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Blog: Hacks

This is a collection of tricks, scripts, one-liners, patches, hacks of all sort & anything related to computers and computing. Try at your own risks!

Emacs Proofing LaTeX

I often need to clean out the proofing notes one makes for editors and co-authors in $\mathrm{\LaTeX}$ prose:

Screenshot 20240518 132554.png

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Debugging sopi

sopi works great except when it doesn't, in which case he just vomits an error message like this:

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Moving numbered files to add one entry

Say you have files like this:


and need to add a new lecture5!

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doi2bib or parsing doi into bibTeX entries

From about 2003, when I started to compile scientific references, till now, I have been entering references in my sci.bib bibTeX file by hand! That included 3549 entries according to bibtex-count-entries. This stops today.

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bib2wiki or parsing bibTeX into mediawiki templates

In a previous post, I was discussing a prospective bib2wiki script to automatize the transcription of my bibTeX database to laussy.org (this website). This was over 10 years ago, so I forgot what I did back then. I had to do it again.

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Overlapping subtitles in kdenlive

kdenlive uses a 25th of a second accuracy for the millisecond timestamp $t$, which thus becomes converted to the nearest integer $\lfloor{t/40}\rceil$ (there are forty fractions of 1/25s in a second). So if you have, say:

00:00:02,764 --> 00:00:03,705
So now...

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Timestamps in srt files with Mathematica

This describes a hack to manually find the overlapping subtitles in a srt file (and do other more interesting things).

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Extracting citation counts from a Google Scholar page

Say you want to extract the citation counts from someone's Google Scholar page (here from Jeremy Baumberg):

Screenshot 20230625 105122.png

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Merging Columbus CSV files

To merge various tracks from the Columbus P-10 device so as to assemble a global picture of your whereabouts, one can follow the steps below.

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CSV to GPX for Columbus P-10 Pro

However great GPSBabel can be, it still fails to be conversant with the great Columbus GPS logger. This is how we convert its CSV file to GPX.

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