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Fabrice's Blog

Leçons d'outre tombe

It is now confirmed by mainstream media that Prof. Luc Montagnier, discoverer of the RNA replication mechanism and awardee of the Nobel prize for his work on the HIV, passed away two days ago. The information has been broken and circulated in a timely manner by France-Soir, which triggered either condemnation of the claim as fake or an embargo on its diffusion. This allowed a quite unique circumstance of a popular tribute by admirers of the character unpolluted by politicians and the authorized press, de facto silenced by their incompetence.

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Luc Montagnier passed away

Or did he? As I write, the information has been announced by France Soir over 23h ago

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but there is no mention whatsoever on any mainstream, official source.

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Another New Year

2022, it's full of two, full of "too" too, it's been years that—pondering on what the future will bring us—I keep commenting on how things keep worsening irremediably towards a catastrophic event that will snap and result in a major collapse of society, if not civilization. But since it remains true for all points on the curve, that even an exponential growth is locally linear, things never look so dramatic from one day to the next even if they are going much worse now than they were one year ago. Remember, indeed, such a year as the last one, where "quarantine camps" [1] have been opened, where mandatory vaccination has been ordered in several places [2], coercing people who refuse the inoculation of an experimental product of dubious interest for an illness pausing a dubious threat to the general population, by firing them ("no jab, no job") [3] and depriving them from social aid after that [4], limiting their right to go out in shops and businesses [5], facing incarceration in, this time, actual jail [6][7], and, overall, losing their status of human beings [8][9] to be qualified instead of monsters and sociopaths who don't belong anywhere [10]. Remember, as well, that people have been shot at with real bullets when protesting peacefully against such measures [11]. All this happened. And here is the real danger to humanity: segregation, coercion, mass hysteria and authoritarian abuse of a fraction of the population with the blessings, if not encouragement, of the state and another fraction of the same population. And above all, normalization of such atrocities.

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Halloween literature

«Back in September, I told my 9 year-old that he'd get his first shot of a COVID vaccine by Halloween»

This is not the opening line of a horror novel, but a serious comment from Ashish K. Jha, MD, MPH @ashishkjha, a Dean of something somewhere. If you do not feel the thrill of such a morbid association, maybe the comments, that I screenshot below as a snapshot of growing insanity, will clarify the tones of this picture. To me, they are beyond belief, painting a world where children's greatest aspiration is to "get the jab", celebrating "Vaccine-o-ween" and being "independently minded kid" for demonstrating frustration and anxiety at the delay of their injection. This is child abuse from people that have been indoctrinated at an embarrassing level. Read again the opening line. Do we want medical doctors and childhood to make such bondings?

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What a picture can say

Look at this man.


What does he inspire you? Friend or fiend?

Are we looking at a benefactor of Humanity, a medical doctor, a philosopher who soothed our angst at existence, a poet, maybe?

Or are we instead looking at a corrupt banker, a fanatic who agitated the most vile passions, a war criminal maybe?

A new visage whose good or criminal deeds are yet unknown always raises the question of whether the deeper inclinations of the person behind the face can be resolved from their appearance.

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Censoring Luboš Motl

Censorship is going at a speed never seen before in any society that qualifies itself of democratic and remotely believes to hold some amount of freedom and liberties. Some of the recent highlights include censorship of the president of the United States and then in its wake, of a series of other officials, politicians, intellectuals, scientists, artists, etc., in addition to many less known activists. All this happens chiefly on YouTube and Twitter, with a worrying silence from the big majority of people, not to say consent and approval. It went one step further today with direct censorship of someone's private blog. This is not anecdotical because it's one thing to monitor a wide-audience platform, with the invalid but at least plausible excuse that you have to play by their rules, and to go after someone's personal property.

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My covid reading list

The gloomy future which I was alluding to in my previous reading list is slowly but surely setting itself at ease in our daily lives. There is increasing massive and systematic surveillance, with France being particularly keen at leading the way towards a dystopian nightmare that we have been warned against so many times. One of the ironic tragedies of this great reset is that it will reset everything in its wake, including our literary heritage: Hugo, Lamartine, Bernanos (from the French side), Orwell, Huxley, Vonnegut (from the English one), they all become obsolete in the built back better world of which they warned us against.

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Understanding covid

There is broadly two attitudes one can have regarding covid: either you see the evil in the virus itself, either you see the evil with much more familiar forms at the interface of politics and finance.

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A New Year

Most of my New Year blog posts actually comment in one way or another on how unfit the current situation is to wish for happiness, but this Year, I will take an extra step and actually skip this indecency altogether. It is clear that this Year 2021 will be a miserable, terrible, painful and horrifying one. For many. Maybe for most. Therefore, I present everybody—ourselves—my sorrows and sympathy for the difficult times to come.

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The 46th president of the United States

Joe Biden has been declared the 46th president of the United States. By the media, but it seems to be accepted now that they are the ones to decide, not the legal system, not the court, nor the state and certainly not the current office which gets silenced 40s into their assessment of the situation.

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Ryssen in jail

I am not one bit better than the meanest on earth. I said then, and I say now, that while there is a lower class, I am in it, and while there is a criminal element I am of it, and while there is a soul in prison, I am not free.

France just sent a writer, Hervé Lalin, known as Hervé Ryssen, to jail for nine months. For his writings.

In the same week, the French president (Macron) made a flamboyant speech in the defense of total freedom of speech in his country with also, simultaneously, all major newspapers launching a common call in defense of freedom of speech, of writing and of drawing. But not for Ryssen. He is behind bars as I write. Of him, I know very little. He seems to be a self-declared antisemite, a racist and has a few theories of his own ranging from incestuous practices of the Jewish people to satanic expression in Holywood's movies. I don't know, really, but now, more than I want to, I feel that I have to.

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My confinement reading list

Easter is an important holiday break for us: that's typically when we make the most interesting and exploratory trip of the year. In 2018, it was badly spoilt by my intestine troubles, for which I had to be hospitalized for a few days, only to be hospitalized, this time for surgery and for about ten weeks, a few months later. This took in its wake the best of this year's holidays which had been craftily prepared for a great narrow-boating trip in south Wales. Last year, we visited Easter Spain, and still have in memory the shock of meeting Albarracín, a place which seems to have not yet heard about the Reconquista. This year we had planned to visit the Portugal which we have neglected, that is, all that lies between the Algarve and Porto, passing by one of my favorite region of Spain, also greatly neglected, Extremadura. But this time, it's not me, it's the World which is sick.

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The 1001 tweets

I've been on Twitter since November (2009), which is very late actually (I've been on the Internet since 1993). It was in a time when social media were not yet a big thing. I was very much against facebook (and still am), but someone, now a top editor in a big journal, convinced me to give it all a try. I hated facebook even more after trying it. But I actually came to enjoy Twitter.

And now that some #10YearsChallenge gets trending there, it was a nice occasion to go down through my entire stream. Sadly, Twitter doesn't let you do that. I'm blocked beyond 2014. One can still download one's full dataset, though, which I did, but it comes without any friendly interface to browse them (it used to). In the process, however, I also noticed that I just passed a thousand tweets! No that much given some people would easily write such an amount in a week, and read as much in a day or less. Still, this is agreeable to go down memory lane. This is a selection of a few interesting events that one can still access in my twitter feed.

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A revolution in progress

Something not unique, but quite rare, seems to be happening in France. The country, which once was leading the nations to aspire to new models of civilization nurtured by freedom and human rights, and was inspiring the world towards these universal ideals, later took its turn to join a queue for some sort of political balconing to explore how private and corporate interests could maximally spoil the people's fundamental rights and common good.

The country that once was that of du Guesclin, of Jeanne d'Arc, of Robespierre, of Desaix, of Victor Hugo, of Lamartine, of Bernanos and of de Gaulle, became the country of Pompidou, of Giscard, of Chirac, of Sarkozy and of Hollande, in an observably worsening sequence. Each next president of the French republic was less popular than the previous one. For the latter in the series, the indicators even became qualitative: Sarkozy was the first president not to be re-elected and Hollande was the first to not even try. And then came Macron.

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The "great war", only a century behind us

It is unsettling to consciously realize that there is only one unit of human history (a century) that separates us from the great war (!?). I remember the same odd feeling of History suddenly shrinking to a speck of insignificant duration at the occasion of the bicentenary of the French revolution, which was the first of the decisive turning points leading to our contemporary society: the revolution leading to the first war, the first to the second and the second leading us to where we are now (see Jean Dutour for the details of this sequence would this not be evident). The French revolution, however disruptive and terrible it was, still carried at least the illusion of a step forward. It made such a great impression on such a great man as Victor Hugo. With the first war just behind him, Bernanos, the most visionary writer of his time, was already observing that "le visage du monde devenait hideux" (en). After the second, it was plain for everybody to see its traumatic proportions. In this droplet of time that separates us from the first war, three generations of my ancestors have gone. It almost took me out as well.

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My Hospital, July (2018), reading list: Vonnegut

Slaughterhouse-Five is Vonnegut's masterpiece, and the second book of him I read (after Cat's cradle). I enjoyed it so much I naturally turned to the rest of his work, with the anxiety that the minor pieces would not be up to the famous ones (a problem with every author). Vonnegut is a peculiar writer, with strange sci-fi plots and uncanny characters whose recurrences throughout his work make you feel there is a thread to follow. Reading the synopsis of his works does not really make you crave to read them. The titles, in particular, are, to my taste, extremely poor. Even the book covers are, for some reason, repelling. It looks like every care has been taken by both the author and the people in charge of his marketing to make you flee away. It all changes, however, when you open the book and start reading.

A sum of money is a leading character in this tale about people, just as a sum of honey might properly be a leading character in a tale about bees.

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Hearing Big Ben one last time!

How shocking! Big Ben has gone silent until 2021! That's a recording of our last hearing of it:

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My May (2017) reading list: on political turmoil

Since I have recently worried more than on average (this is a constant preoccupation) on political turmoil, oppression and dictatorship, etc., in the wake of the American political landscape, brexit, and, of course, the French elections, I have put back at the top of my list some old-time classics that I have wanted to read for a long time, plus a political essay/documentary from someone I personally know:

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On the coming French 2017 presidential election

In the French presidential debate [1], where the liberal discourse was confronting the nationalistic one, but which everybody agrees was of terrible quality, full of unwarranted aggressiveness, insults, belittling of the other, etc., the pathetic Marine Le Pen had one good rhetorical line: "whoever wins the election, a woman will govern France, either me or Mrs. Merkel(?!).

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In 5 μm GaAs microdisks

Our 2nd edition of Microcavities is going fast towards its 2nd edition.

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