Montaigut-le-Blanc is a commune of Puy-de-Dôme that we visited on 28 December (2019) (after strolling through the Grottes de Perrier). It was apparently built c. 1000 by the Saint-Julien people on a "Mont Aigu" (sharp peak) who established a fortress there to protect themselves, which developed into a castle that is however nowadays private and not opened to visit (although you can apparently sleep there as a "gîte"). The last noble (de Laizer) to live there have been fled during the French revolution with the effect of one of them discovering the now famous eau d'Évian.
The village makes for a nice walk, although it affords better sightings from a distance. We actually ended spending more time in the playground of the camping at the foot of the village (with a coffee & hot milk provided by campercita) where we had the visit of puppies who stayed a good while with us, making our prompt departure hopeless.