In this Section, we consider the situation where up to two excitons can be created in a single QD, forming a biexciton. This is an interesting system for two-photon generation and several works exist on its coherent control through pulsed light, like that of Stufler et al. (2004) and Machnikowski (2008) or that of Flissikowski et al. (2004) and (2005). However, here we center our attention on the competition between two and one photon processes under incoherent continuous pump. With this excitation mechanism is more adequate to speak about 2P versus 1P lasing or gain, in a similar way than in the studies of Ning (2004) and Lambropoulos (1999).
This system can be modelled with the same Hamiltonian and master equation than the two QDs in a cavity but now we must take into account that the two excitons in the biexciton configuration form a molecule with a binding energy. As a consequence, the QD level structure is altered. This can be described with an energy correction to the Hamiltonian (6.1) of the form