(11 intermediate revisions by one user not shown)
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[[WLV XI/QHD|Quantum Mechanics in higher dimensions]].
# [[WLP XI/QHD|Quantum Mechanics in higher dimensions]].
[[WLV XI/1ND|One particle in $n$D]].
<!--coupled Schrödinger equations-->
[[WLV XI/Ladders|Ladder operators in spherical coordinates]].
# [[WLP XI/1ND|The 2D Harmonic Oscillator]].
[[WLV XI/Foundations|Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Mechanics]]. <!-- CSCO -->
# [[WLP XI/Ladders|Ladder operators in spherical coordinates]].
[[WLV XI/Polar|Schrödinger equation in polar coordinates]].
<!--2D wavepackets-->
[[WLV XI/Radial|The Radial equation]].
# [[WLP XI/CSCO|Complete set of Commuting Observables]].
[[WLV XI/OldTheory|Old quantum theory (Bohr's model of the atom)]].
# [[WLP XI/Polar|Schrödinger equation in polar coordinates]].
[[WLV XI/ModernTheory|Modern theory of the hydrogen atom]].
# [[WLP XI/Radial|The Radial equation]].
[[WLV XI/HWavefunctions|Hydrogen Wavefunctions]].
# [[WLP XI/OldTheory|Old quantum theory (Bohr's model of the atom)]].
[[WLV XI/Helium|Helium]].
# [[WLP XI/ModernTheory|Modern theory of the hydrogen atom]].
[[WLV XI/AM3D|Angular momentum in 3D]]. Quantum Algebra]].
# [[WLP XI/HWavefunctions|Hydrogen Wavefunctions]].
[[WLV XI/AM|Eigenstates and eigenvalues of angular momentum]].
# [[WLP XI/AM3D|Angular momentum in 3D. Quantum Algebra]].
[[WLV XI/Spin|Spin]].
# [[WLP XI/AM|Eigenstates and eigenvalues of angular momentum]].
[[WLV XI/AddSpin|Addition of spin]].
# [[WLP XI/Spin|Spin]].
[[WLV XI/N1D|$n$ particles in 1D]].
# [[WLP XI/Spin12|Spin 1/2]].
[[WLV XI/AtomsChemistry|Atoms & Chemistry]].
# [[WLP XI/AddSpin|Addition of spin]].
[[WLV XI/EinsteinSolid|Einstein solid]].
# [[WLP XI/N1D|$n$ particles in 1D]].
[[WLV XI/QuantumStatistics|Quantum statistics]].
# [[WLP XI/AtomsChemistry|Atoms & Chemistry]].
[[WLV XI/VariationPrinciple|Variational principle]].
# [[WLP XI/SolidCondMat|Solid state and condensed matter]].
[[WLV XI/WKB|WKB approximation]].
# [[WLP XI/VariationPrinciple|Variational principle]].
[[WLV XI/Perturbation1|Perturbation theory (time-independent)]].
# [[WLP XI/Perturbation1|Perturbation theory]].
[[WLV XI/Perturbation2|Perturbation theory (time-dependent)]].
# [[WLP XI/Perturbation2|Time-dependent hamiltonians]].
[[WLV XI/EPR|EPR correlations]].
# [[WLP XI/BerryPhase|Berry phase]].

Latest revision as of 16:49, 26 April 2023

  1. Quantum Mechanics in higher dimensions.
  2. The 2D Harmonic Oscillator.
  3. Ladder operators in spherical coordinates.
  4. Complete set of Commuting Observables.
  5. Schrödinger equation in polar coordinates.
  6. The Radial equation.
  7. Old quantum theory (Bohr's model of the atom).
  8. Modern theory of the hydrogen atom.
  9. Hydrogen Wavefunctions.
  10. Angular momentum in 3D. Quantum Algebra.
  11. Eigenstates and eigenvalues of angular momentum.
  12. Spin.
  13. Spin 1/2.
  14. Addition of spin.
  15. $n$ particles in 1D.
  16. Atoms & Chemistry.
  17. Solid state and condensed matter.
  18. Variational principle.
  19. Perturbation theory.
  20. Time-dependent hamiltonians.
  21. Berry phase.