Crash Course in Scientific Computing

IV. Julia

Julia is a powerful/efficient/high-level computer programming language. You can get into interacting mode right-away with:


Julia-Screenshot 21-02-2020 181505.jpg

Exit with exit(). One may also also use Wolfram's notebook concept:


We will often need to install packages, which, back to julia, is done as follows:

using Pkg

Then, from a terminal, jupyter-notebook opens a session in a browser, in which one can start a Julia session with a New invocation (and choosing julia there).

Let us now play with things computers are good at, to start with, plotting:

import Pkg; Pkg.add("Distributions")

Once this is done (once for ever on a given machine), you can then be:

using Distributions

As a foretaste of a coming lecture on statistics, which is also something that computers are very good at, let us also install the Distribution package:

import Pkg; Pkg.add("Distributions")

Once this is done (once for ever on a given machine), you can then be:

using Distributions