Colmenar Viejo

Colmenar Viejo is a town north of Madrid, terminus of the C4 train line that passes by Tres Cantos.

It has a splendid city center with a pretty Gothic basilica, Nuestra Señora de la Asunción where "Ciconias" perch in a very picturesque way. Sadly, however, Spanish madness with modern urban constructions defaced what used to be a lovely village nested at the foot of the mountains. Most of what is now a small city is quite ugly. Surroundings remain, however, of stupendous natural beauty and wildness.


  • I went there on 10 February (2007) for the first time.
  • On 23 March (2007), Inma and her choir gave a concert in the church.
  • Inma also held various expositions of her artwork in Colmenar.
