Sierra de Madrid

La Sierra de Guadarrama, commonly known as the Sierra de Madrid is the collection of mountains surrounding Madrid from the north, which was the reason why the Spanish capital was founded, by the Muslims, to survey the Sierra itself! It is part of the Sistema Central, where it sits between the Sierra de Gredos and the Sierra de Aylon.


Hiking in la Sierra de Madrid is our main walking activity in Spain.


La Pedriza

Places of interest:

  • El Yelmo.
  • Puente de los Pollos.
  • El Caliz.

La Mujer Muerta

In Provincia de Segovia (La Pinareja, 2197 m).

Siete Picos

In Provincia de Segovia y Comunidad de Madrid (Siete Picos, 2138 m).

La Maliciosa

In Madrid (Maliciosa, 2227 m).

Cuerda Larga

In Madrid (Cabeza de Hierro Mayor, 2383 m).

Sierra de Malagón

In Ávila, Madrid y Segovia (Cueva Valiente, 1903 m).

Sierra de la Morcuera

In Comunidad de Madrid (La Najarra, 2122 m).

Sierra de Canencia

In Madrid (Mondalindo, 1831 m).

Sierra de la Cabrera

In Madrid (Cancho Gordo, 1564 m).


