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In this page is the best information available to get in touch with us. Elena is mainly based in the UK and Fabrice in Germany, but we are in a period of our lives where we do travel a lot.
In good old Southampton, UK.
School of Physics and Astronomy University of Southampton, Highfield, Southampton, SO17 1BJ Tel: +44 (0)23 8059 9627
I am in Prof. Jonathan Finley's Nanostructure Photonics Group, in the Walter Schottky Institute. The new building is currently under construction, I am presently in the big office of Michiel Kaniber et al. in the old one. Formal address exists though:
Walter Schottky Institut Technische Universität München Am Coulombwall 3 D-85748 Garching Germany
and also:
Flat 7 55 Adelaide Road SO17 2HU Southampton Great Britain
Herr Laussy und Frau del Valle Zimmer 007 Hochschulhaus Garching Enzianstraße 5 85748 Garching
See [1].
This map shows the main three locations where we live or have our family roots. You can also see where we lived in the past.
<googlemap lat="46.498392" lon="4" zoom="5"> 50.922013, -1.386917, Southampton 45.512521,3.452115, Chaméane 40.602375,-3.711840, Tres Cantos 48.256813, 11.65512, Garching bei München </googlemap>