News 2014

You can also browse our news archives if you're interested in old news as well as new news.

Past and future:

  1. (28-31 May): We give two Invited talks at the International Conference on Problems of Strongly Correlated and Interacting Systems in St Petersburg.

Elena's news

  1. (22-24 January) I give and invited talk at the VIII Reunión Bienal del Grupo Especializado de Estado Sólido (GEFES 2014) in Ciudad Real.
  2. (1 March) Beginning of the Project SQUIRREL (Sensing QUantum Information coRRELations).

Fabrice's news

  1. (20 January) I start my Complex analysis course at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Aula 01.11.AU.201-5.
  2. (7 February) With the arrival of Juan Pablo and Guillermo, Our group is now complete.
  3. (7-11 July) I participate to the 10th AIMS Conference on Dynamical Systems, Differential Equations and Applications in Madrid, speaking of "Propagation of polariton wavepackets" in the Special Session on Nonlinear Schrodinger equations and its applications.


Fp.laussy.jpg From Fabrice's twitter feed:

An error occured. That's all we know.

On this website

Noteworthy changes or novelties are listed below:

  1. Streltsov17a . . 9203B (New) . . A colloquium that isn't one by Fabrice at 18:42 on 4 September 2024.
  2. Epistemological Letters . . 15051B (New) . . Welcome to Epistemological Letters by Fabrice at 15:27 on 2 September 2024.
  3. Experimental Metaphysics . . 2855B (+1294B) . . Last step before Experimental Theology. by Fabrice at 15:29 on 1 September 2024.
  4. Bong20a . . 3140B (New) . . Wigner friends go in the lab. by Fabrice at 13:42 on 1 September 2024.
  5. Blog:Science/Continuous spectra from planetary nebula: niche history of science . . 7726B (New) . . Tribute to the unsung heros of science by Fabrice at 16:56 on 31 August 2024.
  6. Edwin Jaynes . . 1391B (New) . . New hero unlocked by Fabrice at 12:11 on 24 August 2024.
  7. Wheeler57a . . 1884B (New) . . Wheeler's early support for Everett's vision of the Universe by Fabrice at 11:25 on 24 August 2024.
  8. ISBN . . 356B (New) . . Need to do that! by Fabrice at 19:00 on 23 August 2024.
  9. Osnaghi09a . . 1619B (New) . . Historical snippets by Fabrice at 17:33 on 22 August 2024.
  10. Interpretations of Quantum Mechanics . . 18797B (+4048B) . . Update of our Pilot wave overview. by Fabrice at 09:39 on 22 August 2024.

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