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<wz tip="Fabrice.">[[Image:Fp.laussy.jpg|right|150px]]</wz>
I am Fabrice Pierre [[Laussy]] ([http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5E7dc7XVBM8 洛熙]).
I am Fabrice Pierre [[Laussy]] ([http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5E7dc7XVBM8 洛熙]).
<center><wz tip="Fabrice with Tizón (March 2014).">[[Image:Fabrice_with_Tizon.jpg|600px]]</wz></center>
I am a theoretical physicist, working mainly on strange (and raising stars) particles known as [[polaritons]], that are a quantum mélange of light and matter.
I am a theoretical physicist, working mainly on strange (and raising stars) particles known as [[polaritons]], that are a quantum mélange of light and matter.

Revision as of 17:18, 6 April 2014

Fabrice's web : CV · Blogs (⇢ Madrid · ⇢ Science · ⇢ Everything)

I am Fabrice Pierre Laussy (洛熙).

Fabrice with Tizon.jpg

I am a theoretical physicist, working mainly on strange (and raising stars) particles known as polaritons, that are a quantum mélange of light and matter.

For fellow physicists, you could say I work at the interface between quantum optics, semiconductor physics and condensed matter.

I am a RyC researcher (since June 2012) in the condensed matter theory division of the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. I teach Mathematical Methods II (complex analysis).

I am also the theory principal investigator for the ERC PolaFlow funded by the European Union and based in Lecce under the supervision of Daniele Sanvitto and the Scientist in Charge of the project SQUIRREL.

If this still does not tell you enough about me, you can get a fair idea by browsing my favourites or peeking at my publications.

Or are you may be looking for one of my blogs?

You can also find me on Google+ at https://plus.google.com/+FabriceLaussy (What is Google+?)

«Mais si le Diable parle parfois, Dieu se tait, toujours. Il faut trouver les réponses seul.»
«Il n’est rien au monde que je vomisse autant que le pessimisme, qui représente à la fois, pour l’horreur de ma pensée, toutes les impuissances imaginables [...] Je n’estime que le courage sans mesure et je n’accepterai jamais d’être vaincu, - moi !»
«Tout homme qui dirige, qui fait quelque chose, a contre lui ceux qui voudraient faire la même chose, ceux qui font précisément le contraire et surtout la grande armée des gens, d'autant plus sévères, qu'ils ne font rien du tout.»