- ... physics:1.1
- The
charge of the electron
, the vacuum permittivity
the reduced Planck constant
and the speed of light in
- ... nature.1.2
- In quantum
dots. I use here a terminology that I shall define more precisely
later. The main field where the terminology of polaritons apply, is
currently that of quantum wells, where their quantum character is
more disputable. However the term is gaining wide acceptance to
describe superposition of light and matter, specifically in a
quantum context. It is now even used in the atomic literature.
- ... SE.1.3
- Even the famous
exception to this rule, the ``collapse'' of the wavefunction, does
not help to resolve the issue.
- ... divergences1.4
- They would
resurface much later when his work would be scrutinized by early
quantum field theorists such as Low (1952) or quantum opticians
such as Louisell (1973).
- ... famous.1.5
- The historical background of this
important theory can be found in the Interview of Weisskopf by
T.S. Kuhn and J.L. Heilbron on July 10, 1965, Niels Bohr Library &
Archives, American Institute of Physics. Weisskopf's humility
brought him to conclude that he was the first author of the paper
with Wigner only for reasons of alphabetical order. Sadly, the
theory is now more frequently referred to as ``Wigner-Weisskopf''
- ...
- Here we must quote again Low (1952) who, in his
three complaints against the Weisskopf-Wigner theory, starts with
the problem of the excitation scheme that is approximated as a mere
initial condition. The divergence I mentioned before was his second
- ... elegantly.1.7
- Stroud
remembers the whole sequence of events in ``The Jaynes-Franken
Bet'' §30 of ``A Jewel In The Crown'', Meliora Press,
(2004). Jaynes' efforts have naturally been pursued long time after
him, see for instance the attempts by Barut & (1996), whose claims
have been, naturally, further disputed. I will leave aside further
questions on to which extent is the full-field quantization
necessary, holding to the mainstream view that it is and that both
the Lamb shift and SE are two fundamentally quantum phenomena.
- ... enhancement.1.8
- Of sodium
atoms, with an increase to
from the free-space
value of 150s
- ...
- This much quoted paper is nowadays of interest
mainly for its historical content. Better reviews for the modern
reader are given by, among others, Raimond et al. (2001),
Mabuchi & (2002), Vahala (2003), etc... There are also many
excellent textbooks now available.
- ...
- The brevity and clarity of the full abstract of their
text is exemplar and will fit comfortably in this footnote:
``The spontaneous-emission spectrum of an atom in an ideal
cavity is calculated.'' This work was part of the Ph. D. thesis
of José Javier Sánchez Mondragón.
- ...
- ``Active'' in this context means the part that
provides the electronic excitations, the excitons. A cavity without
QWs or QDs between the two Bragg mirrors is an empty cavity, a
passive element described by classical linear optics.
- ...
- Excellent reviews have been written on that topic, for instance
by Skolnick et al. (1998), Khitrova et al. (1999) or, for the most
recent developments, by Kavokin (2007); see also the textbook
by Kavokin & (2003) for a dedicated coverage of QWs
polaritons and the collection of texts edited by
Deveaud (2007) for the views of some of the leading
experts of these questions. Kavokin et al. (2007)'s textbook is
addressing these questions in a larger context and will be a useful
companion to this introduction for bridging between dimensions.
- ...
- There has been, prior to Weisbuch's
line-splitting, reports of Purcell effect in planar cavities (e.g.,
fromYokoyama et al. (1990) and Björk et al. (1991)), but I will
not discuss these because they are of interests in the context of 2D
polaritons only. We shall focus on the QD case later.
- ... wavevectors.1.14
- Often, the
mode is considered
separately from the higher modes and some arguments of 0D cQED
reappear in this particular context. Here neither, however, this
polariton ground-state can be put on a par with the single mode of a
real 0D system.
- ...ciuti04a1.15
- Ciuti et al. (2000) had already pioneered the
theory of OPO in 2D microcavities, that has been so far the system
of choice for tracking polariton superfluidity, in a theoretical
context that he also put to the front with Carusotto
(Carusotto & (2004)).
- ... structures,1.16
- Of the order of
. Same
figures are also reported by Muller et al. (2006), and more recently,
for radius size of
m by
Reitzenstein et al. (2007).
- ...
- Yablonovitch (2001) himself dub them
``semiconductors of light'' in a personal recount of the early
experimental efforts to the Scientific American, and is generally
keen to relate the two systems in his academic
discussions. Yablanovitch is one of the surest future Nobel laureate
one can envision for the near future.
- ...nosich07a.1.18
- Oddly,
the SC issue is addressed but no literature is quoted in this
- ... crystal.1.19
- ``L3'' means that
three holes in the PC patterns have been skipped to produce the
defect region that serves as the microcavity. The PC in
Fig. 1.10 is therefore L1.
- ... detail.1.20
- In their case, they suspect the effect of
a charged carrier; see their manuscript for more precisions.
- ...
- Which is ultimately quantum anyway; if the photons
are coming from the sun, for instance, they all originate
independently from the spontaneous emission of an atom, or to much
lower probability, from stimulated emission. If this seems like a
moot statement, let us remember from the atomic QED case the
controversy that arise anytime that field quantization is
deduced. Did not Lamb Jr. (1995) himself support the view that
``there is no such thing as a photon''? Such controversies can be
settled completely only with a direct, explicit demonstration of
field quantization, rather than one of its many possible logical
- ...
- Laussy et al. (2006) have considered QDs that would
exhibit an intermediate case between bosons and fermions, but their
approach does not lend itself to an exact computation of the PL
lines. They have resorted to a Lorentzian approximation and followed
a manifold method that I explain later and find also useful,
although limited.
- ...
is the exciton Bohr radius,
is the
dimension of the system and
the density of excitons.
- ...
and summing over
gives the result.
- ... distribution.2.3
- Discovered by
S. D. Poisson and published in 1838 in his work ``Research on the
Probability of Judgments in Criminal and Civil Matters''.
- ...
- A projector
is an operator such as
that, when applied
, returns the state
with its weight
. This is zero if
- ...
- The fact that a single mode of thermal light is
first-order coherent was not clearly understood before Glauber.
- ...representation,2.6
- The
representation is the counterpart of the Wigner representation for
the density matrix, in normal ordering of the characteristic
function. This is therefore an object of great importance in quantum
optics, given the role of normal order with respect to detection, as
I have discussed previously. It can also be understood as the weight
of the state in the basis of coherent states,
. This representation has been
advocated by Glauber in his foundations of quantum optics and by
Sudarshan (1963), although with an antagonist interpretation of
its meaning.
- ...
- See footnote 4.
- ...
- The operator
had implicit this possibility in
its expression as
- ...
- I use the notation
. Another
common notation is with curly brackets.
- ... Approximation2.10
- The Rotating Wave Approximation in this
context allows to write the coupling as
Eq. (2.54), i.e., neglecting the energy
non-conserving terms
- ... reads:2.11
- Note that this formula is, strictly
speaking, an arcane mathematical result in the theory of stochastic
processes. There,
is a measurement of the strength of
the fluctuations of the Fourier component at frequency
. It
has no strict connection with a physical signal, as both infinite
negative and positive times are required for its demonstration,
which violates causality among other things. A rigorous derivation
of a physical optical spectrum based on the photon detection
arguments introduced in Section 2.1, has
been given by Eberly & Wodkiewicz (1977) and used in the seminal
investigations of luminescence lines of strongly-coupled systems. We
already explained why we still prefer the mathematical, ideal limit,
over the physical spectrum.
- ...sec:publications.3.1
- The corresponding entries in
the Bibliography appear as
Laussy et al. (2008b,2009,2008a).
- ... character.3.2
- An example of a
fundamental complication is that the emission is enhanced in the
cavity mode and suppressed otherwise, and the exciton lifetime is
typically much longer, so the exciton direct emission is much
weaker. An example of a technical complication is that the exciton
detection should be made at some angle as compared to the direction
of the cavity emission. Practically, a lot of samples are grown on
the same substrate and, therefore, both the substrates and other
samples hinder the lateral access to one given sample, whereas they
are all equally accessible from above.
- ... functions3.3
- This
was first shown by C. Hermite in 1858 in his publication "Sulla
risoluzione delle equazioni del quinto grado." Annali di math. pura
ed appl. 1, 256-259.
- ... experiment3.4
- The authors place it at
eV but from a Lorentzian fit of the 5K curve in the
assumption that the system is not strongly-coupled here, where our
model shows this to be a poor approximation.
- ...
- In some form, such symmetry requirements are
responsible for the exchange interaction.
- ...).4.2
- That is, pictorially, when the structure of levels and
transitions in Fig. 6.1 (which also
represents our system if we ignore the cavity mode) are rotated by
180º or, mathematically, when the rising and lowering operators are
inverted. We already pointed out this symmetry in
Sec. 2.4 when we introduced the 2LS
master equation.
- ...sec:publications.5.1
- The corresponding entries in
the Bibliography appear as del Valle et al. (2009,2008) and
Laussy &Valle (2009).
- ...
- Cf. Eq. (2.101) for the HO
alone and Eq. (3.4b) when in a cavity.
- ...#tex2html_wrap_inline38773#5.3
- In this
Section, the spectra is normalized to the mean number
instead of one. The reason is to better appreciate the spectral
asymmetries with detuning that manifest in the lineshapes but also
in the intensity.
- ...:5.4
- The function
is defined as 0 for
- ...sec:publications,6.1
- The corresponding
entries in the Bibliography appear as
del Valle, Laussy, Troiani & Tejedor (2007a); del Valle, Troiani & (2007); del Valle, Laussy & (2007); del Valle, Laussy, Troiani & Tejedor (2007b).
- ... Poissonian-like6.2
- Numerically,
2PR and
for 1PR.
- ...#tex2html_wrap_inline41657#6.3
- We
analyze again the not normalized spectra in order to better
appreciate the combined effect in lineshape and intensity that the
2PR and 1PR produce.
- ... especificidades7.1
- Ver en la
Fig. 1.15 el esquema de los Hamiltonianos
usados en cada Capítulo.
- ... emisión7.2
- El espectro
de un sistema es la probabilidad de emitir fotones dada la
- ... partículas7.3
- La reflexión en las paredes de la
cavidad no es perfecta, permitiendo la pérdida de fotones de vez en
cuando. Esto provoca una ``interupción'' del acoplo con los
excitones aunque también nos da la posibilidad de estudiar lo que
sucede dentro de la cavidad.
- ...decoherencia7.4
- Como decoherencia se conocen los efectos
de la ``interrupción'' del acoplo luz-materia por el contacto
incontrolado con el exterior, como el escape de fotones o la
inyección de un flujo de partículas.
- ... buenos7.5
- Se consideran sistemas buenos para cQDE
aquellos que dejan escapar pocos fotones, producen interacción
fuerte y son limpios en elementos ajenos.
- ... Rabi7.6
- Frecuencia a la que oscilan los
- ...
- Un sistema es de naturaleza cuántica o se encuentra
en un régimen cuántico cuando se ve afectado por la presencia o
ausencia de una sola partícula.
- ...entanglement7.8
- Entanglement es un tipo de correlación
que se establece entre elementos de un sistema cuántico, provocando
una dependencia mutua sin análogo en el mundo clásico.
- ... specificities,7.9
- See
Fig. 1.15 for the schema of Hamiltonian
models used in each Chapter.