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Fabrice's Blog

What's happening in Spain

There is little echo in the international press of the recent events in Spain, be it the growing mass gatherings [2], or some cases of its violent repression by the police [1]. This is a bit strange as the events are both important and notable. Since the demonstrations are pacific and their demands are mainly against political corruption and decency in the conduct of power, I have only positive feelings about it. Today, we went in Munich to support the indignados, themselves supporting the core movement in Spain.

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A moral conscience for our troubled times

We might ask ourselves how we would be reacting if Iraqi commandos landed at George W. Bush’s compound, assassinated him, and dumped his body in the Atlantic.

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Death of Osama bin Laden

"I can report to the American people and to the world" announces the president of the United States, Barack Obama... What? That they have cured cancer? Landed on Mars? Achieved room-temperature superconductivity? Solved the Israeli-Palestinian conflict? At least lifted the embargo on Cuba?

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Mad Rush

I was looking for a representative masterpiece of minimalism for my list of favourite songs. I have settled for Mad Rush

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The Bliki way

The bliki is a blog provided by a wiki.

This is the technology we shall be using on laussy.org from now on. We initially used own-cooked php scripts, then later upgraded to a dedicated weblog engine, WordPress, but as we later relied increasingly on MediaWiki that is powering the rest of our web, there came a strong urge of uniformity and homogeneity.

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