Juan Camilo López Carreño

Juan Camilo (Camilo) is a Doctor of Physics (see his thesis), a great and promising theorist, who worked with us on the period 2014-2022 on fundamental questions of Quantum Mechanics and quantum polaritonics (!?) which he is currently extending in the form of seeking a quantum description of one-particle polariton states [1].


He was leading our activity on exciting optical targets with quantum lights, on the one hand, and photon correlations from frequency filtering, in particular from the Mollow triplet for which he implemented a frequency-resolved quantum Monte Carlo scheme. He also was instrumental in the discovery of the joint subnatural linewidth antibunching, which was the starting point for our activity on homodyning.

Another major contribution from Camilo was building the Physics branch of the University of Wolverhampton, a task which he embraced since its earliest stage and to which he dedicated himself fully until he took up a Stanisław Ulam fellowship in the group of Magdalena Stobińska.

As a few highlights of his research with us, Camilo established the formalism of frequency-resolved quantum Monte Carlo, which is invaluable to go beyond mean-field of our theory of frequency-resolved photon correlations, he mapped the full landscape of photon-correlation from the Mollow triplet, he leads our quantum spectroscopy line of research and is also a key component of our homodyning proposals along with Eduardo Zubizarreta.

He lived number 2, Plaza Mayor, and was therefore our neighbor in front during our Plaza Mayor days.


You can visit his great website.