m (Usage)
m (Usage)
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== Usage ==
== Usage ==
Install <tt>sopi</tt> in a binary directory (e.g., /usr/bin) as an exectubable and run on the destination directory:
Install <tt>sopi</tt> in a binary directory (e.g., /usr/bin) as an executable; It relies on exiftool which can be installed with <tt>sudo apt install libimage-exiftool-perl</tt>.
Run on the destination directory:
sopi /home/laussy/pics/
sopi /home/laussy/pics/
<tt>Sopi</tt> won't run if not given a directory. To work in the current directory:
<tt>Sopi</tt> won't run if not given a directory. To work in the current directory:

Revision as of 13:02, 7 August 2021



Sopi (Sort Pictures) is a simple Julia program written by Fabrice that takes a list of files from our camera (with extension "JPG") and move them in a directory tree named after the date, also appending the hour of the shot to the filename itself.

This replaces the script SortTime which we were using until then but that was taking too much time to be convenient (over a second per file). Testing on 563 files from our last batch of pictures, it reduced the 17min37s of SortTime to 1min9s, which is more reasonable!


Install sopi in a binary directory (e.g., /usr/bin) as an executable; It relies on exiftool which can be installed with sudo apt install libimage-exiftool-perl.

Run on the destination directory:

sopi /home/laussy/pics/

Sopi won't run if not given a directory. To work in the current directory:

sopi .

To work on various directories, put them in a file dirs.txt and call

cat dirs.txt | xargs -I '{}' sopi {}



Failsafe, options (path to files, extensions, ...)


#  ____              _ 
# / ___|  ___  _ __ (_)
# \___ \ / _ \| '_ \| |
#  ___) | (_) | |_) | |
# |____/ \___/| .__/|_|
# v°0.11      |_|      
# Sun  1 Nov 15:28:17 CET 2020
# F.P. Laussy - fabrice.laussy@gmail.com
# Sopi sorts jpg files in a directory tree named after the dates
# at which the pictures have been taken (after their exif data)
# (`sopi' stands for Sort Pictures)

using Dates;

# This list the filenames of JPG files to process (in current path)
lfn=filter(x->occursin("JPG",x), readdir());

# Starting
print("Hi there! Sopi working with "*string(length(lfn))*" files...\n")

print("Started ");

# This returns a vector with date and time from the exif data
function datemy(fn)
 mdata = read(`exiftool $fn`,String)
 spdata=split(sdata[findall( x -> occursin("Date/Time Original", x) , split(mdata,"\n"))[1]]," ")

# This collects all the dates and times to process and transform into a matrix
alltimes=permutedims(reduce(hcat,[datemy(i) for i in lfn]))

# Keep unique days
uniquetimes=(x->replace(x, ":"=>"/")).(unique(alltimes[:,1]))

# This creates the directory tree
lmonths=["/01/" "/01-January/"; "/02/" "/02-February/"; "/03/" "/03-March/"; "/04/" "/04-April/"; "/05/" "/05-May/"; "/06/" "/06-June/"; "/07/" "/07-July/"; "/08/" "/08-August/"; "/09/" "/09-September/"; "/10/" "/10-October/"; "/11/" "/11-November/"; "/12/" "/12-December/"]

for i=1:12
 global uniquetimes=(x->replace(x,lmonths[i,1]=>lmonths[i,2])).(uniquetimes[:,1])

print("Working with "*string(length(uniquetimes))*" directories...\n")

print("Moving files!\n")
# This puts the files in pla
for i=1:length(lfn)

print("Finished ")