Line 227: Line 227:
Of course, this remains trivially true for numbers $>1$, so that finally, Eq. \eqref{eq:floatsencoding} has an extra free bit, and the encoding is really over 53 bits although only 52 are stored!
Of course, this remains trivially true for numbers $>1$, so that finally, Eq. \eqref{eq:floatsencoding} has an extra free bit, and the encoding is really over 53 bits although only 52 are stored! Each exponent covers for the same number of $2^{52}$ numbers, but with a different range, with more numbers packed towards small numbers.
Write Julia functions to convert decimal numbers—both integer or fractional—into their binary representation. [[WLP_VI/Numbers/exbin|Answer]]
Write Julia functions to convert decimal numbers—both integer or fractional—into their binary representation. ([[WLP_VI/Numbers/exbin|Answer]])
How about zero, though? This number doesn't fit in this normal scheme and so we have to "denormalize" it to include this much needed exception, that happens when
How about zero, though? This number doesn't fit in this normal scheme and so we have to "denormalize" it to include this much needed exception. This happens when:
* the exponent is zero
* the exponent is zero
Line 257: Line 257:
$$1.(00\text{--51-zeros--}00)1\times 2^{-1023}=(1+2^{-52})\times2^{-1023}=1.11\times10^{-308}$$
$$1.(00\text{--51-zeros--}00)1\times 2^{-1023}=(1+2^{-52})\times2^{-1023}=1.11\times10^{-308}$$
which is very small, fine, but..., this makes a strange gap from zero! Note that there is a gap when changing exponent, that is a bit larger than the gaps on both sides (the gap doubles when changing from one power to the next), namely, 3 times and 1.5 times as large than the smaller, larger numbers, respectively, but this remains a minor change. Compare, however, the case
which is very small, fine, but..., this makes a strange gap from zero! Note that there is a gap when changing exponent, that is a bit larger than the gaps on both sides (the gap doubles when changing from one power to the next), namely, 3 times and 1.5 times as large than the smaller, larger numbers, respectively, but this remains a minor change. But that is nowhere as abrupt as the so-called "underflow" gap. To fill-this gap up, and allow for better calculation, a different convention is used when the exponent is zero. Namely, the leading digit, always assumed to be there for so-called "normal" numbers, is then removed, and one goes directly:
$$(-1)^{\text{sign}}\sum_{i=1}^{52}b_{52-i}2^{-i}\times 2^{\text{exponent}-1022}$$
where the exponent remains $-1022$, not $-1023$ as would have been the "normal" continuation (but we're denormal now!) This is such as to fill-up the gap nicely:
* Smallest denormal number: $2^{-52}\times 2^{-1022}\approx 4.94\times10^{-324}$ (julia gives this as <tt>eps(0.0)</tt> that evaluates to <tt>5.0e-324</tt>
* Smallest denormal number: $2^{-52}\times 2^{-1022}\approx 4.94\times10^{-324}$ (julia gives this as <tt>eps(0.0)</tt> that evaluates to <tt>5.0e-324</tt>
Line 274: Line 278:
julia> nextfloat(pi*1.0)
julia> nextfloat(pi*1.0)
Denormal numbers are appealing but they come with their problems. One is that involving exceptions to the rule, they are typically much slower to process than normal numbers. Another is that they do not have 53 bits of precision. The smallest denormal number is really one-bit accurate and dividing it by 2 results in exactly zero:
julia> eps(0.0)/2.0
Compare with normal numbers:
julia> floatmin()
julia> issubnormal(ans)
julia> floatmin()/2
julia> issubnormal(ans)
One should not confuse the smallest number the computer can assume with the so-called machine-epsilon, which is the precision of the significant, so $\approx 2^{-52}\approx 2.2\times10^{-16}$. This is given by <tt>eps()</tt> or found by the machine with this simple algorithm:
epsilon = 1.0;
while (1.0 + 0.5 * epsilon) ≠ 1.0
    epsilon = 0.5 * epsilon

Revision as of 23:29, 21 February 2021

Crash Course in Scientific Computing

VI. Numbers

The device also functioned as an ordinary calculator, but only to a limited degree. It could handle any calculation which returned an answer of anything up to "4". "1 + 1" it could manage ("2"), and "1 + 2" ("3") and "2 + 2" ("4") or "tan 74" ("3.4874145"), but anything above "4" it represented merely as "A Suffusion of Yellow". Dirk was not certain if this was a programming error or an insight beyond his ability to fathom.

Douglas Adams, The long dark tea time of the soul.

Numbers are ultimately what computers deal with, and their classification is a bit different than the one we have seen in Platonic Mathematics where we introduced the big family of numbers as $\mathbb{N}$, $\mathbb{Z}$, $\mathbb{Q}$, $\mathbb{R}$ and $\mathbb{C}$. The basic numbers are bits, which were the starting point of the course. We have seen already how integers derive from them by grouping several bits, basically changing from base 2 to base 10 or base 16 (hexadecimal). There is much more to the story, as can be seen from the following line of code we used in our definition of the Collatz sequence:

if n%2==0

Note that we used integer division, which turns the even integer, e.g., 42, into another integer:

julia> 42÷2

Compare this to standard division:

julia> 42/2

The result looks the same, but these are actually different types of numbers. Julia offers typeof() to tell us about the so-called "type" of the object:

julia> typeof(21)

julia> typeof(21.0)

That also works with other variables:

julia> typeof("hi")

julia> typeof('!')

but today we are concerned with numbers. The different types refer to which set of values a variable of this type can take and how many bits are required to encode it. It can be Int (for integer, or whole number, a subset of $\mathbb{Z}$) in which case it can also be U (i.e., UInt) for unsigned (a subset of $\mathbb{N}$) or Float (for floating-point, or rational, a subset of $\mathbb{Q}$. The number of bits is given in the type: UInt128 is a signed integer with 128 bits and Float64 is floating-point with 64 bits. There are symbolic supports for higher types as we shall see later on.

Depending on the architecture of your microprocessor, the basic Int is defined as Int32 (32-bits architecture) or Int64. You can figure it out by asking:

julia> Int

Even if you work on a 32-bits architecture, if you define numbers that don't fit in 32 bits, they will be encoded with 64 bits. If you go beyond 64 bits, you get an overflow:

julia> 2^64

The command bitstring() gives you how a number is encoded as bits. Here is the computer counting up to 3:

julia> [bitstring(i) for i∈0:3]
4-element Array{String,1}:

A lot of bits for nothing (1st line).

Julia by default use hexadecimal for unsigned integers:


You can convert that back into decimals by mixing with a neutral element (0 for addition, 1 for multiplication), but this changes the type:

julia> 1*0xa

julia> typeof(ans)

The unsigned values of a variable range from $0$ to $2^{N}-1$ (the $-1$ because of $0$), while if it's signed, one bit must go to the sign information which reduces the range to $-2^{N-1}$ to $2^{N-1}-1$: there are more negative numbers than positive!

so the maximum value for the default integer (on a 64-bits architecture) is thus $2^{63}-1=9\,223\,372\,036\,854\,775\,807$ or about $9\times10^{18}$, nine quintillions. That's a bit number: a million million million, or a billion billion. We can get this number from:

julia> typemax(Int64)

or, equivalently:

julia> 2^63-1

If, however, we ask for

julia> 2^63

This is called an overflow. On the positive side (no pun intended), UInt bring us farther but Julia encodes them in hexadecimal, understanding that if they have no signs, they behave as computer pointers, or addresses. Therefore:

julia> typemax(UInt)


julia> 0xffffffffffffffff+1

Overflow again, although there is a UInt128 type, the computer doesn't refer to them automatically. Unfortunately, it appears one can't force the machine to do it either, as still, not yet:

julia> x::UInt128=0xffffffffffffffff
ERROR: syntax: type declarations on global variables are not yet supported

so one has to find a way out:

julia> 0x0ffffffffffffffff

julia> typeof(0x0ffffffffffffffff)

in which case the arithmetics works again:

julia> 0x0ffffffffffffffff+1

at a cost to memory though:

julia> bitstring(0xffffffffffffffff)

julia> bitstring(0x0ffffffffffffffff+1)

How could we figure out which number is

julia> typemax(UInt128)

There are two ways, a lawful one and a sophisticated one (There's also a cunning way; you can team up with the computer. This is twice the following:

julia> typemax(Int128)


We start with the lawful one, turning to Floats.

Floats are the type of so-called "floating-point arithmetic", which is a beautiful expression to refer to decimal numbers, such as 1.4142135623730951 (a computer approximation to $\sqrt{2}$. When dealing with such computer-abstraction of real numbers, one has to worry about the range (how far one can go in the big numbers $|x|\gg1$) and precision (how far one can go in the small numbers $|x|\ll1$).


The widely accepted convention is that defined by the IEEE 754 double precision floating point number.

  • The 1-bit sign is 0 for positive, 1 for negative. Simple (we started the course with this fact).
  • The 11-bits exponent can take $2^{11}=2048$ values, with an offset of 1023 to cover both positive and negative powers:
    • 0 subnormal numbers.
    • $1\to 2^{-1023+1}=2^{-1022}\approx 2\times10^{-308}$
    • $2\to 2^{-1023+2}=2^{-1021}\approx 4\times10^{-308}$
    • ...
    • $k$ with $1\le k\le2047\to 2^{-1023+k}$
    • ...
    • $1023\to 2^0=1$
    • ...
    • $2047\to 2^{-1023+2047}=2^{1024}\approx 2\times10^{308}$
    • $2048\to $ special numbers: NaN and $\infty$.
  • The 52-bits mantissa (or significand, or precision), give the value which is to be scaled by the powers:

$$(-1)^{\text{sign}}(1.b_{51}b_{50}...b_{0})_{2}\times 2^{\text{exponent}-1023}$$


$$\tag{1}(-1)^{\text{sign}}\left(1+\sum _{i=1}^{52}b_{52-i}2^{-i}\right)\times 2^{\text{exponent}-1023}$$

When encoding numbers in binary, there is an interesting oddity, which is that one gets a bit for free, namely, the leading bit, which is always 1 whatever the number (except for 0). Indeed, 0.75, for instance, is $7.5\times 10^{-1}$ in decimal floating-point notation and while it's the number 7 (that could have been 3 if this was 0.3) in base 10, in base 2, this always become 1 since by definition one brings the first one to leading figure, therefore it is always redundant (except if, again, for the one-number zero)

  • $0.75\to 0.11_2=\left(1+{1\over2}\right)\times2^{-1}=1.1_2\times 2^{-1}$
  • $0.375\to 0.011_2=\left(1+{1\over2}\right)\times2^{-2}=1.1_2\times 2^{-2}$
  • $0.3125\to 0.0101_2=\left(1+{1\over2^2}\right)\times2^{-2}=1.01_2\times 2^{-2}$
  • $\begin{align}0.00237&\to0.0000000010011011010100100000000001111101110101000100000100111_2\dots\\ &=\left(1+{1\over2^3}+{1\over2^4}+{1\over2^6}+{1\over2^7}+\dots+{1\over2^{50}}+{1\over2^{51}}+{1\over2^{52}}+c\dots\right)\times2^{-9}\\ &=1.0011011010100100000000001111101110101000100000100111\dots_2\times 2^{-9}) \end{align}$

Of course, this remains trivially true for numbers $>1$, so that finally, Eq. (1) has an extra free bit, and the encoding is really over 53 bits although only 52 are stored! Each exponent covers for the same number of $2^{52}$ numbers, but with a different range, with more numbers packed towards small numbers.

Write Julia functions to convert decimal numbers—both integer or fractional—into their binary representation. (Answer)

How about zero, though? This number doesn't fit in this normal scheme and so we have to "denormalize" it to include this much needed exception. This happens when:

  • the exponent is zero
  • the fraction is zero

then the number is 0 (or -0 if the sign bit is set). That's nice, right?

julia> bitstring(0)

julia> bitstring(0.0)

Now, if we would follow the convention, the smallest number next to zero would be:

  • the exponent is still zero, meaning it is $2^{-1023}$.
  • the fraction is 1 ($b_{0}=1$) as it'd make the number zero otherwise.

that makes, for the hypothetical smallest number:

$$1.(00\text{--51-zeros--}00)1\times 2^{-1023}=(1+2^{-52})\times2^{-1023}=1.11\times10^{-308}$$

which is very small, fine, but..., this makes a strange gap from zero! Note that there is a gap when changing exponent, that is a bit larger than the gaps on both sides (the gap doubles when changing from one power to the next), namely, 3 times and 1.5 times as large than the smaller, larger numbers, respectively, but this remains a minor change. But that is nowhere as abrupt as the so-called "underflow" gap. To fill-this gap up, and allow for better calculation, a different convention is used when the exponent is zero. Namely, the leading digit, always assumed to be there for so-called "normal" numbers, is then removed, and one goes directly:

$$(-1)^{\text{sign}}\sum_{i=1}^{52}b_{52-i}2^{-i}\times 2^{\text{exponent}-1022}$$

where the exponent remains $-1022$, not $-1023$ as would have been the "normal" continuation (but we're denormal now!) This is such as to fill-up the gap nicely:

  • Smallest denormal number: $2^{-52}\times 2^{-1022}\approx 4.94\times10^{-324}$ (julia gives this as eps(0.0) that evaluates to 5.0e-324
  • Largest denormal number: $\sum_{i=1}^{52}2^{-i}\times2^{-1022}\approx2.22\times10^{-308}$.
  • Smallest normal number: $(1+2^{-52})\times2^{-1022}\approx2.22\times10^{-308}$ (and is only $\approx 10^{-323}$ larger than the largest denormal number.

The functions prevfloat() and nextfloat() give the nearest floats around a given value. For instance, if you ever wondered what were the numbers closest to $\pi$, here you are (that's valid only for a computer):

julia> pi*1.0

julia> prevfloat(pi*1.0)

julia> nextfloat(pi*1.0)

Denormal numbers are appealing but they come with their problems. One is that involving exceptions to the rule, they are typically much slower to process than normal numbers. Another is that they do not have 53 bits of precision. The smallest denormal number is really one-bit accurate and dividing it by 2 results in exactly zero:

julia> eps(0.0)/2.0

Compare with normal numbers:

julia> floatmin()

julia> issubnormal(ans)

julia> floatmin()/2

julia> issubnormal(ans)

One should not confuse the smallest number the computer can assume with the so-called machine-epsilon, which is the precision of the significant, so $\approx 2^{-52}\approx 2.2\times10^{-16}$. This is given by eps() or found by the machine with this simple algorithm:

epsilon = 1.0;

while (1.0 + 0.5 * epsilon) ≠ 1.0
    epsilon = 0.5 * epsilon



floating point numbers allow the radix to move ("to float") as opposed to fixed-point arithmetics where this position is fixed, e.g.,

there are various names, including the significand, mantissa, or coefficient

The sophisticated way to overcome Int128 is to turn to their generalization, known as BigInt (we're not even counting in terms of bits anymore).

This is a beautiful "computer equation":

julia> typemax(UInt128)==big(2)^128-1

(we could also use 2^big(64)). This shows us that the biggest unsigned integer is $340\,282\,366\,920\,938\,463\,463\,374\,607\,431\,768\,211\,455\approx 10^{38}$ about 340 undecillion (just short of a duodecillion).

  • float, or single-precision, 32 bits, precision of 24 bits (about 7 decimals). This describes correctly all integers who absolute value is less than $2^24$.
  • double (double-precision) has 64 bits with a precision of 53 bits (about 16 decimals). This describes correctly all integers who absolute value is less than $2^53$.

An ugly computer equation:

julia> 2.0^53+1==2.0^53

There are curiosities in the encoding, like the existence of a negative zero, which is equal to zero but not in all operations:

julia> bitstring(0.0)

julia> bitstring(-0.0)

julia> 0.0==-.00

julia> 1/0.0, 1/-0.0
(Inf, -Inf)

When the calculation brings the result below the smallest number that can be encoded, one speaks of an underflow.

The arithmetical difference between two consecutive representable floating-point numbers which have the same exponent is called a unit in the last place (ULP).

function reversebitstring(::Type{T}, str::String) where {T<:Base.IEEEFloat}
    unsignedbits = Meta.parse(string("0b", str))
    thefloat  = reinterpret(T, unsignedbits)
    return thefloat
reversebitstring(Float64, "0100000001011110110111010010111100011010100111111011111001110111")


more with https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Introducing_Julia/The_REPL

ou can initialize an empty Vector of any type by typing the type in front of []. Like:

Float64[] # Returns what you want
Array{Float64, 2}[] # Vector of Array{Float64,2}
Any[] # Can contain anything
