News 2013

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Past and future:

  1. (25 June-4 July): We visit our colleagues Herbert Vinck et al. at the Universidad Nacional de Colombia and give two talks of 40 minutes as part of the Coloquio del departamento de Física (on the 28th).
  2. (12 June): Dr. Christopher Gies (Bremen) will speak of Quantum optics with semiconductor nanostructures, in Garching, at the ZNN, Seminarraum EG 0.001, 16:00.
  3. (10 June): A laser of $N$-photon states is available at
  4. (8 April): Blanca Silva Fernández starts her Ph.~D. in our group.
  5. (5 April): Two-photon spectra of quantum emitters New J. Phys. 15 033036 (2013), Alejandro González-Tudela et al., is published along with its video abstract.
  6. (24-27 March): We participate to the 3rd MIFP March Meeting in Rome (Italy) with two talks.
  7. (22 January): Ph.~D thesis defense of Alejandro González-Tudela, Dynamics of open quantum systems: excitons, cavities and surface plasmons, 15:30, Sala de Grados (Modulo 8), Facultad de Ciencias.
  8. (21 December [2012]): We offer a Ph.~D theory position funded by the EU to work with us at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Read here and contact Fabrice.

Elena's news

  1. (21 January): My paper "Distilling one, two and entangled pairs of photons from a quantum dot with cavity QED effects and spectral filtering" (arXiv:1210.5272) is accepted in New J. Phys., to be part of the focus issue "Cavity and Circuit Quantum Electrodynamics in Solids".
  2. (18 March): I give a talk at the DPG-Frühjahrstagung in Hannover (Germany), titled Two-photon spectra.
  3. (6 May): I am awarded a RyC fellowship.

Fabrice's news

  1. (20 January) I start my Complex analysis course at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.
  2. (22 January) I am the secretary in Alejandro's Ph.~D Jury.
  3. (15 February) I give a talk in the Programa de la Jornada de Divulgación de la Investigación of the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid on light-matter coupling, aimed at the public at large. All details here.
  4. (15 May) Lorenzo Dominici reporting on quantum backjets at the CLEO in Munich~[1].
  5. (30 July) I speak of Polariton-powered devices: lasers, superfluids and superconductors at the QSIT Seminar of the ETH [2].
  6. (1st September) Dmitry Vishnevsky and David Colas enter the PolaFlow group.