bib2wiki is a perl script to generate a template to cite scientific references on this very website from its $\mathrm{B{\scriptstyle{IB}}\TeX}$ entry.
This is, for instance, an old paper of ours: Electrostatic control of quantum dot entanglement induced by coupling to external reservoirs. E. del Valle, F. P. Laussy and C. Tejedor in Europhys. Lett. 80:57001 (2007).
The rationale is explained in this blog post and examples of its use are in this other blog post.
It is based on BibTeX::Parser.
# Usage: # To print everything: # bib2wiki -keys=all # # To print one key: # bib2wiki -keys=laussy04a # # To print several keys: # bib2wiki -keys=laussy04a,laussy05a,laussy06a
All versions till v0°5 were written on 16 July (2023).
#! /usr/bin/perl -X -s # _ _ _ ____ _ _ _ #| |__ (_) |__|___ \__ _(_) | _(_) #| '_ \| | '_ \ __) \ \ /\ / / | |/ / | #| |_) | | |_) / __/ \ V V /| | <| | #|_.__/|_|_.__/_____| \_/\_/ |_|_|\_\_| # F.P. Laussy - fabrice.laussy@gmailcom # v0°5 Sun 16 Jul CEST 2023 # # Usage: # To print everything: # bib2wiki -keys=all # # To print one key: # bib2wiki -keys=laussy04a # # To print several keys: # bib2wiki -keys=laussy04a,laussy05a,laussy06a use BibTeX::Parser; use IO::File; # This is to remove warnings from the bibTeX parser: use File::Spec; open STDERR, '>', File::Spec->devnull(); # default file my $fh = IO::File->new("/home/laussy/Dropbox/Fabrice/bib/sci.bib"); my $parser = BibTeX::Parser->new($fh); # the map lc converts to lowercases my @mykeys = map { lc } split(/,/, $keys); while (my $entry = $parser->next ) { if ($entry->parse_ok) { my $bibkey = $entry->key; if (($keys eq "all") or ($bibkey ~~ @mykeys)) { my $type = $entry->type; my $title = $entry->field("title"); my $url = $entry->field("url"); $url =~ s/doi:/http:\/\/\//; my $journal = $entry->field("journal"); my $volume = $entry->field("volume"); my $pages = $entry->field("pages"); my $year = $entry->field("year"); # print $type . " -- " . $bibkey . "\n"; print $bibkey . "\n"; # my $output = "'''[" . $url . " " . $title . "]'''. "; my $output = "<u>[[" . $title . "]]</u>. "; my @authors = $entry->author; # or: # my @editors = $entry->editor; # keep all but last authors my @notlast = @authors; pop @notlast; foreach my $author (@notlast) { my $initials = $author->first; $initials =~ s/~/ /g; $output .= "[[" . $initials . " " . $author->von . " " . $author->last . "]], " ## . $author->jr; } # print last author my $initials = $authors[-1]->first; $initials =~ s/~//g; if (@notlast) { $output .= "and " }; $output .= "[[" . $initials . " " . $authors[-1]->von . " " . $authors[-1]->last . "]] in "; # my $output = "'''[" . $url . " " . $title . "]'''. "; $output .= "[[" . $journal . "]] [" . $url . " '''" . $volume ."''':" . $pages . "] ([[" . $year . "]]).\n\n"; $output =~ s/, and/ and/g; $output =~ s/ +/ /g; $output =~ s/--/-/g; $output =~ s/{//g; $output =~ s/}//g; $output =~ s/\\'a/á/g; $output =~ s/\\'e/é/g; $output =~ s/\\`e/è/g; $output =~ s/\\'o/ó/g; $output =~ s/\\"a/ä/g; $output =~ s/\\"o/ö/g; $output =~ s/\\"u/ü/g; $output =~ s/\\~n/ñ/g; $output =~ s/\\'E/É/g; # my macros $output =~ s/\\Imamoglu/İmamoğlu/g; $output =~ s/\\Vuckovic/Vučković/g; print $output; } } else { warn "Error parsing file: " . $entry->error; } }