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This page is still largely in progress.
This is a list of code we make available with no guarantee, beside the one that it did once work for its intended purpose.
Beware, version below one (e.g., v°0.1) are \beta-version. It might be that's all you find here.
bib2wiki & keys2wiki
find ~/ -mtime -2 -name "*.nb" -ls
find ~/ -type f -name "*.nb" -newermt 2023-10-15 ! -newermt 2023-10-16
Essentially use mencoder on files converted to jpg. See this page for more details.
Better than convert: (-f and -l specify first & last page):
pdftoppm -png -f 2 -l 2 input.pdf > output.png
For instance converting png files to pdf (without the ${f%%.*} part, file.png would be converted to file.png.pdf instead of file.pdf):
for f in *.png; do convert "$f" ""${f%%.*}".pdf"; done
See Jukka “Yucca” Korpela's cheatsheet for regexps (archived)
E.g, 123,45 → 123.45. To change in all .dat files:
perl -pi -w -e 's/(\d+),(\d+)/$1\.$2/g;' *dat
The following will sanitize all CSV files (here with extension .prf) from trailing text (headers, comments on lines following the CSV, etc.):
for f in *.prf; do cat "$f" | perl -ne 'print "$1\n" if /^([ \t]*([-+]?\d*\.?\d+([eE][-+]?\d+)?,)*[ \t]*[-+]?\d*\.?\d+([eE][-+]?\d+)?)/' > $f.dat ; done
This is a variation to keep all lines which have exactly 2 values (replace {1} by {n-1} to have exactly n values per line):
for f in *.prf; do cat "$f" | perl -ne 'print "$1\n" if /^(([ \t]*[-+]?\d*\.?\d+([eE][-+]?\d+)?,){1}[ \t]*[-+]?\d*\.?\d+([eE][-+]?\d+)?)/' > $f.dat ; done
Be sure that you understand the script so that the sanitization goes to the depth you wish it to (for instance in its present form the first line of code will keep lines in the CSV file with a number but no comma as a valid line [with one value]).
In a \mathrm{\LaTeX} document, if you need to migrate from some superscript quoting like this,7 to some inline one like this~[7], you will likely need to replace
since usage wants that superscript quotation goes after the punctuation mark. If there is no punctuation, you'll want this\quote{ref7} to become this∼\quote{ref7}. The following line of code does such a substitution: (the punctuation you want to be taken care of is in the square bracket [\.,;!?]) (caution: replace the tilde below by a proper one)
perl -p -e 's/([\.,;!?]*)(\\cite\{(\w+,)*\w+\})/∼\2\1/g;' superscript.tex > inline.tex
Note that APS has an option citeautoscript to take care of superscript quoting regardless of how you quote respectively to punctuation, but this is for the PRB style only [1].
In \mathrm{\LaTeX}, to have:
be replaced by:
cat chap10.tex | perl -p -e 's/\\includegraphics(.*)\{(\w+)\.pdf\}/\\includegraphics\1\{fig\/10\/\2\.pdf\}/g;' > newchap10.tex
This version allows for over file extensions (not only pdf):
cat chap10.tex | perl -p -e 's/\\includegraphics(.*)\{(\w+)\.(\w+)\}/\\includegraphics\1\{fig\/10\/\2\.\3\}/g;' > newchap10.tex
To replace
cat file.tex | perl -p -e 's/\\ket\{(\S[^}]+)\}/---|\1\\rangle----/g;'
This does not address issues with nested brackets like \ket{\psi_{ab}}
We use Extension:SyntaxHighlight to pretty-print source through GeSHi on our web.
Previously, we used Paul Grinberg's Code extension for Mediawiki until it was discontinued.