Si l’on mettait d’un côté ce qu’il a ingurgité durant sa vie et de l’autre ce qu’il a rendu par le haut et par le bas, cela ferait deux énormes tas. C’est ainsi qu’il se présentera un jour devant Dieu, avec ses deux tas, l’un à sa droite, l’autre à sa gauche.
Papers to read
From 31 December (2023) onward, I'm starting the new "tradition" of keeping track of the papers I need to read. By "read" I mean, really, "study" in some depth (skimming through a paper is the lot of the researcher).
- Turning a molecule into a coherent two-level quantum system . D. Wang, H. Kelkar, D. Martin-Cano, D. Rattenbacher, A. Shkarin, T. Utikal, S. Götzinger and V. Sandoghdar in Nature Phys. 15:483 (2019). Since 14:57 on 31 December (2023) for its fundamental and extremely clean characterization of a 2LS.
- Photon Bunching in Cathodoluminescence. S. Meuret, L. Ti, N. T. Cazima, N. R. Bourrell, N. H. C., A. F. Treu and A. M. Kociak in Phys. Rev. Lett. 114:197401 (2015). Since 16:01 on 31 December (2023), for their $1/N$ analysis of the antibunching of $N$ emitters.
- Photophysics of quantum emitters in hexagonal boron-nitride nano-flakes. M. K. Boll, I. P. Radko, A. Huck and U. L. Andersen in Opt. Express 28:7475 (2020). Since 16:02 on 31 December (2023) for their flat $g^{(2)}(\tau)$ (see Fig. 3).
Stable Solid-State Source of Single Photons. C. Kurtsiefer, S. Mayer, P. Zarda and H. Weinfurter in Phys. Rev. Lett. 85:290 (2000). Since 16:07 on 31 December (2023). 19:00 on 31 December (2023)
- Limitations on Practical Quantum Cryptography. G. Brassard, N. Lütkenhaus, T. Mor and B. C. Sanders in Phys. Rev. Lett. 85:1330 (2000). Since 16:17 on 31 December (2023) for SPDC being better than weak laser pulses (I'm interested in general in how weak laser pulses are useless SPS for QIP).
- Photophysics of single silicon vacancy centers in diamond: implications for single photon emission. E. Neu, M. Agio and C. Becher in Opt. Express 20:19956 (2012). Since 19:26 on 31 December (2023) for further details on shelving dynamics on $g^{(2)}$.
- Electrically driven photon antibunching from a single molecule at room temperature. M. Nothaft, S. Höhla, F. Jelezko, N. Frühauf, J. Pflaum and J. Wrachtrup in Nature Comm. 3:628 (2012). Since 19:28 on 31 December (2023) for further details their model for $g^{(2)}$.
- Multiple time scale blinking in InAs quantum dot single-photon sources. M. Davanço, C. S. Hellberg, S. Ates, A. Badolato and K. Srinivasan in Phys. Rev. B 89:161303 (2014). Since 19:31 on 31 December (2023) for details on their very elaborate rate-equation description of $g^{(2)}$.
- Photophysics of single nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond nanocrystals. M. Berthel, O. Mollet, G. Dantelle, T. Gacoin, S. Huant and A. Drezet in Phys. Rev. B 91:035308 (2015). Since 19:41 on 31 December (2023) for further details their model for $g^{(2)}$.
- Probabilité des jugements en matière criminelle et en matière civile, précédées des règles générales du calcul des probabilités, S. Poisson, Paris, France: Bachelier (1837). Since 18:29 on 1 January (2024) ‒ classic.
- Correlations in light emitted by three-level atoms. D. T. Pegg, R. Loudon and P. L. Knight in Phys. Rev. A 33:4085 (1986). for their quantum model producing bunching elbows Since 19:43 on 1 January (2024).
- Single germanium vacancy centers in nanodiamonds with bulk-like spectral stability. M. Nahra, D. Alshamaa, R. Deturche, V. Davydov, L. Kulikova, V. Agafonov and C. Couteau in AVS Quantum Sci. 3:012001 (2021). Since 20:02 on 1 January (2024) for their shelving model.
- Photon Bunching in Cathodoluminescence. S. Meuret, L. Ti, N. T. Cazima, N. R. Bourrell, N. H. C., A. F. Treu and A. M. Kociak in Phys. Rev. Lett. 114:197401 (2015). Since 20:02 on 1 January (2024) for their shelving model and supplementary material.
- What is quantum mechanics trying to tell us?. N. D. Mermin in Am. J. Phys. 66:753 (1998). Since 10:27 on 2 January (2024).
As well as those I did finally read:
- Stable Solid-State Source of Single Photons. C. Kurtsiefer, S. Mayer, P. Zarda and H. Weinfurter in Phys. Rev. Lett. 85:290 (2000). Since 16:07 on 31 December (2023). 19:00 on 31 December (2023)