Line 125: Line 125:
= Google maps =
The top 10:
<googlemap lat="16.636192" lon="24.609375" width="700" height="500" scale="yes" controls="small">
40.4, -3.6833, [[Madrid]] (1143 visits)
38, -97, Unknown location]] (939 visits)
37.4249, -122.007, [[Sunnyvale]] (258 visits)
37.3842, -122.02, [[Sunnyvale]] (186 visits)
50.9, -1.4, [[Southampton]] (169 visits)
39.9289, 116.388, [[Beijing]] (149 visits)
37.4192, -122.057, [[Mountain View]] (120 visits)
41.3833, 2.1833, [[Barcelona]] (107 visits)
48.8667, 2.3333, [[Paris]] (105 visits)
51.5002, -0.1262, [[London]] (101 visits)

Revision as of 18:18, 29 November 2009

¿Hey, whatcha doin on this page?

It's just where I put stuff that I'm experimenting on for possible f¯uture use.

Do you know this formula of mine <m>\frac{2\pi^2}{q}\int_0^\infty f(r)J_1(qr)rdr</m>?

<plot> set pm3d at s solid set palette rgb -6,-15,-7 unset colorbox set ticslevel 0 unset ztics unset surface set samples 70 set isosamples 70,70 complex(x,y)=x*{1,0}+y*{0,1} mandel(x,y,z,n) = (abs(z)>2.0 || n>=1000)? log(n): mandel(x,y,z*z+complex(x,y),n+1) a=-0.38 b=-0.612 set multiplot set origin 0,0 set size 0.55,0.77 splot [-0.5:0.5][-0.5:0.5] mandel(a,b,complex(x,y),0) set origin 0.35,-0.15 set size 0.7,0.96 set view 0,0,,, splot [-0.5:0.5][-0.5:0.5] mandel(a,b,complex(x,y),0) </plot>


       \relative c' { 
               e16-.->a(b gis)a-.->c(d b)c-.->e(f dis)e-.->a(b a)
               gis(b e)e,(gis b)b,(e gis)gis,(b e)e,(gis? b e)


<music> \new Pianostaff << \new Staff { \time 2/2 \clef violin \key cis \minor \relative c \context Staff << \new Voice { \voiceOne

 r4 cis8 dis e4 fis
 gis8 fis gis a gis fis e gis
 fis e fis gis fis e dis fis
 e dis e fis e d cis e
 d cis d e d cis b d
 cis b cis d cis b a cis
 b a b cis b a gis b
 a2 r cis2.

} \new Voice { \voiceTwo

 e,8 gis a b cis dis bis cis
 dis4 r r2
 r4 fis, b b
 b a8 gis a2
 gis8 gis fis eis fis2

} \new Voice { \voiceThree \stemDown

 s1 s s s
 s2. fis4
 eis2 fis

} >> } \new Staff { \clef bass \time 2/2 \key cis \minor \relative c' \context Staff << \new Voice { \voiceOne

 r4 gis cis cis
 cis bis8 ais bis2
 b2. s4
 b2 cis~
 cis~ cis8 cis b a

} \new Voice { \voiceTwo

 bis2 e
 cis4 e a a
 a gis8 fis gis2~
 gis fis
 a2 fis~
 fis8 fis e dis e4

} \new Voice { \voiceThree

 cis4 b a2
 gis4 r4 g2\rest
 r4 cis' fis fis
 fis eis8 dis eis2
 fis r

} >> } >> </music>

Google maps

The top 10:

<googlemap lat="16.636192" lon="24.609375" width="700" height="500" scale="yes" controls="small"> 40.4, -3.6833, Madrid (1143 visits) 38, -97, Unknown location]] (939 visits) 37.4249, -122.007, Sunnyvale (258 visits) 37.3842, -122.02, Sunnyvale (186 visits) 50.9, -1.4, Southampton (169 visits) 39.9289, 116.388, Beijing (149 visits) 37.4192, -122.057, Mountain View (120 visits) 41.3833, 2.1833, Barcelona (107 visits) 48.8667, 2.3333, Paris (105 visits) 51.5002, -0.1262, London (101 visits) </googlemap>