Se indignaron [...] porque un personaje muerto y sepultado en una película, y por cuya desgracia se derramaron lágrimas de aflicción, reapareció vivo y convertido en árabe en la película siguiente. [...] Muchos estimaron que habían sido víctimas de un nuevo y aparatoso asunto de gitanos, de modo que optaron por no volver a ir al cine, considerando que ya tenían bastante con sus propias penas, para llorar por fingidas desventuras de seres imaginarios.
Cien Años de soledad, Gabriel García Márquez.
Movies with a review
These are particularly significant, interesting and/or important movies, which do not end with their credits (in alphabetical order).
- El hoyo (the Platform in English).
- Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind
- Jésus de Montréal.
- La estrategia del caracol.
- Les Maîtres du Temps.
- mother!.
- The Adventure of Sherlock Holmes' Smarter Brother.
- The Man in the White Suit.
- The Man Who Wasn't There.
- The Visitor.
Yet to be seen
Do you have this feeling sometimes you're for nothing but watching a movie. And realize you have no clue whatsoever which. A movie is like a restaurant, it's not something you should improvise at the last minute. Here I compile a list of movies that remain for us to see.
Movies we want to/should see: (may be with a reason why)
Stroke out are those that I've seen, see below. I add to this list at the bottom.
- movies from the Coen brothers: Raising Arizona, The Hudsucker Proxy, Miller's Crossing, Blood Simple,
The Man Who Wasn't There, Barton Fink.
- Given that of the three Coen brothers movies I know, two are among the best I've ever seen (Fargo and the big Lebowski), and the third one (No country for old men) is also a masterpiece, it's only natural to check the other things they've been working on... it might just as well be equally genial.
- Gene Wilder's movies: Young Frankenstein and
The Adventure of Sherlock Holmes' Smarter Brother.
- Citizen Kane. Classic.
L'homme de Rio.
- Some scenes are in Brasilia while it was in construction. The story looks fun (after Hergé's album, l'Oreille cassée).
- Singin' in the Rain. Classic.
- Triumph of the Will. Historic document. Apparently, also a classic.
Jésus de Montréal.
- I'm interested in adaptations of the gospels or biblical texts in general in modern settings (see Jour de Feu of Barjavel for a nice one in litterature, that should also have been a movie). Also, I love Quebecers' accent.
- Memorias del Subdesarrollo. On Cuba.
- Les Enfants du Paradis (Children of Paradise). Classic.
- La Règle du Jeu (The Rules of the Game). Classic.
- Ladri di Biciclette (The Bicycle Thief). Classic (Elena however tells me she doesn't like it).
- Seven Samurai. Classic.
- Броненосец Потёмкин (Battleship Potemkin). Classic.
- Plan 9 from Outer Space.
- Supposed to be the worst film ever, so bad it's actually good [1].
- The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Classic.
- 8½ (Otto e mezzo). Classic.
- Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans. Classic.
Tokyo story. Classic.
- Searching for Bobby Fischer. About this not-grandmaster who is also a champion of martial art.
Un roi sans divertissement. From Giono's masterpiece (directed by Giono himself). Music by Brel.
L'Année dernière à Marienbad which I didn't hear about until Inception.
Serenity, once voted the greatest science fiction film of all time by SFX magazine.
- A Hard Day's Night, a classic, also allegedly very good (featuring the Beatles during the height of Beatlemania).
Mon oncle Antoine, a French Canadian movie (I love them) that is highly rated .
- Giv'at Halfon Eina Ona, a cult Israelian comedy.
- El callejón de los milagros, famous in Mexico.
- Sexmission, Polish comedy, recommended by Luboš Motl.
- The dead father. I didn't know there was a movie!
Cemetery Junction. I am a fan of Ricky Gervais.
- The Boys from Brazil, initially I came to learn of this movie for the comparison between the score by Jerry Goldsmith [2] with one by Patrick Williams for a Columbo episode [3]. As the story is a surreal plot about cloning Hitler involving actors such as Laurence Olivier and Gregory Peck, I could but put it on my list!
- The Secret Agent, I know the score by Philip Glass, the novel has quite a reputation too, so I also put it on my reading list.
127 hours, I learned of the movie when I put myself in a similar situation (with a rope anchoring a boat instead of my arm).
- Ludwig by Visconti [4][5], on the mysterious and fanciful Bavarian king.
- Monster's Ball. Staring the man who wasn't there in another movie shot the same year and with, apparently, equal critical acclaim.
- Jim Jarmusch's movies such as Dead man or Stranger Than Paradise, recommended by a Berlin friend and cinema connoisseur.
- Fictions (openly made so) about the WWII era, such as It Happened Here.
- Movies about the WWII era from that period, such as Night Train to Munich (1940) or The Hitler Gang (1944).
- Looking for the above, I found Иди и смотри (Idi i smotri), a Soviet version.
The man from earth, a repeat from a Twilight Zone episode, about this man who doesn't age.
- Beatitudes [6], a short movie from Aristotelis Maragkos [7] (we personally know his sister) set in rioting Athens.
Mishima, on the life of Japanese author Yukio Mishima, music by Glass.
- Yûkoku [8], the only movie directed by Mishima himself.
Les Maîtres du Temps [9]. As a child, I once saw part of a fantastic sci-fi animated movie, in eerie sceneries. I remember very little apart from the magic it exerted on me. There were at least two stories running in parallel, one involving a journey farther and farther in some sort of deserts with landscapes. I could never later identify which movie it was. Reading an obituary of Jean Giraud (Mœbius), I arrived to this movie featuring his artwork and which, maybe, is the lost encounter of my childhood.
The visitor, recommended by Elena's parents [10].
- Water, [11] recommended by Inma.
Le Diable et les Dix Commandements, movie by Duvivier with some dialogues by Barjavel.
- Ecstasy (1933), featuring the Mathematician Hedy Lamar, the most beautiful woman of Europe, interpreting on screen the first acted woman orgasm [12].
- Stanley Kubrick's movies we haven seen yet or don't know by heart: Fear and Desire, Killer's Kiss, The Killing,Paths of Glory, Spartacus, Lolita, Barry Lyndon and
Full Metal Jacket.
Spoorloos [13], a story around an abduction.
- The Quiet Earth [14], a man awakes to find he is alone on earth.
- Mr. Nobody [15], a tale that spans different time zones of the 20th and 21st centuries.
- The Statement [16], the last of Norman Jewison movies.
- Шахматная горячка (Chess fever)~[17], with Capablanca himself.
- Suspiria, a classic of the horror genre (Giallo).
Magicians [18], featuring Mitchell and Webb.
- 風立ちぬ (Kaze tachinu, The Wind Rises), last movie of Miyazaki.
- Al Pacino's movies such as Scarface [19], Scarecrow [20], Donnie Brasco [21], Heat [22], Carlito's Way [23], Scent of a woman [24], ...And Justice for All [25].
Goodfellas [26], classic.
- Other movies of interest from Alain Resnais which we haven't seen at the occasion of his passing away: La guerre est finie (on the Spanish civil war), L'an 01 (on a reset of society) or Stavisky (on the life an death of this peculiar figure).
- Make Way for Tomorrow [27] the movie that inspired Tokyo Story.
- Il vangelo secondo Matteo [28] seems necessary after having seen Salò.
- Antichrist [29].
Les Garçons et Guillaume, à table! [30] (recommended by Rebecca Tabales).
The Fault in Our Stars [31] (recommended by Garrett Lisi).
- (乱 (Ran) [32], modern Japanese classic (from the director of Roshomon and the Seven Samourais).
- North by Northwest [33], a classic seen in one's infancy.
Gone Girl [34] and Relatos Salvajes, [35] in the imdb top250 from 2014 and not looking completely stupid (unlike Guardians of the Galaxy or X-Men: Days of Future Past).
- Forbidden Planet [36] featured in Michio Kaku's Physics of the Future. See also this list of someone's favourites which all seem good, in particular the next entry:
- Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas [37] (see line above).
- Mon père avait raison [38] on filial love, Sasha Guitry.
- Avril et le monde truqué [39] winner of the 2015 Annecy festival, looks great.
- Der Baader Meinhof Komplex [40] on the red army faction in Germany.
- Time After Time [41] and other time travel movies such as The Time Machine [42], Иван Васильевич меняет профессию [43], Frequency [44], About Time [45], Somewhere in Time [46], Je t'aime je t'aime [47], etc. See this link for a database selection on imdb.
- La jetée [48] and Sans Soleil [49], two famous experiments in the cinema expression.
- Multiplicity [50], the movie that inspired one of my favourite Simpsons' treehouse of horror.
Russian Ark [51], with historical ghosts in the Winter palace.
- Chariots of fire, [52], poetic, inspiring, with iconic music from Vangelis and in Cambridge.
- Coup de Torchon, [53], French classic.
- The Blue lagoon [54], was forbidden to see it on TV as a child.
- L'argent des autres [55], increasingly recurrent story in these times of financial crisis.
- Gifted, [56], which Terence Tao saw in the plane.
El bar, from one of my favourite directors (Álex de la Iglesia), in Madrid!
- Au revoir là-haut, from an iconoclast director on an important period after an apparently great novel (Goncourt).
- Polanski movies we haven't seen: Repulsion &
The Tenant (the remaining of the trilogy including Rosemary's baby), Tess.
- Darren Aronofsky's movies we haven't seen yet, particularly
Requiem for a dream and Pi.
Snatch [57], on Irish gypsies.
- Free solo.
- Magnolia, considered Perfect by @max_wilander.
- All the movies by Henri Verneuil which we haven't yet seen, such as (and in priority) Mille milliards de dollars, La Bataille de San Sebastian, L'Ennemi public n°1, Le Corps de mon ennemi, Des gens sans importance, L'Affaire d'une nuit, Les lions sont lâchés.
- Loving Vincent, first movie entirely painted [58].
- Following I know where I'm going which we watched during our trip to Mull (February 2023), the Powell and Pressburger movies, especially since A matter of life and death is a favourite. This includes: The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp, A Canterbury Tale and The Red Shoes.
- Also from the previous, Leap Year, apparenty inspired by I know where I'm going.
- I.Q. with Podolksy and Gödel! since 4 January (2024).
- Sliding Doors (1998) and Everything Everywhere All at Once (2022) from a list of multiverse stories, since 17 January (2024).
- Moscow Does Not Believe in Tear, [59] since 19:28 on 11 February (2024).
- A separation.
- Possession, seems to possess a lot of people.
- Иди и смотри since 1 June (2024)
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