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In this page is the best information available to get in touch with us. We are mainly based in Germany, but we are in a period of our lives where we do travel a lot.
I am in Dr. Michael Hartmann's group at
Technische Universität München Physik Department I James Franck Strasse 85748 Garching Germany
I am in Prof. Jonathan Finley's Nanostructure Photonics Group, in the Walter Schottky Institute. I am in office S313 of the WSI building.
Walter Schottky Institut Technische Universität München Am Coulombwall 3 85748 Garching Germany
and also:
24c Münchener Strasse 85748 Garching bei München Germany
This map shows the main three locations where we live or have our family roots. You can also see where we lived in the past.
<googlemap lat="46.498392" lon="4" zoom="5"> 50.922013, -1.386917, Southampton 45.512521,3.452115, Chaméane 40.602375,-3.711840, Tres Cantos 48.247004, 11.648383, Garching bei München </googlemap>