

$\mathrm{\TeX}$ and $\mathrm{\LaTeX}$

$\mathrm{\TeX}$ is one of the masterpieces of Don Knuth.

It is the uppercase version of $\tau\epsilon\chi$, a Greek word for Tech, which is how $\mathrm{\TeX}$ should be pronounced (!?).

At some point in the early 2000, I switched to $\mathrm{\LaTeX}$ for convenience, and almost exclusively use the latter now.



Splitting equations within an aligned set can be done as followed~[1]:

  a &= \begin{aligned}[t]
      &b + c + d +\\
      &c + e + f + g + h + i
  k &= \begin{aligned}[t]
      &l + m + n\\
      &+ o + p + q

\begin{align} a &= \begin{aligned}[t] &b + c + d +\\ &c + e + f + g + h + i \end{aligned}\\ k &= \begin{aligned}[t] &l + m + n\\ &+ o + p + q \end{aligned} \end{align}

To align equations as if in a table (?!), one can use [2] This is to integrate $\int x\sin(k\pi x)dx$ by parts.

  u&=x  & v&=-\frac{1}{k\pi}\cos(k\pi x)\\
  u'&=1 & v'&=\sin(k\pi x)

\begin{align} u&=x & v&=-\frac{1}{k\pi}\cos(k\pi x)\\ u'&=1 & v'&=\sin(k\pi x) \end{align}

To gather equations (from the Wolverhampton Lectures on Physics on Mathematics):

  \mathbb{R}^n\xrightarrow[\mathbf{J}_g\atop m\times n]{g}\mathbb{R}^m\xrightarrow[\mathbf{J}_f\atop l\times m]{f}\mathbb{R}^l\\
  \mathbb{R}^n\xrightarrow[\mathbf{J}_{f\circ g}\atop l\times n]{f\circ g}\mathbb{R}^l

\begin{gather} \mathbb{R}^n\xrightarrow[\mathbf{J}_g\atop m\times n]{g}\mathbb{R}^m\xrightarrow[\mathbf{J}_f\atop l\times m]{f}\mathbb{R}^l\\ \mathbb{R}^n\xrightarrow[\mathbf{J}_{f\circ g}\atop l\times n]{f\circ g}\mathbb{R}^l \end{gather}

International accents

We try to write your name properly when we quote it. Here are the most common glyphs and the code needed to do so:


$?`$Does this work?

and a more comprehensive list of accentuated characters.


See Will Robertson preambles to use different fontsets.


Useful shortcuts, include:

  • \to instead of \rightarrow for $\to$ (also mapsto for $\mapsto$)
  • \gets instead of \leftarrow for $\gets$.
  • \implies instead of \Longrightarrow for $\implies$ (is there a shortcut for \Rightarrow which is the prettier $\Rightarrow$?)


Using the package


One can then use \textcolor{red}{this is red} or \color{red} to turn everything red (until next escape).

The predefined colors are:

black, blue, brown, cyan, darkgray, gray, green, lightgray, lime,
magenta, olive, orange, pink, purple, red, teal, violet, white, yellow.

but some of them are horrible! like this horrible #00ff00 pure green (so-called lime) (what it calls lime is even less visible). The svgnames gives access to about 150 additional, and pretty, colors. Use capitals letters. Here are the most useful with a short name:

  •       Aqua
  •       Blue
  •       Brown
  •       Crimson
  •       Cyan
  •       Fuchsia
  •       Gold
  •       Green
  •       Lime
  •       Magenta
  •       Navy
  •       Orchid
  •       Peru
  •       Pink
  •       Plum
  •       Purple
  •       Red
  •       Sienna
  •       Tan
  •       Teal
  •       Tomato
  •       Violet
  •       Wheat
  •       Yellow

And here are all of them.


Unicode can be supported (at least to some extent) with


It works at least for the Greek letters.


  • Wrapping figures in text: [3]


  • To change spacing between items, put after \begin{itemize}:


  • To change the starting value of an enumerate list (enumii if it's a sublist):

\begin{enumerate} \setcounter{enumi}{4} \item fifth element \end{enumerate}

  • To change the type of numbering:
  • To change enumeration (with square brackets, parentheses, etc.): (see [4])
\usepackage{enumitem}% http://ctan.org/pkg/enumitem
  \item First item
  \item Second item
  \item \ldots
  \item Last item


There is a $\mathrm{\LaTeX}$ package, footmisc, that is useful for manipulating footnote formatting.

  • Spacing between footnotes:

%\footnotesep is the space between footnotes: \setlength{\footnotesep}{-0.5\baselineskip}

%\footins is the space between the text body and the footnotes: \setlength{\skip\footins}{1cm}

  • To use footnotes to feature reference-style annotations, that is, with no subscripts and with enclosing brackets [1], add in the preamble:
    \parindent 1em
    [\@thefnmark]\enspace #1}

(I left, commented, the original definition of the footnote).


\usepackage[a4paper, total={6in, 8in}]{geometry}

To use "infinite"-width page to accommodate single-line long formulas, use the package standalone:


This is, unfortunately, incompatible with the RevTeX package or amsmath tools in general. In this case one has to use geometry:

\documentclass[preview, border=1cm]{standalone}
\usepackage[total={50cm, 20cm}]{geometry}


    \sigma_1^{(1)}&=\sqrt{\frac{\gamma_a^4+2\gamma_a^3\Gamma+6\gamma_a^2\Gamma^2+2\gamma_a\Gamma^3+\Gamma ^4}{\gamma_a^2\Gamma^2(\gamma_a+\Gamma)^2}}\\



We use the siunitx package:


It'd take \SI{500}{\milli\second} to understand.

Please write \SI{10}{\micro\meter} and not 10$\mu\mathrm{m}$


There is also a SIUnits which is however deprecated [7]. Sometimes it comes in handy, for instance when you want to add non-numerical inputs (though siunitx should be able to allow that as well).

To write inverse unit, use \per:

shows the PL emission of a \SI{3}{\micro\meter} wire, where one can
observe the splitting between the two first confined subbands, the
polarization splitting, and the crossing of the X and Y (labelled TE
and TM here) polarized lines around \SI{2.6}{\per\micro\meter},
whereas the value given by the formula above is

The powers of ten can be counter-$\mathrm{\LaTeX}$-intuitive:

with a density of $\SI{e-3}{\per\square\micro\meter}$

If you do not use SI units, then omit the slash:

repetition rate of SI{3}{gb/s}

(that would be giga-bits per seconds).


To use \mathbb{1} produce the "identity" Identity.jpg, use the package


Bold letters

Greek letters can be typeset with the bm package


which produce $\bm{\alpha}$, $\bm{\beta}$, $\bm{\gamma}$ asAlpha-beta-gamma.jpg.

Line numbering

It's useful to number profusely manuscripts of which you are discussing every line. Package lineno does that.


It may have a hard time cohabiting with amsmath, however. It appears that if you include this monstrosity somewhere in your preamble, it'll perform well enough for line-dropping with your co-authors:

  \expandafter\let\csname old#1\expandafter\endcsname\csname #1\endcsname
  \expandafter\let\csname oldend#1\expandafter\endcsname\csname end#1\endcsname
     {\linenomath\csname old#1\endcsname}%
     {\csname oldend#1\endcsname\endlinenomath}}% 


Local files (such as laussy.sty) are to be put in a local version of the texmf directory (texmf stands for $\mathrm{\TeX}$ and Metafont). This is to be declared to the system as follows:

texhash /home/laussy/comp/texmf


To use fonts such as Arial or Colibri, one can use lualatex. This requires the installation of:

sudo apt install texlive-luatex

as well as the installation of the fonts themselves. Note that still within $\mathrm{\LaTeX}$, one can use the package helvet to use a look-alike free font (Nimbus Sans font):


but if you want the real proprietary font, you have to commit your soul to some endt-user license agreementScreenshot 20220718 110611.png which is however easily done through

sudo apt install ttf-mscorefonts-installer

If the fonts you want are not part of this, such as calibri, then you need to find it elsewhere (for instance, [here]), and then you can declare your choice of font as follows (un/comment as needed; you may have to declare the exact path to the files as shown below):

     BoldFont      =calibrib.ttf,
     ItalicFont    =calibrii.ttf]{calibri.ttf}


Use texfot to get rid of the flood of output generated by compilation and retain only the warnings:

texfot pdflatex Microcavities.tex

See also

  • BibTeX to manage references.
  • laussy.sty my personal $\mathrm{\TeX}$ definitions.


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