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= Blogs =
Go directly to
You will find various blogs on our web:
* [[Elena's blog]]
* [[Blog:Elena]]
* [[Fabrice's blog]]
* [[Blog:Fabrice]]
and also
* [[Blog:Science]] — comments on science.
<!--* [[Blog:Trips]] &mdash; records of our strolling around.
* [[Blog:What the paper says]] &mdash; some comments on scientific literature.-->
* [[Blog:Notes]] &mdash; a collection of research or curious notes on scientific topics.
* [[Blog:Hacks]] &mdash; a collection of tricks and hacks.
* [[Blog:Tech]] &mdash; a collection of observations on technology and computer topics.
* [[Blog:Cuisine]] &mdash; on culinary matters.
* [[Blog:Chess]] &mdash; on games I play.
<!--* [[Blog:Blog]] &mdash; on things happening.-->
* [[Blog:Trifles]] &mdash; on everything else.
On [[Sotito]]:
* [[Blog:Sotito's Garden]]
* [[Blog:Sotito's Library]]
* [[Blog:Sotito's Conservatory]]
* [[Blog:Sotito's Pub]]
In other languages:
* [[Blog:Fabrice (en Français)]] &mdash; My blog in the French language.
* [[Blog:Fabrice (en Castellano)]] &mdash; My blog in the Spanish language.
In dormancy:-
* [[Blog:Felipe III 6, 6B]] &mdash; on our life in [[Madrid]].
* [[Blog:Polyphasic]] &mdash; an attempt at [[polyphasic sleep]].
* [[Blog:Brexit]] &mdash; Going through Brexit.
== Our $\mu$blogs ==
[[Twitter]] blocked their API to external applications, so we cannot process tweets from here anymore! [http://twitter.com/fplaussy You need to go on twitter] to get them.
== Under the hood ==
Our blogs on this website are powered by [[MediaWiki]]'s extension [[WikiLog]] from Juliano F. Ravasi. The rationale for this choice can be read in our first blog entry under that approach: [[Blog:Fabrice/The Bliki way]].
Previously we were using [[WordPress]], which is a nice piece of software but didn't best match our purposes.
Until we decide what to do with it, we kept a record of these here:
* [http://delvalle.laussy.org/elena/blog/ Elena's blog]
* [http://laussy.org/blog/ Fabrice's blog]
The [[Blog:Sandbox]] is some place you probably don't want to go.
= What is a blog? =
= What is a blog? =
In its most mundane form, a blog is merely an online public diary that whoever feels like update with their daily humor, rant or enthusiasm.
In its most mundane form, a blog is merely an online public diary that whoever feels like update with their daily ''humeure'', rant or enthusiasm.
<!--One step further in its subtlety, a blog turns out to be . Vanity, is indeed. But who really cares that is not more vain than what it scoffs?  
One step further in its subtlety, a blog turns out to be . Vanity, is indeed. But who really cares that is not more vain than what it scoffs?  
= Why a blog? =
= Why a blog? =
In ''[[The salmon of doubt]]'', [[Douglas Adams]] makes the following comments:
In ''[[The salmon of doubt]]'', [[Douglas Adams]] makes some comments which provide the perfect definition of the blogging system.
Adams is, after all, the one who foresaw the web&nbsp;2.0, that of the social network, before the web1.0, its cozy version from the military.
== Blogs we like ==
* [http://blog.stephenwolfram.com/ Stephen Wolfram's blog], from the father of [[Mathematica]], and...
* [http://blog.wolfram.com/ Mathematica blog], from his team.
* [https://galileo-unbound.blog Galileo unbound].
=== of interesting people ===
* [https://terrytao.wordpress.com/ What's new], by [[Terry Tao]], the modern Leonard Euler. These blog posts eventually end up in publications (like Euler's piles of scribblings).
* [http://www.scottaaronson.com/blog/ Shtetl-Optimized], by [[Scott Aaronson]].
* [https://johncarlosbaez.wordpress.com/ Azimuth] by [[John Baez]] (the non-recognized inventor of blogging).
* [http://backreaction.blogspot.com/ BackRe(action)], a theoretician's blog on a bit of everything.
* [http://blogperso.univ-rennes1.fr/san.vu-ngoc/index.php/ Vũ Ngọc San], from this author (French Mathematician in Rennes).
* [http://dehnelimafilm.wordpress.com/ Juliana Lima Dehne] (and husband), filmmaker(s).
* [http://delaialade.blogspot.pt Joaquín Fernández Rossier], físico teórico, profesor titular del departamento de Fïsica Aplicada de la Universidad de Alicante.
Adams foresaw the web&nbsp;2.0, that of the social network, before the web1.0, its cozy version from military.
[[Image:fr.png]] In French:
* [http://lesactualitesdudroit.20minutes-blogs.fr/ Actualités du droit] par Gilles Devers.
= Blogs we like =
[[Image:es.png]] In Spanish:
* [http://rebecatabales.wordpress.com/ Rebeca Tabales], a novelist (and a friend of [[Elena]]).
* [http://rebecatabales.wordpress.com/ Rebeca Tabales], a novelist (and a friend of [[Elena]]).

Revision as of 08:20, 13 May 2024



You will find various blogs on our web:

and also

On Sotito:

In other languages:

In dormancy:-

Our $\mu$blogs

Twitter blocked their API to external applications, so we cannot process tweets from here anymore! You need to go on twitter to get them.

Under the hood

Our blogs on this website are powered by MediaWiki's extension WikiLog from Juliano F. Ravasi. The rationale for this choice can be read in our first blog entry under that approach: Blog:Fabrice/The Bliki way.

Previously we were using WordPress, which is a nice piece of software but didn't best match our purposes.

Blogs we like

of interesting people

Fr.png In French:

Es.png In Spanish: