
In this Chapter, I have presented the counterpart of the general formalism developed in Chapter 3, for two 2LS, valid in both cases of SE and SS emission. I have focused on the resonant SS case, where an analytical solution exists and new regimes of coupling appear as compared with the LM.

The main results of this Chapter are to be found in Eqs. (4.11) and (4.17)-(4.23) that provide the analytical expression for the emission spectra. With decay and pump, the criteria for SC/WC does not rely on the analogous of the LM Rabi frequency but on the two generalized parameters $ z_{1,2}$. The new set of relevant constants grows from $ \Gamma_-/g$ alone in the LM, to $ \Gamma_-/g\,,\,\Gamma_+/g\,,\,D^s$.

The phase space in Fig. 4.4 is a good summary of all the possible regimes. FSC is the standard SC with two symmetrically splitted dressed modes and two doublets sitting on top of each other forming the spectra (a singlet or doublet depending on the resolution). SSC is specific to this system and corresponds to asymmetric dressed modes: the spectra is composed of two differently positioned doublets and this can result in distorted doublets and singlets (Fig. 4.8). In the same way, MC is when one of the dressed modes goes into WC, and can result in a distorted singlet. WC has also the standard definition, no dressed states, and manifestation, four peaks at the bare energy of the modes.

One or two peaks can be observed at resonance in all the regimes although only at SSC distorted doublets (almost quadruplets) can appear, and only at SSC and MC distorted singlets (almost triplets). The appearance of these regimes and lineshapes is induced by decoherence and some asymmetry in the parameters, $ D^s\neq 1$. It is linked to an enhancement of the coupling of up to a maximum of $ \sqrt{2}g$.

Elena del Valle ©2009-2010-2011-2012.