To know which features of the spectral structure dominate and which are negligible, one needs to know what is the quantum state of the system. In the LM, it was enough to know the average photon () and exciton () numbers, and the off-diagonal element . In the two 2LS, only one more averaged quantity, , was necessary. In the most general case of the fermion system, a countably infinite number of parameters are required for the exact lineshape, as in the LM with interactions or the AO. The new order of complexity brought by the fermion system is illustrated for even the simplest observable. Instead of a closed relationship that provides, e.g., the populations in terms of the system parameters and pumping rates, only relations between observables can be obtained in the general case. For instance, for the populations:
When , we get the following bounds for the cavity populations in terms of the system and pumping parameters:
The second order correlator at zero delay can be expressed as a function of only:
As an overall representation of the typical systems that arise in real and desired experiments, we consider three configurations, shown in Fig. (5.13), scattered in order to give a rough representative picture of the overall possibilities, around parameters estimated by Khitrova et al. (2006). Point 1 corresponds to the best system of our selection, in the sense that its decay rates are very small ( , ), and the quantum (Hamiltonian) dynamics dominates largely the system. It is a system still outside of the experimental reach. Point 3 on the other hand corresponds to a cavity with important dissipations, that, following our analysis below, precludes the observation of any neat structure attributable to the underlying Fermi statistics. According to numerical fitting of the experiment, real structures might even be suffering higher dissipation rates (see Sec. 3.5). Point 2 represents other lead systems of the SC physics, that we will show can presents strong departure from the linear regime, in particular conditions that we will emphasize. The best semiconductor system from Fig. 5.13 is realized with microdisks, thanks to the exceedingly good cavity factors. We shall not enter into specific discussion of the advantages and inconvenient of the respective realizations and the accuracy of these estimations. From now on, we shall refer to this set of parameters as that of ``reference points'', keeping in mind that points 1 and 2 in particular represent systems that we will refer to as a ``good system'' and a ``more realistic system'', respectively.
In Fig. 5.14, the three observable of main interest for a physical understanding of the system that we have just discussed--, and --are obtained numerically for the three reference points. Electronic pumping is varied from, for all practical purposes, vanishing () to infinite () values. Various cavity pumpings are investigated and represented by the color code from no-cavity pumping (dark blue) to high, near diverging, cavity pumping (red), through the color spectrum. We checked numerically that these results satisfy Eq. (5.36). The overall behavior is mainly known, for instance the characteristic increase till a maximum and subsequent decrease of with has been predicted in a system of QD coupled to a microsphere by Benson & (1999). This phenomenon of so-called self-quenching is due to the excitation impairing the coherent coupling of the dot with the cavity: bringing in an exciton too early disrupts the interaction between the exciton-photon pair formed from the previous exciton. Therefore the pumping rate should not overcome significantly the coherent dynamics. Too high electronic pumping forces the QD to remain in its excited state and thereby prevents it from populating the cavity. In this case the cavity population returns to zero while the exciton population (or probability for the QD to be excited) is forced to one. This effect appeared as well in the two 2LSs, with the quenching of the direct emission when the dots saturated with the excitonic pump. The cavity pumping brings an interesting extension to this mechanism. First there is no quenching for the pumping of bosons that, on the contrary, have a natural tendency to accumulate and lead to a divergence. Therefore the limiting values for when or are not zero, as in the previously reported self-quenching scenario. They also happen to be different:
In the works of Mu & (1992), Ginzel et al. (1993), Jones et al. (1999), Karlovich & (2001) or Kozlovskii & (1999), important application of SC for single-atom lasing were found for good cavities 1 and 2, where the coupling is strong enough. Lasing can occur when the pumping is also large enough to overcome the total losses, . Setting , , Eqs. (5.13) can be approximately reduced to one for the total photonic probability , as it has been shown by Scully & Zubairy (2002) or Benson & (1999):
The effect of cavity pumping depends strongly on the experimental situation. In the case of an exceedingly good system, has little effect as soon as the exciton pumping is important, . Cavity pumping becomes important again in a system like 2, where it enhances significantly the output power, with the price of superpoissonian statistics (). With a poorer system like point 3, some lasing effect can be found with the aid of the cavity pump: there is a nonlinear increase of and approaches 1 for . However, the weaker the coupling, the weaker this effect until it disappears completely for decay rates outside the range plotted in Fig. 5.13. In all cases, the self-quenching leads finally to a thermal mixture of photons () and WC at large pumping.
Elena del Valle ©2009-2010-2011-2012.