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== XVIII. Fitting ==
== XVIII. Fitting ==
So if we have $N$ data points $y_1$, ..., $y_N$ obtained for the values $x_1$, ..., $x_N$ that we expect are accounted for by the "model" $f$, i.e., a function $f(x,\vec\beta)$ of $\nu$ parameters $\beta_1$, ..., $\beta_\nu$ kept in a vector $\vec\beta$:
We have seen that interpolation works great theoretically but can lead to unpleasant results. Let alone Runge's phenomenon, we certainly do not want to constrain our model to pass by all points, taking into account irrelevant and meaningless fluctuations, noise, etc. While this is theoretically possible if we provide sufficient degrees of freedom, this is probably meaningless. What we typically want, instead, is the best overall agreement, without stretching too far our underlying model, which usually comes with its fixed number of degrees of freedom anyway. This problem is that of ''fitting'', which is of extreme importance in most quantitative science.
Say that we have $N$ data points $y_1$, ..., $y_N$ obtained for the values $x_1$, ..., $x_N$ that we expect are accounted for by the "model" $f$, i.e., a function $f(x,\vec\beta)$ of $\nu$ parameters $\beta_1$, ..., $\beta_\nu$ kept in a vector $\vec\beta$:

Revision as of 08:29, 4 April 2022

Crash Course in Scientific Computing

XVIII. Fitting

We have seen that interpolation works great theoretically but can lead to unpleasant results. Let alone Runge's phenomenon, we certainly do not want to constrain our model to pass by all points, taking into account irrelevant and meaningless fluctuations, noise, etc. While this is theoretically possible if we provide sufficient degrees of freedom, this is probably meaningless. What we typically want, instead, is the best overall agreement, without stretching too far our underlying model, which usually comes with its fixed number of degrees of freedom anyway. This problem is that of fitting, which is of extreme importance in most quantitative science.

Say that we have $N$ data points $y_1$, ..., $y_N$ obtained for the values $x_1$, ..., $x_N$ that we expect are accounted for by the "model" $f$, i.e., a function $f(x,\vec\beta)$ of $\nu$ parameters $\beta_1$, ..., $\beta_\nu$ kept in a vector $\vec\beta$:


We want to minimize the sum of the squared residuals:

$$S=\sum_{i=1}^N r_i^2\,.$$

This we do by varying $\beta$s such that $S$ is minimum, which is achieved when all $\partial S/\partial\beta_j$ terms for $1\le j\le\nu$ are canceled simultaneously.

$$\frac{\partial S}{\partial\beta_j}=2\sum_{i=1}^N(f(x_i,\vec\beta)-y_i)\frac{\partial f(x_i,\vec\beta)}{\partial\beta_j}=0\,,\quad\text{for $j=1,\dots,\nu$}\,.\tag{1}$$

This is a complicated problem in general, that typically requires iterations over trials and errors.

There is a case where Eq. (1) is considerably simplified, namely, if the partial derivative can be cancelled out, which occurs for so-called linear least squares where the parameters $\beta$ are merely linear coefficients of functions (that can be, of course, nonlinear). That is to say, our test function reads:


in which case:

$$\frac{\partial f(x_i;\beta)}{\partial\beta_j}=\phi_j(x_i)\,.$$

We put this back in each term of the differential in $\beta$:

$$\frac{\partial S}{\partial\beta_j}=2\sum_{i=1}^N\left(\left[\sum_{k=1}^\nu\beta_k\phi_k(x_i)\right]-y_i\right)\phi_j(x_i)=0$$

and now, it remains to rearrange this equality so that we can write it in matrix form. To do so, we have to remember these properties (and notations):


$$\sum_k A_{ik}B_{kj}=(AB)_{ij}$$



so that our equation above becomes:

$$\sum_{i=1}^N\sum_{k=1}^\nu\beta_k\phi_k(x_i)\phi_j(x_i)=\sum_{i=1}^N y_i\phi_j(x_i)\,,$$

We introduce the matrix $\Phi$ such that:


in which case, with some further grouping and reassembling:

$$\sum_{k=1}^\nu\sum_{i=1}^N\Phi^T_{ji}\Phi_{ik}\beta_k=\sum_{i=1}^N \Phi_{ij}y_i\,,$$

So that we can get rid of the $i$ indices:

$$\sum_{k=1}^\nu(\Phi^T\Phi)_{jk}\beta_k=(\Phi^T y)_j\,,$$

where $y=(y_1,\dots,y_N)^T$, and now getting rid of $k$:

$$[(\Phi^T\Phi)\beta]_j=(\Phi^T y)_j\,,$$

with $\beta$ our vector of unknown parameters. As the equality holds for all $1\le j\le\nu$, it holds for the full vector, providing us with the final equation in its matrix form:

$$(\Phi^T\Phi)\vec\beta=\Phi^T y\,.$$

Assuming $(\Phi^T\Phi)$ is well conditioned (in particular, not singular), we get the formal solution by brute force inversion:

$$\vec\beta=(\Phi^T\Phi)^{-1}\Phi^T y\,.$$

The $(\Phi^T\Phi)^{-1}\Phi^T$ could be problematic if large (many fitting functions and/or many data points) and actually computed in this form, in which case one can see it as the notation for a so-called "pseudo-inverse" that deals with such an object in an efficient and stable way.

Let us now turn from the general theory to a particular example. A convenient basis of function is that of polynomials, that is:

$$f(x;\beta)\equiv\sum_{k=0}^N\beta_k x^k$$

and our $\Phi$ matrix (which by the way goes by the name of a Gramian) reads:

$$\Phi=\pmatrix{ 1 & x_1 & x_1^2 & x_1^3 & \dots \\ 1 & x_2 & x_2^2 & x_2^3& \dots \\ \vdots & & & & \vdots \\ 1 & x_N & x_N^2 & x_N^3 & \dots }$$

Let us try with Julia:

Nonlinear fit with Julia:

m(t, p) = p[1] * exp.(p[2] * t)
p0 = [0.5, 0.5]
myfit = curve_fit(m, xdata, ydata, p0)

This will return a composite typeLsqFitResult, of which we can extract:

fit.dof: degrees of freedom
fit.param: best fit parameters
fit.resid: vector of residuals
fit.jacobian: estimated Jacobian at solution
\frac{\partial S}{\partial\beta_j}=2

Weierstrass Approximation Theorem