News 2014

You can also browse our news archives if you're interested in old news as well as new news.

Past and future:

(newest first)

  1. (17 June): Enhanced two-photon emission from a dressed biexciton, a new mechanism for pure & intense two-photon emission, is released on the arXiv.
  2. (8 June): Our paper Coherent Generation of Nonclassical Light on Chip via Detuned Photon Blockade by Kai Müller et al. is published in Phys. Rev. Lett. (114:233601, 2015).
  3. (28 May): Exciting polaritons with quantum light, introducing a new paradigm of excitation of polaritons: read more to see pure steady quantum states and know about our Mollow spectroscopy technique.
  4. (6 April): Our paper Optimization of photon correlations by frequency filtering by Alejandro Gonzalez Tudela and ourselves is published in Phys. Rev. A (91:043807, 2015).
  5. (3 January): ¡Julia is born!

Elena's news

  1. (25 Sep) I hold a stand at the "Noche Europea de los Investigadores" in Madrid.

Fabrice's news

  1. (20 Jan) I give an invited talk at the Kickoff meeting of the MajuLab at the CQT in Singapore.


Fp.laussy.jpg From Fabrice's twitter feed:

An error occured. That's all we know.

On this website

Noteworthy changes or novelties are listed below:

  1. Blog:Hacks/Emacs Proofing LaTeX . . 1686B (New) . . Quick (dirty) incomplete hack to sort out most of proofing problems. To review later. by Fabrice at 12:11 on 18 May 2024.
  2. Blog:Sotito's Garden/The ideal garden . . 2223B (New) . . New blog by Fabrice at 09:17 on 13 May 2024.
  3. Sotito's garden . . 795B (New) . . New lifelong project by Fabrice at 08:22 on 13 May 2024.
  4. Sotito . . 200B (New) . . New home by Fabrice at 12:20 on 24 April 2024.
  5. Rarity05a . . 3763B (New) . . First report of nonlocal interferences between two independent sources (a photon and a coherent state) by Fabrice at 11:50 on 25 February 2024.
  6. Blog:Fabrice/Two years of war in Ukraine . . 6576B (+932B) . . by Fabrice at 22:52 on 24 February 2024.
  7. Multiphotonics (2024) . . 298B (New) . . Elena's workshop by Fabrice at 16:35 on 22 February 2024.

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