sopi works great except when it doesn't, in which case he just vomits an error message like this:
laussy@covid:~/Dropbox/Fabrice/Pictures/2023$ ./sopi . Hi there! Sopi working with 6364 files in /home/laussy/Dropbox/Fabrice/Pictures/2023 Started 2024-01-05T01:26:57.484 ERROR: LoadError: BoundsError: attempt to access 0-element Array{Int64,1} at index [1] Stacktrace: [1] getindex(::Array{Int64,1}, ::Int64) at ./array.jl:809 [2] datemy(::String) at /home/laussy/Dropbox/Fabrice/Pictures/2023/mysopi:46 [3] iterate at ./generator.jl:47 [inlined] [4] collect_to!(::Array{Array{SubString{String},1},1}, ::Base.Generator{Array{String,1},typeof(datemy)}, ::Int64, ::Int64) at ./array.jl:732 [5] collect_to_with_first!(::Array{Array{SubString{String},1},1}, ::Array{SubString{String},1}, ::Base.Generator{Array{String,1},typeof(datemy)}, ::Int64) at ./array.jl:710 [6] collect(::Base.Generator{Array{String,1},typeof(datemy)}) at ./array.jl:691 [7] top-level scope at /home/laussy/Dropbox/Fabrice/Pictures/2023/mysopi:51 [8] include(::Function, ::Module, ::String) at ./Base.jl:380 [9] include(::Module, ::String) at ./Base.jl:368 [10] exec_options(::Base.JLOptions) at ./client.jl:296 [11] _start() at ./client.jl:506 in expression starting at /home/laussy/Dropbox/Fabrice/Pictures/2023/mysopi:51
Something is causing an exception, returns an unexpected empty list... I don't know what this is, and of course I forgot everything about the code. So I have to debug it as if it's been written by someone else!
The code works on extracting information from exiftool. Some file is not returning a valid output.
The first thing to do is reduce the bug to its offending material, supposedly a particular file. I am dealing with thousands of files which takes several minutes, so the first thing is by trial an error, find a subset that breaks the code in a few seconds. I do this by running on subsets until one breaks the code. I arrive to this one:
Even without digging into the code, it is clear that one is different from the others:
Sure enough 2023-06-18 12.12.04.jpg is not a picture but an image downloaded by Elena which contaminated the collection, although it gets there with a timestamp:
The problem is that such images do not have the tag "Date/Time Original"
laussy@covid:~/Dropbox/Fabrice/Pictures/2023/subset/subset/subset/subset4/subset$ exiftool working.jpg | grep "Date/Time Original" Date/Time Original : 2023:06:17 15:40:57 Date/Time Original : 2023:06:17 15:40:57.200+01:00 laussy@covid:~/Dropbox/Fabrice/Pictures/2023/subset/subset/subset/subset4/subset$ exiftool broken.jpg | grep "Date/Time Original" laussy@covid:~/Dropbox/Fabrice/Pictures/2023/subset/subset/subset/subset4/subset$
so the information is not extracted, making a 0-index table, which access crashes the code. Now the bug is found.
To solve it, I tag the offending case with a ["0","0"] entry as opposed to date and time strings. And then I skip over this case. This makes v0°3:
#!/bin/sh # ____ _ # / ___| ___ _ __ (_) # \___ \ / _ \| '_ \| | # ___) | (_) | |_) | | # |____/ \___/| .__/|_| # v°0.3 |_| # Fri 5 Jan 2024 # F.P. Laussy - # # Sopi sorts jpg files in a directory tree named after the dates # at which the pictures have been taken (after their exif data) # (`sopi' stands for Sort Pictures) # #= exec julia -O3 "$0" -- $@ =# using Dates; # Goes to given directory if one is given as argument # If not argument given, exit (for safety) if length(ARGS)!=0 cd(ARGS[1]) else println("The working directory must be given as argument") println("To process files in the current directory, use:") println(" sopi .") exit() end # This list the filenames of JPG files to process (in current path) lfn=filter(x->occursin("jpg",lowercase(x)), readdir()); # Starting println("Hi there! Sopi working with "*string(length(lfn))*" files in "*pwd()) print("Started "); print(now()); print("\n") # This returns a vector with date and time from the exif data function datemy(fn) mdata = read(`exiftool $fn`,String) sdata=split(mdata,"\n")[findall( x -> occursin("Date/Time Original", x) , split(mdata,"\n"))] if isempty(sdata) # if there is no "Date/Time Original" in exif, we tag for exclusion ["0","0"] else # otherwise we extract date and time [split(sdata[1]," ")[end-1],split(sdata[1]," ")[end]] end end # This collects all the dates and times to process and transform into a matrix alltimes=permutedims(reduce(hcat,[datemy(i) for i in lfn])) # Initialize the files to exclude to none excludefile = Int[]; # Find the entries tagged for exclusion from exif for i=1:length(lfn) if alltimes[i] == "0" append!(excludefile, i) end end # Keep unique days uniquetimes=(x->replace(x, ":"=>"/")).(unique(alltimes[:,1])) # This creates the directory tree lmonths=["/01/" "/01-January/"; "/02/" "/02-February/"; "/03/" "/03-March/"; "/04/" "/04-April/"; "/05/" "/05-May/"; "/06/" "/06-June/"; "/07/" "/07-July/"; "/08/" "/08-August/"; "/09/" "/09-September/"; "/10/" "/10-October/"; "/11/" "/11-November/"; "/12/" "/12-December/"] for i=1:12 global uniquetimes=(x->replace(x,lmonths[i,1]=>lmonths[i,2])).(uniquetimes[:,1]) end # Remove the case of exif exclusion (would create a "0" year) filter!(e->e!="0",uniquetimes) print("Working with "*string(length(uniquetimes))*" directories...\n") mkpath.(uniquetimes) print("Moving files!\n") # This puts the files in place for i=1:length(lfn) # skip file if no exif (i in excludefile) && continue dest=split(alltimes[i,1],":") # to rename after date # mv(lfn[i],dest[1]*lmonths[:,2][parse(Int64,dest[2])]*dest[3]*"/"*replace(replace(lfn[i],".JPG"=>"-"),".jpg"=>"-")*alltimes[i,2]*".jpg") # to NOT rename after date mv(lfn[i],dest[1]*lmonths[:,2][parse(Int64,dest[2])]*dest[3]*"/"*lfn[i]) end print("Finished ") print(now()) print("\n")