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Julia programming

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Screenshot 20210315 164359.png

Here is the same but animated:


Playing with the parameter space:

Screenshot 20210315 181551.png

And the bottom case, animated:


It is interesting to focus on the surviving spot. We can zoom on this area and see what is going on there. The cells have locked into this stable pattern, involving, apparently, two cells only:

excited = @animate for i ∈ 1:30
           plotspace(145, 220, 225, 300)
a configuration by locking two neighbours with a period a+b=30.">Stable-2cells-pattern.gif

It is interesting as well to change parameters during the simulation. This locks the patterns into some correlated sequences which give rise to cycles of evolution stationary in space alternating with time.

and coming back to a=20 and cycling over: