

PolaFlow was a European funded network (ERC-2012-StG_20111012) on the period from 1 November (2012) till 31 October (2017) based in Lecce (Italy) under the supervision of Daniele Sanvitto, with two partners, in Heraklion (Crete) under the supervision of Pavlos Savvidis and in Madrid (Spain) under the supervision of Fabrice Laussy. On January (2017), the Madrid (Laussy) group moved to Wolverhampton. The present page focuses on the Madrid node.

The network studied the physics of microcavity polaritons. Madrid provided essentially a theory support (Blanca was our Fermi of the group, doing everything both experimental and theoretical).

Madrid Node


Name Email Phone Office Since Till Position
Fabrice Laussy 2665 505 September 2012 August 2017 Head of group, PI
Elena del Valle 3767 510 February 2014 2020 Ramon y Cajal
Carlos Sánchez Muñoz 8516 505 December 2012 December 2016 Ph. D.
Blanca Silva Fernández 2790 513 June 2013 December 2016 Ph. D.
Juan Camilo López Carreño 3002 505 July 2015 2018 Ph. D.
Eduardo Zubizarreta Casalengua eduardo.zubizarreta 3003 513 January 2016 December 2016 Undergraduate (Master)

Phone numbers are given by their UAM extension. From outside, prepend with:

+34 91497 ____

Former Members

"Starred people" are those who are still (or came back) with us but with a new (and higher) qualification.

Name Email Since Till Position Now
Dmitrii Vishnevsky dmitrii.vishnevsky August 2013 August 2014 Post. Doc. Left academia (for industry)
David Colas September 2013 August 2016 Ph. D. Post. Doc. in the group of Davis Matthew (Australia).
Joaquin Ruiz Rivas joaquinruizrivas November 2015 December 2015 Visiting Post. Doc. Left academia (for industry)
Juan Pablo Restrepo Cuartas Febrero 2014 December 2015 Ph. D. Left academia.
Amir Rahmani a.rahmani.mir March 2015 September 2015 Visiting Ph. D Back to Iran, coworker at a distance
Isabel Andrade andradeisabelcristina October 2015 February 2016 Visiting Ph. D. Back to Colombia, coworker at a distance
William Júnio Lima November 2013 September 2014 Visiting Ph. D Back to Brasil
Guillermo Guirales February 2014 July 2014 Visiting Ph. D Back to Colombia
* Juan Camilo López Carreño August 2014 July 2015 Master Ph. D.
Santiago Álvarez Tolcheff February 2015 June 2015 Undergraduate (TFG) Informal collaborator
* Eduardo Zubizarreta Casalengua eduardo.zubizarreta September 2015 December 2015 Undergraduate (TFG) Undergraduate (Master)
Miriam Garcia Santa-Maria miriam.garcias01 September 2015 December 2015 Undergraduate (TFG) Undergraduate
Marcos Rodriguez Muñoz marcos.rodriguezm September 2015 December 2015 Undergraduate (TFG) Undergraduate


Frequent coworkers/close collaborators/guests



Social activities