
svg2png is a perl script to convert the svg files in the current directory into png images, doing the conversion only if the svg file is newer than its corresponding png.


Simply run ./svg2png in the working directory.

On 6 January (2024), I had to amend this 2008 script with the line

    print MyMakefile "\tinkscape -h 7200 -b white -o $file.png $file \n\n";

since the export option is not -e anymore but -o. I also added the -b=white option to force white background. This makes version svg2png v°0.2.


  1. v0°1: 3 November (2008).
  2. v0°2: Template:Subs:today ― last version, not the one listed below!
#! /usr/bin/perl
# svg2png v0°1   ____
# _____   ____ _|___ \ _ __  _ __   __ _ 
#/ __\ \ / / _` | __) | '_ \| '_ \ / _` |
#\__ \\ V / (_| |/ __/| |_) | | | | (_| |
#|___/ \_/ \__, |_____| .__/|_| |_|\__, |
#          |___/      |_|          |___/ 
# F.P. Laussy - Mon Nov  3 15:05:54 GMT 2008
# Convert svg files of the current directory into high-quality png
# Do this only if timestamp of svg is newer than its png
# Bind all png together with -b option (into presentation.png)

use Getopt::Std;

@files = <*.svg>;

# Build makefile
my $pngfiles = "";

open (MyMakefile, '>Makefile');

foreach $file (@files) {
    $pngfiles .= "$file.png ";

print MyMakefile "presentation.png : $pngfiles";

if ($options{b}){
    print MyMakefile "\n\tpdftk $pdffiles cat output presentation.pdf"

print MyMakefile "\n\n";

# dependencies

@files = <*.svg>;
foreach $file (@files) {
    print MyMakefile "$file.png : $file \n";
    print MyMakefile "\tinkscape -h 7200 -e $file.png $file \n\n";
close (MyMakefile);

#system("rm Makefile");

print "svg2png has finished!\n";