You can also check out our news in Fabrice’s blog or browse our news archives.


Past and future.

  1. (12-16 April) We participate to the PLMCN10 in Cuernavaca, Mexico.
  2. (5 January) Our paper Two-photon lasing by a single quantum dot in a high-Q microcavity, by del Valle et al., is published as Phys. Rev. B 81, 035302 (2010).
  3. (4 January) Our papers Quantitative Description of Strong-Coupling of Quantum Dots in Microcavities by Laussy et al. [1] and Observation of Quantum Hydrodynamic Effects in Microcavity Polaritons by Amo et al. [2], presented and featured at the ICPS 28, conference are finally published after two years of delay (the time it took the editors of this huge conference to chase all the referees and authors).
  4. (January) Our paper Anticrossing in the PL spectrum of light–matter coupling under incoherent continuous pumping, by Gonzalez-Tudela et al., is published as Superlatt. Microstruct., 47 16 (2010).


  1. (26 August) Our paper Dynamics of the Formation and Decay of Coherence in a Polariton Condensate, by del Valle et al., is published as Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 096404 (2009).
  2. (27 June) We celebrate our marriage in Madrid!!

Elena's news


  1. (8 September) I participate to the OECS11 conference in Madrid (Spain), with an oral contribution.
  2. (14 March) I start my Newton Fellowship in the University of Southampton.
  3. (13 March) I defend my thesis entitled: “Quantum Electrodynamics with Quantum Dots in Microcavities“, at 10h30 in the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, modulo C-0, room 302.
  4. (28 October) I give a seminar at Cardiff University (UK).

Fabrice's news


  1. (17-24 September) I give a seminar at the International School of Nanophotonics and Photovoltaics in Maratea (Italy).
  2. (29 June) I get my driving licence in Madrid.