keys2wiki is a shell script to interface with bib2wiki so as to produce directly references for our web from the mediawiki list of broken references.
So if you want, say, for the page of polariton vortices, the following three works:
then run key2wiki which will enter into waiting mode. Copy/paste from the wiki page the list of references and past them:
laussy@covid:~$ ./keys2wiki Template:Fraser09a (edit) Template:Lagoudakis08a (edit) Template:Rahmani19a (edit)
and to complete, invoke Ctrl+D (twice), which will result in:
fraser09a <u>[[Vortex-antivortex pair dynamics in an exciton-polariton condensate]]</u>. [[M. D. Fraser]], [[G. Roumpos]] and [[Y. Yamamoto]] in [[New J. Phys.]] [ '''11''':113048] ([[2009]]). lagoudakis08a <u>[[Quantized vortices in an exciton-polariton condensate]]</u>. [[K. G. Lagoudakis]], [[M. Wouters]], [[M. Richard]], [[A. Baas]], [[I. Carusotto]], [[R. André]], [[Le Si Dang]] and [[B. Deveaud-Plédran]] in [[Nature Phys.]] [ '''4''':706] ([[2008]]). rahmani19a <u>[[Detuning control of Rabi vortex oscillations in light-matter coupling]]</u>. [[A. Rahmani]] and [[L. Dominici]] in [[Phys. Rev. B]] [ '''100''':094310] ([[2019]]).
The input can be of three types:
Template:Einstein25a Template:Einstein25b
↑ Template:Gardiner97a ↑ Template:Jaksch97a
Previous version (0°1) had a \.* which I do not understand. I keep it just in case something doesn't work and remind me why it was there.
#!/bin/bash # v0°2 Wed Jan 15 16:46:39 CET 2025 bib2wiki -keys="`cat | perl -pe 's/(↑ )?Template:([a-zA-Z]+[0-9]{2}[a-z])(\s\(edit\))?/\2/p' | sed '/↑ /d' | sed '/Template/d' | awk -vORS=, '{ print $1 }' | sed 's/,$/\n/'`"
#!/bin/bash # v0°1 Sun 22 Oct 2023 bib2wiki -keys="`cat | perl -pe 's/Template:([a-zA-Z]+[0-9]{2}[a-z])\s\(edit\)\.*/\1/p' | sed '/Template/d' | awk -vORS=, '{ print $1 }' | sed 's/,$/\n/'`"