This page is still in progress.Deterministic generation of a quantum-dot-confined triexciton and its radiative decay via three-photon cascade. E. R. Schmidgall, I. Schwartz, L. Gantz, D. Cogan, S. Raindel and D. Gershoni in Phys. Rev. B 90:241411 (2014).  What the paper says?

Study of the neutral triexciton (XXX$^0$) cascade, following its deterministic excitation with a sequence of three nondegenerate laser pulses. Also an interesting case of three-photon correlations $g^{(3)}$ (and how it relates to $g^{(2)}$).

Their comments on Refs. [1] and [2]:

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  1. Four-photon cascade from quadexcitons in a single GaAs quantum dot. Y. Arashida, Y. Ogawa and F. Minami in Phys. Rev. B 84:125309 (2011).
  2. Three-photon cascade from single self-assembled InP quantum dots. J. Persson, T. Aichele, V. Zwiller, L. Samuelson and O. Benson in Phys. Rev. B 69:233314 (2004).