* [[24 August|24]]: We visit [[Blackpool]], including the first time to the [[Circus]] and to an [[Aquarium]] for Julia:
* [[24 August|24]]: We visit [[Blackpool]], including the first time to the [[Circus]] and to an [[Aquarium]] for Julia:
<center><wz tip="Our first visit to Blackpool: lots of fun.">[[File:Blackpool-25-24Aug19-40.jpg|400px]]</wz></center>
<center><wz tip="Our first visit to Blackpool: lots of fun. This was minutes before a dense fog would completely cover the tower (and later disappear as it came).">[[File:Blackpool-25-24Aug19-40.jpg|400px]]</wz></center>
* [[31 August|31]]: We visit [[Aston]] and become members of the [[Birmingham Museums Trust]].
13‒21: Our Easter trip with Antoine brings us to five Autonomous communities of the Eastern part of Spain, visiting famous landmarks, stunning landscapes, important cities, the coast and the birthplace of three rivers.