


Se indignaron [...] porque un personaje muerto y sepultado en una película, y por cuya desgracia se derramaron lágrimas de aflicción, reapareció vivo y convertido en árabe en la película siguiente. [...] Muchos estimaron que habían sido víctimas de un nuevo y aparatoso asunto de gitanos, de modo que optaron por no volver a ir al cine, considerando que ya tenían bastante con sus propias penas, para llorar por fingidas desventuras de seres imaginarios.
Cien Años de soledad, Gabriel García Márquez.


Movies with a review

These are particularly significant, interesting and/or important movies, which do not end with their credits (in alphabetical order).

  1. El hoyo (the Platform in English).
  2. Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind
  3. Jésus de Montréal.
  4. La estrategia del caracol.
  5. Les Maîtres du Temps.
  6. mother!.
  7. The Adventure of Sherlock Holmes' Smarter Brother.
  8. The Man in the White Suit.
  9. The Man Who Wasn't There.
  10. The Visitor.

Yet to be seen

Do you have this feeling sometimes you're for nothing but watching a movie. And realize you have no clue whatsoever which. A movie is like a restaurant, it's not something you should improvise at the last minute. Here I compile a list of movies that remain for us to see.

Movies we want to/should see: (may be with a reason why)

Stroke out are those that I've seen, see below. I add to this list at the bottom.

  1. movies from the Coen brothers: Raising Arizona, The Hudsucker Proxy, Miller's Crossing, Blood Simple, The Man Who Wasn't There, Barton Fink.
    • Given that of the three Coen brothers movies I know, two are among the best I've ever seen (Fargo and the big Lebowski), and the third one (No country for old men) is also a masterpiece, it's only natural to check the other things they've been working on... it might just as well be equally genial.
  2. Gene Wilder's movies: Young Frankenstein and The Adventure of Sherlock Holmes' Smarter Brother.
  3. Citizen Kane. Classic.
  4. L'homme de Rio.
    • Some scenes are in Brasilia while it was in construction. The story looks fun (after Hergé's album, l'Oreille cassée).
  5. Singin' in the Rain. Classic.
  6. Triumph of the Will. Historic document. Apparently, also a classic.
  7. Jésus de Montréal.
    • I'm interested in adaptations of the gospels or biblical texts in general in modern settings (see Jour de Feu of Barjavel for a nice one in litterature, that should also have been a movie). Also, I love Quebecers' accent.
  8. Memorias del Subdesarrollo. On Cuba.
  9. Les Enfants du Paradis (Children of Paradise). Classic.
  10. La Règle du Jeu (The Rules of the Game). Classic.
  11. Ladri di Biciclette (The Bicycle Thief). Classic (Elena however tells me she doesn't like it).
  12. Seven Samurai. Classic.
  13. Броненосец Потёмкин (Battleship Potemkin). Classic.
  14. Plan 9 from Outer Space.
    • Supposed to be the worst film ever, so bad it's actually good [1].
  15. The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Classic.
  16. 8½ (Otto e mezzo). Classic.
  17. Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans. Classic.
  18. Tokyo story. Classic.
  19. Searching for Bobby Fischer. About this not-grandmaster who is also a champion of martial art.
  20. Un roi sans divertissement. From Giono's masterpiece (directed by Giono himself). Music by Brel.
  21. L'Année dernière à Marienbad which I didn't hear about until Inception.
  22. Serenity, once voted the greatest science fiction film of all time by SFX magazine.
  23. A Hard Day's Night, a classic, also allegedly very good (featuring the Beatles during the height of Beatlemania).
  24. Mon oncle Antoine, a French Canadian movie (I love them) that is highly rated .
  25. Giv'at Halfon Eina Ona, a cult Israelian comedy.
  26. El callejón de los milagros, famous in Mexico.
  27. Sexmission, Polish comedy, recommended by Luboš Motl.
  28. The dead father. I didn't know there was a movie!
  29. Cemetery Junction. I am a fan of Ricky Gervais.
  30. The Boys from Brazil, initially I came to learn of this movie for the comparison between the score by Jerry Goldsmith [2] with one by Patrick Williams for a Columbo episode [3]. As the story is a surreal plot about cloning Hitler involving actors such as Laurence Olivier and Gregory Peck, I could but put it on my list!
  31. The Secret Agent, I know the score by Philip Glass, the novel has quite a reputation too, so I also put it on my reading list.
  32. 127 hours, I learned of the movie when I put myself in a similar situation (with a rope anchoring a boat instead of my arm).
  33. Ludwig by Visconti [4][5], on the mysterious and fanciful Bavarian king.
  34. Monster's Ball. Staring the man who wasn't there in another movie shot the same year and with, apparently, equal critical acclaim.
  35. Jim Jarmusch's movies such as Dead man or Stranger Than Paradise, recommended by a Berlin friend and cinema connoisseur.
  36. Fictions (openly made so) about the WWII era, such as It Happened Here.
  37. Movies about the WWII era from that period, such as Night Train to Munich (1940) or The Hitler Gang (1944).
  38. Looking for the above, I found Иди и смотри (Idi i smotri), a Soviet version.
  39. The man from earth, a repeat from a Twilight Zone episode, about this man who doesn't age.
  40. Beatitudes [6], a short movie from Aristotelis Maragkos [7] (we personally know his sister) set in rioting Athens.
  41. Mishima, on the life of Japanese author Yukio Mishima, music by Glass.
  42. Yûkoku [8], the only movie directed by Mishima himself.
  43. Les Maîtres du Temps [9]. As a child, I once saw part of a fantastic sci-fi animated movie, in eerie sceneries. I remember very little apart from the magic it exerted on me. There were at least two stories running in parallel, one involving a journey farther and farther in some sort of deserts with landscapes. I could never later identify which movie it was. Reading an obituary of Jean Giraud (Mœbius), I arrived to this movie featuring his artwork and which, maybe, is the lost encounter of my childhood.
  44. The visitor, recommended by Elena's parents [10].
  45. Water, [11] recommended by Inma.
  46. Le Diable et les Dix Commandements, movie by Duvivier with some dialogues by Barjavel.
  47. Ecstasy (1933), featuring the Mathematician Hedy Lamar, the most beautiful woman of Europe, interpreting on screen the first acted woman orgasm [12].
  48. Stanley Kubrick's movies we haven seen yet or don't know by heart: Fear and Desire, Killer's Kiss, The Killing,Paths of Glory, Spartacus, Lolita, Barry Lyndon and Full Metal Jacket.
  49. Spoorloos [13], a story around an abduction.
  50. The Quiet Earth [14], a man awakes to find he is alone on earth.
  51. Mr. Nobody [15], a tale that spans different time zones of the 20th and 21st centuries.
  52. The Statement [16], the last of Norman Jewison movies.
  53. Шахматная горячка (Chess fever)~[17], with Capablanca himself.
  54. Suspiria, a classic of the horror genre (Giallo).
  55. Magicians [18], featuring Mitchell and Webb.
  56. 風立ちぬ (Kaze tachinu, The Wind Rises), last movie of Miyazaki.
  57. Al Pacino's movies such as Scarface [19], Scarecrow [20], Donnie Brasco [21], Heat [22], Carlito's Way [23], Scent of a woman [24], ...And Justice for All [25].
  58. Goodfellas [26], classic.
  59. Other movies of interest from Alain Resnais which we haven't seen at the occasion of his passing away: La guerre est finie (on the Spanish civil war), L'an 01 (on a reset of society) or Stavisky (on the life an death of this peculiar figure).
  60. Make Way for Tomorrow [27] the movie that inspired Tokyo Story.
  61. Il vangelo secondo Matteo [28] seems necessary after having seen Salò.
  62. Antichrist [29].
  63. Les Garçons et Guillaume, à table! [30] (recommended by Rebecca Tabales).
  64. The Fault in Our Stars [31] (recommended by Garrett Lisi).
  65. (乱 (Ran) [32], modern Japanese classic (from the director of Roshomon and the Seven Samourais).
  66. North by Northwest [33], a classic seen in one's infancy.
  67. Gone Girl [34] and Relatos Salvajes, [35] in the imdb top250 from 2014 and not looking completely stupid (unlike Guardians of the Galaxy or X-Men: Days of Future Past).
  68. Forbidden Planet [36] featured in Michio Kaku's Physics of the Future. See also this list of someone's favourites which all seem good, in particular the next entry:
  69. Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas [37] (see line above).
  70. Mon père avait raison [38] on filial love, Sasha Guitry.
  71. Avril et le monde truqué [39] winner of the 2015 Annecy festival, looks great.
  72. Der Baader Meinhof Komplex [40] on the red army faction in Germany.
  73. Time After Time [41] and other time travel movies such as The Time Machine [42], Иван Васильевич меняет профессию [43], Frequency [44], About Time [45], Somewhere in Time [46], Je t'aime je t'aime [47], etc. See this link for a database selection on imdb.
  74. La jetée [48] and Sans Soleil [49], two famous experiments in the cinema expression.
  75. Multiplicity [50], the movie that inspired one of my favourite Simpsons' treehouse of horror.
  76. Russian Ark [51], with historical ghosts in the Winter palace.
  77. Chariots of fire, [52], poetic, inspiring, with iconic music from Vangelis and in Cambridge.
  78. Coup de Torchon, [53], French classic.
  79. The Blue lagoon [54], was forbidden to see it on TV as a child.
  80. L'argent des autres [55], increasingly recurrent story in these times of financial crisis.
  81. Gifted, [56], which Terence Tao saw in the plane.
  82. El bar, from one of my favourite directors (Álex de la Iglesia), in Madrid!
  83. Au revoir là-haut, from an iconoclast director on an important period after an apparently great novel (Goncourt).
  84. Polanski movies we haven't seen: Repulsion & The Tenant (the remaining of the trilogy including Rosemary's baby), Tess.
  85. Darren Aronofsky's movies we haven't seen yet, particularly Requiem for a dream and Pi.
  86. Snatch [57], on Irish gypsies.
  87. Free solo.
  88. Magnolia, considered Perfect by @max_wilander.
  89. All the movies by Henri Verneuil which we haven't yet seen, such as (and in priority) Mille milliards de dollars, La Bataille de San Sebastian, L'Ennemi public n°1, Le Corps de mon ennemi, Des gens sans importance, L'Affaire d'une nuit, Les lions sont lâchés.
  90. Loving Vincent, first movie entirely painted [58].
  91. Following I know where I'm going which we watched during our trip to Mull (February 2023), the Powell and Pressburger movies, especially since A matter of life and death is a favourite. This includes: The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp, A Canterbury Tale and The Red Shoes.
  92. Also from the previous, Leap Year, apparenty inspired by I know where I'm going.
  93. I.Q. with Podolksy and Gödel! since 4 January (2024).
  94. Sliding Doors (1998) and Everything Everywhere All at Once (2022) from a list of multiverse stories, since 17 January (2024).
  95. Moscow Does Not Believe in Tear, [59] since 19:28 on 11 February (2024).
  96. A separation.
  97. Possession, seems to possess a lot of people.
  98. Иди и смотри since 1 June (2024)


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