Something not unique, but quite rare, seems to be happening in France. The country, which once was leading the nations to aspire to new models of civilization nurtured by freedom and human rights, and was inspiring the world towards these universal ideals, later took its turn to join a queue for some sort of political balconing to explore how private and corporate interests could maximally spoil the people's fundamental rights and common good.
The country that once was that of du Guesclin, of Jeanne d'Arc, of Robespierre, of Desaix, of Victor Hugo, of Lamartine, of Bernanos and of de Gaulle, became the country of Pompidou, of Giscard, of Chirac, of Sarkozy and of Hollande, in an observably worsening sequence. Each next president of the French republic was less popular than the previous one. For the latter in the series, the indicators even became qualitative: Sarkozy was the first president not to be re-elected and Hollande was the first to not even try. And then came Macron.
Macron is the gravedigger of France. Elected by the banks with Adolphe Thier's sleight of democratic hand, his job is to close the chapter of France as a nation. To liquidate what remains and is worthy of being sold and to cement a legal system of economic slavery and transfer the policial rule to some more distant and higher authority. This is not anecdotical because France was the first, and thus is also the oldest, nation in existence. To achieve its transition from a land of personal freedom and individual dignity to a mere province of an economic and federal union, where the human being turns into a citizen (see Ora 25), is to annihilate this "certain idea of France" of de Gaulle, where "liberté, égalité, fraternité" has its true meaning instead of the Orwellian decoration for the institutions that instead secure "slavery, nepotism and hierarchy".
Among the anthology of Macron's wisdom, one finds such illustrative statements as "There is no French culture" or "A train station, it's a place where you meet both people who succeed and people who are nothing". This is the antagonism of France. Could you really say this in the country of Bernanos?
Could you say this in the country of Charles de Gaulle?
Could you say this, in the country of Victor Hugo?
Something seems to be happening in France. This spirit is breathing again in its people. While the country is now at its apex of liberalism aggressivity, of people apathy, of capitalistic chaos, of societal indifference, while people are suffering record levels of poverty and exploitation, these people who are nothing took the street again, and are on their way to Paris, to change not their daily routine, not the index of the minimum wage, not the price of gas, not even to change France itself, but to change the World. Victor Hugo again:
What is happening in France is not a protest, it is not a revolt, it is not a rebellion. It is a revolution. All french boys learn in school (or they used to) the instinctive reply of la Rochefoucauld-Liancourt to Louix XVI who was awoken to be informed of the taking of the Bastille:
We are many to feel the same frenzy of a boiling popular turmoil, we have the same conviction of an impending structural change. Since the movement started, with this brilliant use of a rallying symbol—turning the Gilets Jaunes into contemporary Sans-Culottes—I sense, along with everybody else, that it is unstoppable and will lead to a profound and during alteration in the occidental society, that could realise today's ideals of democracy: référendum d’initiative citoyenne, assemblée constituante, élection et suffrage par tirage au sort.
Or something else, who knows where a revolution can go? Especially as all revolutions get eventually betrayed and corrupted. The French revolution brought us to the oppressing, fake-democratic model that we have today, where people are enslaved by an illusion of economic liberty and personal freedom. The Commune de Paris was thwarted in a bloodshed. All other attempts did not even get close to anything of value. It is possible that the Gilets Jaunes will likewise be replaced by something worse than what they actually strive to replace, that they will finish to wipe clean the spirit of their old nation, but in the attempt, in the healthy and proud jolt of the free people to put some limit to their oppression, to deprivations, to humiliations, there should be some incursion into the greater ideals that humanity is pursuing, and that the French people have always pioneered. Tomorrow, something will happen: whether the police will change side and the government will flee or be overthrown, or whether Paris will burn down into flames and the power will have to reveal its true dictatorial nature, something will change forever. Some masks will have to fall. It is about to start... The people will meet their destiny, again.