The New Journal of Physics has an interesting "Focus on" series that collate articles from some experts of a given thematic (sadly, not always all those that should be there) to assemble a snapshot of the State of the Art.
Great Issues are Focuses on Quantum Simulation, Integrated Quantum Optics, Optomechanics, Out-of-Equilibrium Dynamics in Strongly Interacting One-Dimensional Systems, Quantum Tomography, Quantum Memory, Coherent Control of Complex Quantum Systems, Matter Wave Optics and Interferometry and even Gravitational Quantum Physics (other topics less connected to our interest also exist [5][6][7][8]...)
We have edited (that's with Y. Arakawa, J. Finley, R. Gross, F. Laussy, E. Solano and J. Vuckovic) a Focus on Cavity and Circuit Quantum Electrodynamics in Solids. The material has been available online and for free for some time, but now the collection is officially closed. An introduction to the text can be found here. This is a slightly more personal selection and comments.
The opening paper[1] deserves various mentions, providing the cover for the Issue as well as being the 2nd most downloaded and the most quoted so far according to the journal's metric (it is also the oldest, but still with two times more citations than those more quoted after it). What is reported here (and shown on the cover) is a brick from the real world for actual quantum information processing, in this case in diamond, which has advantages in terms of coherence time and temperatures [2]. I find it quite illustrative of where we stand (as a specie), given the relative primitive state of the core technology: a ring sided by a stick with ridges at the end, with a single defect buried in somewhere (the NV center that takes the role of the quantum bit).
The device consists of a micro-ring optical resonator coupled to a diamond waveguide. When the optical transitions between the quantum levels of a NV center are in resonance with the micro-ring, light emitted from the NV center can be efficiently channeled into the waveguide, which in the future will connect to a larger on-chip optical network.