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Crash Course in Scientific Computing

XVI. Higher Dimensions

We have dealt with so far one-dimensional problems in one variable. Today, we will extend some of the techniques we have described in this case to their higher-dimensional counterpart, starting with root-finding, i.e., we generalize Newton-Raphson to n equations in n unknowns. Letting J(\mathbf{x}) be the Jacobian of the vector-valued function f(\mathbf{x}), Newton-Raphson for f(\mathbf{x})=0 reads simply:

\mathbf x_{i+1}=\mathbf x_i-\mathbf J(\mathbf x_i)^{-1}\mathbf f(\mathbf x_i)

where \mathbf J(\mathbf x_i)^{-1} is the inverse matrix of the Jacobian.