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News 2015

  1. (15-23 September) We give invited lectures at the International School of Nanophotonics and Photovoltaics in Cefalu, Sicily.
  2. (28 July) After a 207 days break (6 months and 26 days), we become the owners of Mayorcita.
  3. (13-17 July) We attend the Third International Conference on Quantum Technologies organised by the Russian Quantum Center in Moscow. We present several posters with Blanca, Carlos, Camilo and David.
  4. (17 June): Enhanced two-photon emission from a dressed biexciton, a new mechanism for pure & intense two-photon emission, is released on the arXiv.
  5. (8 June): Our paper Coherent Generation of Nonclassical Light on Chip via Detuned Photon Blockade by Kai Müller et al. is published in Phys. Rev. Lett. (114:233601, 2015).
  6. (28 May): Exciting polaritons with quantum light, introducing a new paradigm of excitation of polaritons: read more to see pure steady quantum states and know about our Mollow spectroscopy technique.
  7. (6 April): Our paper Optimization of photon correlations by frequency filtering by Alejandro Gonzalez Tudela and ourselves is published in Phys. Rev. A (91:043807, 2015).
  8. (3 January): ¡Julia is born!

Elena's news

  1. (25 Sep) I hold a stand at the "Noche Europea de los Investigadores" in Madrid. It was very successful!
  2. (2 July) I am the president of the committee in the PhD viva of Joaquín Ruiz-Rivas Onsés at the Universidad de Valencia.

Fabrice's news

  1. (20 Jan) I give an invited talk at the Kickoff meeting of the MajuLab at the CQT in Singapore.
  2. (1 Oct) I give an invited talk at the BuildMoNa's Minisymposium "Quantum Coherent Structures" in Leipzig, titled: "Superconductivity: the sandwich mechanism".

News 2014

  1. (19 December): We get our new flat in Tres Cantos! We call it Montecito due to its proximity to the Monte protegido. We will move there, leaving Mayorcita, in January 2015 with Julia.
  2. (10-15 August): We attend the ICPS in Austin, Texas, USA with Blanca and Carlos, presenting 4 talks and 2 posters.
  3. (22 June): We are expecting a baby! (we know since May 10) First-eco.png
  4. (5 June): Our paper Colored-photon antibunching from an out-of-equilibrium condensate, by Blanca Silva et al., reporting the first two-photon correlation spectrum ever measured, is out.
  5. (1 June): The bundler paper is now available as an Advanced Online Publication.
  6. (28-31 May): We visit the RQC and give two Invited talks at the International Conference on Problems of Strongly Correlated and Interacting Systems in St Petersburg.
  7. (24 April): Our paper Emitters of $N$-photon bundles is accepted for publication.
  8. (24 March): Violation of classical inequalities by frequency filtering by Carlos Sanchez et al. on arXiv:1403.6182.

Elena's news

  1. (15 December 2014) I finish my SQUIRREL project and become a Ramón y Cajal researcher at the UAM.
  2. (15-19 March 2014) I visit Imperial College as part of my Newton Fellowship follow-up.
  3. (1 March 2014) Beginning of the Project SQUIRREL (Sensing QUantum Information coRRELations).
  4. (22-24 January 2014) I give and invited talk at the VIII Reunión Bienal del Grupo Especializado de Estado Sólido (GEFES 2014) in Ciudad Real.

Fabrice's news

  1. (7-11 July) I participate to the 10th AIMS Conference on Dynamical Systems, Differential Equations and Applications in Madrid, speaking of "Propagation of polariton wavepackets" in the Special Session on Nonlinear Schrodinger equations and its applications.
  2. (27 May) I give a two-times 45 minutes talk at the RQC (details here).
  3. (20 March) The paper Relaxation Oscillations in the Formation of a Polariton Condensate by Milena De Giorgi et al. is published in Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 113602 (2014).
  4. (7 February) With the arrival of Juan Pablo and Guillermo, Our group is now complete.
  5. (20 January) I start my Complex analysis course at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Aula 01.11.AU.201-5.

News 2013

  1. (11-16 November) We give two invited talks at the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana of Medellín, Colombia as part of the XIII Encuentro Nacional de Óptica - IV CANCOA 2013.
  2. (10 October) Our Emitters of $N$-photon bundles last results are now available at http://arxiv.org/abs/1306.1578.
  3. (9-13 September) We attend the Conference on Resonator QED in Munich.
  4. (25 June-4 July): We visit our colleagues Herbert Vinck et al. at the Universidad Nacional de Colombia and give two talks of 40 minutes as part of the Coloquio del departamento de Física (on the 28th).
  5. (12 June): Dr. Christopher Gies (Bremen) will speak of Quantum optics with semiconductor nanostructures, in Garching, at the ZNN, Seminarraum EG 0.001, 16:00.
  6. (10 June): A laser of $N$-photon states is available at http://arxiv.org/abs/1306.1578
  7. (5-7 June) We attend the Humboldt Annual Meeting in Berlin.
  8. (27-31 May) We give two talks at PLMCN14 conference in Crete.
  9. (8 April): Blanca Silva Fernández starts her Ph.~D. in our group.
  10. (5 April): Two-photon spectra of quantum emitters New J. Phys. 15 033036 (2013), Alejandro González-Tudela et al., is published along with its video abstract.
  11. (24-27 March): We participate to the 3rd MIFP March Meeting in Rome (Italy) with two talks.
  12. (22 January): Ph.~D thesis defense of Alejandro González-Tudela, Dynamics of open quantum systems: excitons, cavities and surface plasmons, 15:30, Sala de Grados (Modulo 8), Facultad de Ciencias.
  13. (21 December [2012]): We offer a Ph.~D theory position funded by the EU to work with us at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Read here and contact Fabrice.

Elena's 2013 news

  1. (9-10 December) I give and invited talk at the 1st international workshop on Engineering of Quantum Dot Emission properties in Linz.
  2. (10 July [2013) I give an invited seminar at the LASMEA, CNRS / University Blaise Pascal in Clermont-Ferrand.
  3. (6 May) I am awarded a RyC fellowship which I start on 30th April [2014].
  4. (18 March) I give a talk at the DPG-Frühjahrstagung in Hannover (Germany), titled Two-photon spectra.
  5. (21 January) My paper "Distilling one, two and entangled pairs of photons from a quantum dot with cavity QED effects and spectral filtering" (arXiv:1210.5272) is accepted in New J. Phys., to be part of the focus issue "Cavity and Circuit Quantum Electrodynamics in Solids".

Fabrice's 2013 news

  1. (20 January) MMII lectures start, Aula 01.11.AU.201-5.
  2. (26 November) I give a talk introducing our activities at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid to students of the University of Rzeszow.
  3. (1st September) Dmitry Vishnevsky and David Colas enter the PolaFlow group.
  4. (30 July) I speak of Polariton-powered devices: lasers, superfluids and superconductors at the QSIT Seminar of the ETH [1].
  5. (15 May) Lorenzo Dominici reporting on quantum backjets at the CLEO in Munich~[2].
  6. (15 February) I give a talk in the Programa de la Jornada de Divulgación de la Investigación of the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid on light-matter coupling, aimed at the public at large. All details here.
  7. (22 January) I am the secretary in Alejandro's Ph.~D Jury.
  8. (20 January) I start my Complex analysis course at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.

News 2012

  1. (21 December) We offer a Ph.~D theory position funded by the EU to work with us at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Read here and contact Fabrice.
  2. (8 September) We attend the wedding of Daniele & Rocio in a Salento castle, in Italy.
  3. (7 September) Our paper Theory of frequency-filtered and time-resolved $N$-photon correlations by del Valle et al. is accepted for publication in Phys.~Rev.~Lett.
  4. (1-17 August) Elena's parents visit us in Bavaria (you can see some recollections).
  5. (28 July) We attend the wedding of Tom & Rachel in the UK country side.
  6. (19 July) We participate to the B2RUN München as racers n°30993 (Elena) and 31001 (Fabrice).
  7. (9 July) Onyx, our Yorkshire terrier, passed away in the night. He was 14 years old. So long, Nanou.
  8. (19-23 June) We attend PLMCN12 at Hangzhou, China. Elena features among the invited speakers.
  9. (19 May) We attend Alaine & Dave's wedding in Tuscany (more here).
  10. (28 March) Our Theory of frequency-filtered and time-resolved N-photon correlations by del Valle, Gonzalez-Tudela, Laussy et al. is available as arXiv:1203.6016.
  11. (23-25 March) We attend the MIFP March Meeting with two talks, on generation of a two-photon state from a quantum dot in a microcavity and fluctuation induced photoluminescence.
  12. (12-16 March) We attend the DPG Spring Meeting in Stuttgart and give two talks on photon statistics in the Q9: Quanteneffekte: Interferenz und Korrelationen session.
  13. (16-23 February) Visit from Alejandro Gonzalez-Tudela.
  14. (23-26 January) We attend the LASE SPIE Photonics West conference with one invited (Elena) & one contributed (Fabrice) talk.

Elena's 2012 news

  1. (28-30 November) I participate in the Humboldt Network Meeting in Karlsruhe.
  2. (18 October) I put my paper "Distilling one, two and entangled pairs of photons from a quantum dot with cavity QED effects and spectral filtering" in arXiv.
  3. (31 August) The book "Leyendas" by Gustavo Adolfo Becquer is ready to be listened to at LibriVox, with my humble contribution "El monte de las ánimas".
  4. (28 August) My thesis is back online: http://laussy.org/elena/thesis.
  5. (29 February-3 March) I visit Antonio Fernandez Dominguez at Imperial College of London.

Fabrice's 2012 news

  1. (28 Nov) I will speak about The Nobel Prize in Physics 2012 at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, C-V, departmental seminar.
  2. (30 July-3 August) I attend the ICPS 2012 in Zurich with one talk (on Monday) on fluctuations induced by luminescence and a poster on $n$ photon emitters.
  3. (14-18 May) I attend the XXXV Encontro Nacional de Física da Matéria Condensada (ENFMC 2012) in Águas de Lindóia, Brazil.

News 2011

  1. (12 December) Michael Schrapp gives his Diploma Thesis final talk (exact time & location tbc, but this will be somewhere in the WSI).
  2. (9-15 December) Visit of Tom Taylor (university of Southampton).
  3. (30 November-2 December) We participate to the Workshop "Memory-effects in solids" at the Technische Universität Berlin, with two talks: Effects of fast fluctuations in the coherent excitation of quantum dots and molecules., F.P. Laussy et al. and Strong-coupling as a non-Markovian effect, E. del Valle et al.
  4. (12 November) Our text Generation of a two-photon state from a quantum dot in a microcavity by del Valle et al. is published in New J. Phys. 13, 113014 (2011).
  5. (9 November) Our text Luminescence spectra of quantum dots in microcavities. III. Multiple quantum dots by Laussy, Laucht, del Valle, Finley & Villas-Bôas is published in Phys. Rev. B, 84 195313 (2011).
  6. (15 October) Open day at the TUM in Garching [3][4] and worldwide demonstration against corruption and ruthless capitalism (we'll be in Munich).15.10.11.png
  7. (10 October) Our text "Regimes of strong light-matter coupling under incoherent excitation" by del Valle & Laussy is published in Phys. Rev. A, 84, 043816 (2011).
  8. (6 October) Oktobernachsitzung at 24c Münchener Straße, please confirm attendance.
  9. (4 October) Seminars Addressing phonons in semiconductor quantum dot-QED: entanglement, non-equilibrium phonon, and photon distributions by A. Carmele and J. Kabuß, ZNN seminar room, 17.00.
  10. (4-8 October) Visit of Dr. Alexander Carmele & Julia Kabuß from the Nichtlineare Optik und Quantenelektronik von Halbleitern group of the Technische Universität Berlin.
  11. (29 July) Can you see the difference between <m>e^{i\pi}=-1</m> and $e^{i\pi}=-1$? (the answer is MathJax, now powering laussy.org).
  12. (21 July) We participate to the B2RUN race at the Olympiapark in Munich, running (6km) for the TUM.
  13. (5 July) Generation of two identical photons from a quantum dot in a microcavity on arXiv (1107.0953).
  14. (2 June) Lasing in Strong Coupling on arXiv (1106.0509).
  15. (31 May) Regimes of strong light-matter coupling under incoherent excitation on arXiv (1105.5836).
  16. (25-28 May) Visit of Daniele Sanvitto.
  17. (9-10 May) We attend the International Conference "Quantum Technology" at the Deutsches Museum in Munich.
  18. (19 April) Climbing the Jaynes-Cummings ladder by photon counting on arXiv (1104.3564).
  19. (4-8 April) We participate in the PLMCN11 conference in Berlin with two talks.
  20. (16-20 March) We participate in the MIFP March Meeting in Rome with two talks.

Elena's 2011 news

  1. (20 December) Street Christmas concert with my choir Vokal Total: 19 Uhr, in Odeonplatz.
  2. (26 November) Concert with my choir Vokal Total: Geistliche Konzert, 19 Uhr, in der Jesus-Christus-Kirche in Germering, Hartstr.6-8.
  3. (1 August) I start my Humboldt Fellowship.
  4. (3 July) Spanish concert with my choir Vokal Total.
  5. (6 June-29 July) I do intensive German course supported by my Humboldt Fellowship
  6. (15 May) Concert with my choir Vokal Total.
  7. (23 March) End of my Newton International Fellowship.
  8. (15 March) I am awarded an Alexander Humboldt Fellowship to work in the group of Prof. Michael Hartmann in Munich.

Fabrice's 2011 news

  1. (8 November) Our paper Superconductivity with excitons and polaritons. Review and extension. by F.P. Laussy, T. Taylor, I. Shelykh and A. Kavokin has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Nanophotonics.
  2. (29 August) Our paper Correlation between emission intensity of self-assembled germanium islands and quality factor of silicon photonic crystal nanocavities by N. Hauke et al. is published in Phys. Rev. B 84, 085320 (2011).
  3. (28 June) I get awarded a Ramón y Cajal position.
  4. (13 June) wz v°0.1 is pre-released.

News 2010

  1. (7 December) We give a shared seminar in the SFB 787 Halbleiter-Nanophotonik at the Technische Universität Berlin with titles Cavity QED with quantum dots in microcavities and Incoherent Mollow triplet.
  2. (31 October) After about one month disruption, our website is back online and going the bliki way.
  3. (29 October) Ambre Laussy is born! (my brother's third child (see here)).
  4. (4 October) First day in Münchener Strasse.
  5. (25-30 July) We participate to the 30th ICPS in Seoul (two talks).
  6. (21-26 June) We participate to the 18th International Symposium Nanostructures: Physics and Technology in Saint-Petersburg (two talks).
  7. (12-16 April) We participate to the PLMCN10 conference in Cuernavaca, Mexico (one invited talk, one poster).
  8. (19 March) Our paper Effect of pure dephasing on the Jaynes-Cummings nonlinearities by A. Gonzalez-Tudela et al. is published as Opt. Express 18, 7002 (2010).
  9. (16 February) We attend the Newton International Fellowship Day in Carlton House Terrace, London, where Elena presents a poster.
  10. (5 January) Our paper Two-photon lasing by a single quantum dot in a high-Q microcavity, by del Valle et al., is published as Phys. Rev. B 81, 035302 (2010).
  11. (4 January) Our papers Quantitative Description of Strong-Coupling of Quantum Dots in Microcavities by Laussy et al. [5] and Observation of Quantum Hydrodynamic Effects in Microcavity Polaritons by Amo et al. [6], presented and featured at the ICPS 29 conference, are finally published after two years of delay (the time it took the editors of this huge conference to chase all the referees and authors).
  12. (January) Our paper Anticrossing in the PL spectrum of light–matter coupling under incoherent continuous pumping, by Gonzalez-Tudela et al., is published as Superlatt. Microstruct., 47 16 (2010).

Elena's 2010 news

Fabrice's 2010 news

News 2009

  1. (26 August) Our paper Dynamics of the Formation and Decay of Coherence in a Polariton Condensate, by del Valle et al., is published as Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 096404 (2009).
  2. (27 June) We celebrate our marriage in Madrid!!
  3. (16-20, April) We participate to the PLMCN9 conference, in Lecce (Italy), with two oral contributions and a poster.
  4. (15 January) Our paper "Collective fluid dynamics of a polariton condensate in a semiconductor microcavity", by Amo et al., is published as Nature, 457, 291 (2009).
  5. (8-14 January) We participate to the School of Nanophotonics & Photovoltaics in Santiago de Cuba.
  6. (5-8, January) We participate to the first Ictopon conference, in India, where we’ll speak of strong coupling of quantum dots in microcavities (invited talk) and two-photon lasing (oral contribution).

Elena's 2009 news

  1. (8 September) I participate to the OECS11 conference in Madrid (Spain), with an oral contribution.
  2. (14 March) I start my Newton Fellowship in the University of Southampton.
  3. (13 March) I defend my thesis entitled: “Quantum Electrodynamics with Quantum Dots in Microcavities“, at 10h30 in the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, modulo C-0, room 302.
  4. (28 October) I give a seminar at Cardiff University (UK).

Fabrice's 2009 news

  1. (17-24 September) I give a seminar at the International School of Nanophotonics and Photovoltaics in Maratea (Italy).
  2. (29 June) I get my driving licence in Madrid.

News 2008

  1. (22, November) Concert of the Lauda choir that Elena joined in September, in Romsey.
  2. (5, November) Fabrice gives a talk on Strong-Coupling of quantum dots in microcavities at the University of Sheffield.
  3. (4, November) Our Mathematica plotter for PL spectra of light-matter coupling is available at the Wolfram demonstration project.
  4. (8, 12 September) We participate to the International Conference on Spontaneous Coherence in Excitonic Systems (ICSCE4), in Cambridge.
  5. (Fri 22, August) Our paper Strong Coupling of Quantum Dots in Microcavities is published as Phys. Rev. Lett., 101, 083601 (2008). See also the gory details in arXiv:0808.3215 (on what is Saint Fabrice’s feast day in many calendars). We both moved to Southampton.
  6. (Wed 13, August) Our nephew, Antoine, is baptized in Eglise de Chaméane, 11:00. Elena interprets the Ave verum Corpus by Mozart.
  7. (Mon 11, August) Our paper Optical spectra of a quantum dot in a microcavity in the nonlinear regime with Fabricio de Souza and Ivan Shelykh is published as Phys. Rev. B., 78, 085304 (2008), and is featured in the Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology.
  8. (Sun 22, June) Concert. The day of her birthday, Elena interprets two songs: Tarantelle, Op. 10 No. 2 by Fauré, as second soprano with Cecilia (first soprano) and Victor (piano). And the Papageno and Papagena duet from the opera Die Zauberflöte (The Magic Flute) by Mozart with Samuel Peláez (tenor) and Cecilia (piano). Guillermo—Elena’s brother—also performs at the same concert, beating the drums with some friends. Their performance are part of the annual Partichela music school concert, which takes place at the auditorio de la Casa de la Cultura in Tres Cantos, at around 18h.
  9. (Thu 19, June) Elena gives a talk entitled Luz y materia en acoplo fuerte at the Dpto. Física Teórica de la Materia Condensada (UAM, Madrid), at 15:00 in the Sala de seminarios C-V, 5a planta.
  10. (Wed 18, June) Concert. Elena sings with the ICMM choir, and also the Papageno and Papagena duet from the opera Die Zauberflöte (The Magic Flute) by Mozart as soprano with Samuel Peláez (tenor) and Lucía Vergara (piano). This concert takes place at the ICMM amphitheatre (salón de actos del ICMM), in Cantoblanco campus at around 11h30.
  11. (Mon 19, May) We don’t go to ICPS in Rio de Janeiro, but Dr. Amo has a special award presentation for his work on coherent propagation of polariton BEC, to which we contributed. Prof. Tejedor will give a talk on our results on strong-coupling of QDs in microcavities. And we have a poster presentation with Prof. Shelykh and Dr. de Souza on multiplets observed with interacting bosons coupled to a single cavity mode.
  12. (Wed 20, Feb) We present our work on Strong coupling of quantum dots in microcavities and Coherence and entanglement control of two quantum dots as oral contributions to the PLMCN8 in Tokyo, Japan.
  13. (Sun 20, Jan) We go to Barcelona from 25 to the 31 of January for the QOIT meeting at theInstitute of Photonic Science (ICFO) and to visit the UAB.
  14. (Wed 9, Jan) Antoine Laussy (the second son of Fabrice’s brother) is born!

News 2007

  1. (Wed 19, Dec) Our paper Entanglement and lasing with two quantum dots in a microcavity, by E. del Valle, F. P. Laussy, F. Troiani and C. Tejedor is published as Phys. Rev. B 76, 235317 (2007). It is also featured in the January 7, 2008 issue of the Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology and in the January 2008 issue of Virtual Journal of Quantum Information.
  2. (Mon 12, Nov) Our preprint on the effect of incoherent pumping on strong-coupling of light and matter is available at arXiv:0711.1894v1.
  3. (Thu 25, Oct) Our paper Electrostatic control of quantum dot entanglement induced by coupling to external reservoirs, by E. del Valle, F. P. Laussy and C. Tejedor is published as EPL 80, 57001 (2007). It is selected for the Editor’s Choice.