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Coherent states may
be of use, so they say,
but they wouldn’t be missed
if they didn’t exist.


Quantum States

One popular characterization of quantum states is through Glauber's correlators $g^{(n)}$ (the most famous one being $g^{(2)}$). We provided a nice way to explore the Hilbert space of all quantum states using those as flashlights (see Wading through the Hilbert space).

Fock states

Coherent states

Thermal states

Cothermal states

Interpolate between thermal and coherent states.


Negative binomial states

Interpolate between thermal and coherent states.

Glauber-Sudarshan P representation of negative binomial states. K. Matsuo in Phys. Rev. A 41:519 (1990). Template:Fu97a

Binomial states

Interpolate between Fock and coherent states.


Phase states

Number-phase states


Gaussian states

Gaussian states are those which can be created only with displacement operators and squeezing. See Ref. Template:Olivares12a for a tutorial.

Another one-mode definition is:[1]

Screenshot 20250125 160250.png

A Gaussian state is pure iff the determinant of the coherence variance matrix = 1.[2][3]


Beyond the diagonal

Randomly phased coherent states

Pure thermal distribution



  1. Quantifying coherence of Gaussian states. J. Xu in Phys. Rev. A 93:032111 (2016).
  2. Template:Wang07a
  3. Quantifying coherence in infinite-dimensional systems. Y. Zhang, L. Shao, Y. Li and H. Fan in Phys. Rev. A 93:012334 (2016).