS},k_p^\mathrm{SS}$). The normalized spectra for the direct emission of dot $ 1$ follows from our general expression as:

$\displaystyle S_1(\omega)=\frac1{\pi}\sum_{p=1}^4\left[L_p\frac{\frac{\gamma_p}...
...{\omega-\omega_p}{\big(\frac{\gamma_p}{2}\big)^2+(\omega-\omega_p)^2}\right]\,,$ (4.11)

with $ L_p=l_p/n_1$, $ K_p=k_p/n_1$ being the normalized coefficients in the SE or SS case.

Elena del Valle ©2009-2010-2011-2012.