Luc Montagnier passed away

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Or did he? As I write, the information has been announced by France Soir over 23h ago

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but there is no mention whatsoever on any mainstream, official source.

Montagnier was a Nobel prize, for something quite momentous (VIH) and also someone who was in the limelight recently for his declarations regarding the covid pandemic, in particular the laboratory origin of the virus which he was the first, to my knowledge, to guarantee based on recognizing patterns of VIH & malaria in it. At the time, I was very suspicious. I am now only suspicious as increasing evidence piles up to favour what would be, frankly, the biggest scandal of my lifetime. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, so I didn't pay much attention at the time, also due to the fact that Montagnier was already known to be controversial ahead of the covid business, for his declarations on water memory (which I also did no pay much attention to, so with no strong opinion on what it really looks like when you study all parties' side, not only that of the "scientific consensus" which often is tainted by politics).

At any rate, he was someone important, whose death should have received instant attention from all the usual media and governmental offices. He died in a hospital. How difficult can it be for well-informed institutions to get a reliable confirmation? Instead, a complete black-out, at the same time than this is widely circulated on the internet, with already thousands of tributes having being paid. But there is no mention whatsoever from any official medium, let alone a tribute, be it the press, the government, institutes, etc. The most official confirmation so far is from Didier Raoult, just about 10 minutes ago, so not really something you could class among the mainstream anyway:

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What are the headlines of the French press in the meantime?

  1. Le Monde: Au procès des attentats du 13-Novembre, les paradoxes de Salah Abdeslam : « Je ne suis pas un danger pour la société »
  2. Le Figaro: L'Indonésie commande 42 avions de combat Rafale, un nouveau succès à l'international.
  3. Libération: Superprofits : ça repart comme en CAC 40.
  4. 20 minutes: La Russie et la Biélorusse lancent des manoeuvres militaires, Paris s'inquiète...
  5. Le Parisien: Covid-19: moins de 200 000 cas par jour en moyenne en France, une première depuis un mois.
  6. Les Échos: L'Indonésie achète six Rafale et prévoit d'en commander 36 supplémentaires.
  7. L'Express: Dans la famille Bolloré, les cathos sociaux, les cathos tradis et le catho "cool".

And of course, no mention among the scrambled items that they cover (all the same, in different orders). This is as if there were two alternative realities: the one of the mainstream, of Jacinda Ardern, and the one of the people, of the outsiders. Which one is that which matches with the tangible reality?

That is unbelievable. Shocking. What has information come to? Are they just incompetent, and unable to validate a piece of information of this magnitude and ready access? Or are they deeming the information not of interest, censoring it in a pure Stalin or Franco-style? We are not speaking of the demise of a dictator... This is unbelievable.

Would these hiatus be instigated by Montagnier himself, who would have instructed not to feed mainstream media and leave it to themselves to work it out, that would have been a genius move from a mastermind.

For now, I must still, following the rule of extraordinary claims requiring extraordinary evidence, assume that this is a collective illusion, a "fake-news", a school case of intoxication that affected such serious people as Henrion Caude (from whom I learned the fact) or Raoult.

We'll see. That's an interesting development in any case.