Another New Year

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⇠ See also [[Blog:Fabrice/A_New_Year|the 2020 greetings]].<br>
⇠ See also [[Blog:Fabrice/A_New_Year|the 2020 greetings]].<br>
<!--⇢ See also [[Blog:Fabrice/|]]-->
⇢ See also [[Blog:Fabrice/Nothing_New_under_the_New_Year|the 2024 greetings]].
{{wl-publish: 2022-02-24 14:34:55 +0000 | Fabrice }}
{{wl-publish: 2022-01-05 19:20:55 +0000 | Fabrice }}

Latest revision as of 01:43, 1 January 2024

2022, it's full of two, full of "too" too, it's been years that—pondering on what the future will bring us—I keep commenting on how things keep worsening irremediably towards a catastrophic event that will snap and result in a major collapse of society, if not civilization. But since it remains true for all points on the curve, that even an exponential growth is locally linear, things never look so dramatic from one day to the next even if they are going much worse now than they were one year ago. Remember, indeed, such a year as the last one, where "quarantine camps" [12] have been opened, where mandatory vaccination has been ordered in several places [13], coercing people who refuse the inoculation of an experimental product of dubious interest for an illness pausing a dubious threat to the general population, by firing them ("no jab, no job") [14] and depriving them from social aid after that [15], limiting their right to go out in shops and businesses [16], facing incarceration in, this time, actual jail [17][18], and, overall, losing their status of human beings [19][20] to be qualified instead of monsters and sociopaths who don't belong anywhere [21]. Remember, as well, that people have been shot at with real bullets when protesting peacefully against such measures [22]. All this happened. And here is the real danger to humanity: segregation, coercion, mass hysteria and authoritarian abuse of a fraction of the population with the blessings, if not encouragement, of the state and another fraction of the same population. And above all, normalization of such atrocities.

Still, indeed, if you look around, it's not the end of the world yet, especially as seen from Madrid which is a sort of isolated island where such coercive measures remain delayed and you can more or less live a normal life. In other places, the police can storm a restaurant to check people's sanitary Ausweis [23][24], and you can finish your meal with a hefty fine or not at all to be brought at the police station if not in good standing enough [25]. In still other places, people have to suffer considerable delays when commuting as their bus is being investigated one person at a time. Elsewhere, people in a cinema have their movie interrupted for a surprise control (a more dystopian experience than the movie itself) [26]. In the worst cases, police brutality takes its ugliest form of an officer strangling a woman for not wearing a mask [27], or think about children worlwide being abused [28] with protocols that harm their intellectual development and mental health [29], or of these escapees from a "medical facility" erected in the desert between barbed wire fences under strict and admittedly absurd rules [30], despite themselves not suffering from anything remotely medical, and being man-hunted on a par with violent armed criminals [31]. The list goes on and on. I took random cases, more for illustration than for references, as they showed up but it would be possible to make an encyclopedia out of them. Future history books will probably do so.

2019 has been notorious for the censorship which extended to the highest official spheres, both political and scientific, forbidding the slightest departure from the official narrative imposed by private companies serving a globalist agenda. 2020 was notorious for the massive suppression of personal freedoms and liberties, with the massive support of its populations. This year, I believe, will demark itself for events which will, finally, be deemed unacceptable and criticized by many, through this characteristic trait of tyranny: the better the situation will become from its official deed, namely, the virus, the worst it will become from the political, economical and societal standpoint that were initially justified by it. Meaning, fewer people will die, or be hospitalized, or even will be affected one way or the other by the covid virus, but obligations of vaccination, treatment, monitoring, supervision will increase in proportion. Would the virus go completely away, we will still be told that it could come back, or another one, or that traces of the one being monitored will be put under such scrutiny that a constant pressure will be exerted to accompany its fluctuations from one place to another. The tremendous power that States and governments and, behind them, globalist organizations thriving from big-data and worldwide monitoring, have acquired from people's fear, will not be surrendered so easily, now that we have entrusted it so eagerly: QR codes will increase inversely proportionally to the lethality of the virus.

A problem for those willing to entertain the paradise of oppression and control created for them by the virus, is that the virus will go away, or mutate into something completely harmless, as seems to be already the case with omicron. The shift could then change from the virus to something else, but this is dubious because people don't swallow full so easily. Terrorism, for instance, a seemingly perfect instrument of control, has been a relative failure, with a mere tolerance from the general public of coercive measures rather than acceptance. The climate is a possible replacement too, although one that has already been on stage for a while with hardly any success at all. A worldwide economic collapse has been the scenario which I was foreseeing and expecting all these years, but we managed to always dodge it and get something else in the way. I would still place it very high on the list of impending dooms that is able to enforce a new world order, since it is also something which affects everybody very personally, but the failure to tip over despite very favourable situations to do so now makes me feel that I am overlooking something, that economy is more than a mean and an actual end, or maybe that the financial situation is already so bad for the majority of people anyway that they wouldn't have that much to lose, while everybody, even poor people, puts considerable value in their health, till the very end, in the confines of the hospital corridors. Wars have been the great classics but somehow they appear to be more difficult and uncertain, also suffering from their basic problem of requiring an intense but short-lived expression. So although wars always remain an option (and one that is always used somewhere for this purpose), it now seems clear that health is the treasure trove: it affects everybody personally, immediately and thoroughly. You can mask the entire population overnight, make curfews that will be adhered to, much more strictly than any one imposed under any other pretext, silence and discredit dissention, even that supported scientifically by recognized experts, innoculate people with secret and lucrative substances under contractual agreements protected by state secret [32][33] with only a negligible minority challenging why, or decided under special, martial-type governmental committees also protected by state secret [34][35] as if the virus was likely to spy on State's strategic planning. Other catastrophes cannot be so easily fearmongered [36] without things actually blowing up in plain sight or because they are postponed in time. It remains difficult, for instance, to convince that the climate situation is already hopeless because we'll all be dead in a hundred years. A virus, on the other hand, can be turned into a worldwide pandemic of exceptional impact just with PCR tests (something which its inventor said was nonsense to do), curves of incidences and cases counting. If you look close enough, viruses are everywhere and in sufficient amounts. And if you mention this possibility, you are de facto a denier, a conspiracy theorist or, as the most up-to-date vocabulary goes, a "negationist": one cannot but trust completely, fully and wholeheartedly the official narrative. This is much more powerful than the economy because surely one can be anticapitalist and still be respectable to some extent, while nobody can afford to be "anti-science", whether they are scientists or not. So my guess is that Health will remain the driving factor for the immediate future, which will be one of further oppression, control and domination. If not health, then economy. I don't think there's anything else to replace them so effectively.

While I remain hopeful that more people will stand against the exaggerations coming, it is permitted to think that this will be a big step for many. As far as sanitary control went, so far, the most surprising for me remains the total acceptance of people of such exaggerated measures, the unprecedented reduction of personal freedom in peacetime, such a drastic seizure of people's personal rights, such obvious enslavement that reduced us overnight from a free human being to a leashed animal. In places, it went so far as requiring people to identify their whereabouts within 15 minutes of being prompted to do so by phone [37][38][39]. And most people with whom I debated the issue explained to me that it's not such a big deal, it's still better than to actually have the police visit you in the first place (what happens if you don't comply) and that this is ultimately necessary to keep the situation under control. At best, I got that it's in Australia only so not affecting the rest of the civilized world. Of course, when such abuses will be extended to the rest of the world, a key argument will be that it has been implemented in Australia already and it wasn't the end of the world there. I understand that people can be scared to die or have loved fragile family members die, but I remain surprised by the extent of the sacrifices they can consent to in the mere illusion of preventing that, a bit like mourning for the rest of your life for someone who did not even pass away, a sort of irrational, religious and absolute penance that what previously the mark of demented people, which now became a universal policy.

Another surprise is people whom I knew to be intelligent, considerate and generous, to have turned into short-sighted, mean and despising people, defending apartheid, turning against close family members not abiding fully to the official narrative, demanding evidence of a vaccination status as a prelude to a meeting or as a token of validity for a point in a conversation. I had always assumed that the state would find opposition from a majority, even if a silent one, in all its attempts to increase its power and control over people, but it appears that propaganda is powerful enough to secure an active endorsement from the biggest share of people, including those most educated and better trained in logical thinking and fact-based evidence, to succumb instead to sheer propaganda and justify it with textbook fallacies, and, to top it off, that they fuel such "rationalization" with hate and intolerance. I have seen people turn against friends, siblings, parents, children. Then it is difficult to understand whom they are afraid for and what motivates their struggle, since at the origin it was rooted in health, care and well-being for others. Now this became ideology: love and respects for institutions, a doctrine and a doxa rather than for people, ideas and ideals. It now seems that what matters is to be alive, regardless of the amount of animosity, resentment, rancour and loathing of the life that results.

A related criticism regarding the fact that most people abide by the new narrative, is that this would normally point at the fact that they are right and justified. This consensus is especially advocated for doctors and the medical institutions: if they all agree as a community, why should any individual who disagrees be given any credence? Then the State is justified in complying with the will of the majority, and doing so is the brightest expression of the sacred value of democracy, which is otherwise attacked by "anti-vaxxers" that are also homophobic, racist and hard-right fanatics anyway [40]. Even if History hadn't given endless examples where the majority went dramatically wrong, the amount of censorship and coercion that takes place is a pretty big giveaway as to what is really happening. Of course there is consensus if you censor those who disagree. The bashing and character assassination that awaits anybody, especially a doctor, who dares to deviate from the official credo—the one instructed by Facebook, Google and Twitter to get the green light of their community rules—should be revealing even to the least suspicious observers. The force of consensus and conformism, peer pressure, is well illustrated there. Nobody wants to be called a "negationist" and virtue-signalling is important to reassure others that one belongs to the group of the "good, obedient, accepted members of the community". Whence the masks and sequences of needles that people arbour even in their social profiles, making sure to share a picture where they get boosted.

My perception is that people are being manipulated, brainwashed and ultimately coerced into a direction that they would have never wanted by themselves in the first place. That hatred and enmity accompany their adherence to this new project of society is also an indication that they are on the wrong path. But time will tell us. I think (hope, rather) that ultimately, people will recognize that they have been manipulated and brainwashed (those coerced already know, but might reconsider their surrendering to coercion). There is one window of hope whenever a powerful entity pushes its rules deep into wrongdoing, namely, its hubris: the incapacity to content with any stage that it could already reach, and always seek to get a bit more, until it goes too far. Of course, the less opposition to start with, the faster and the more sizable hubris demands its next instalment, which is why it is now possible to see a big part of Europe asking one to justify their identity for their every move, from having a coffee to be treated at the hospital. Do people really want that? To my surprise, not only some, but in fact many people, actually support this. Brainwashing and manipulation, I see no other explanation. I can't say "most" people for sure, but definitely many more than I would have imagined. So my guess for 2022 is that there is still much room left to go in that direction of suppressed freedom and rise of a tyranny, in societies that believe they are champions of liberties and democracy, and that the available volume will be taken in full, to the point where it will have taken too much, till this point where we will have to scan a QR-code constantly throughout the day, including in our own home, where we'll have to have a chip implanted in our skin for a constant and everywhere (some will say, convenient) monitoring, where we'll have to justify for an excessive time in bed, or outside, or on the internet, or with some people, with our family maybe, where we won't be allowed to go some greater distance from our assigned residence on an indefinite basis, or will have allowed time to go out in the countryside, or maybe even in the street. Things are actually going so fast that as I'm writing this, it doesn't read so exaggerated anymore. I'm pretty sure that at least some of the people who surprised me already with the extent of their concessions, would welcome or at least tolerate all of those listed above. Interestingly, when they, in the past, scoffed that I was exaggerating to later recognize that this indeed came to be, they quickly changed stance to say that this isn't so dramatic anyway either. How not to recognize brainwashing and manipulation? So I am prepared to hear that there's nothing so terrible in having a chip to track you, that our phones are already doing this anyway and that this actually would make life so simpler...

The hope, still, is that people as a whole will realize that this sort of thing is stretching, not only their lifestyle but also their humanity. Hubris can take such proportions that even if such exaggerated measures would be carefully implemented with all the force of the propaganda explaining how this is our rescue, that this is progress anyway, regardless of the virus (which will be completely gone at some point), that this is what clever people understand as necessary as opposed to stupid conspiracy theorists who delude themselves in weird conceptions that maybe the State is not worrying so much after all of everybody's wellbeing, then people would grow weary of them and at some point, refuse further subjection. Because we've already been so far, without noticing, this might pass by a revolution. It won't solve everything, revolutions never do, but it will bring us back in the right direction.

We are not at this stage yet. I don't see clearly either what could bring us there. What would be the bulk of people's snapping point to save us from this scenario of biblical proportion? Given how far we have been driven with no reaction, it means that the shock will be a dazzling one. It could be side effects from the hubris forcing vaccination to a point where they will become adverse (like every two months or every two weeks). It obviously cannot be healthy to constantly stimulate the immune system, what's more, based on a revolutionary, experimental process highly decried for this purpose by some of its pioneers (such as Mallone or Henrion-Caude). I'm also thinking that forced vaccination of children could be a triggering point, since it is recognized by everybody that children are not at risk: there is at least four times more child death due to gastro-enteritis and seasonal flu than for covid [41], yet nobody ever worried of the first ones so it is difficult to turn the new one into a point of sudden major concern. At the same time, there are adverse effects, as everybody agrees, and some children have been severely and irremediably hurt or even died from vaccination [42]. The risk-benefit balance is thus negative for children and if people start to realize that cardiac problems in our youngsters become generalized, they may see that the sacrifices are not even those consented from our daily routines, personal freedom and way of living, but for the very goal they had been invoked in the first place: the health and safety of those we love. So if the vaccines turn out to remain profitable financially (as is currently the case by an obscene margin) but detrimental medically (as is currently unclear, especially as no consideration has been given to long-term effects, which even for the most active proponents are at best unlikely), then there might be a way out, however pressing will be the TV reasoning of protecting our elders, the constant propaganda on everybody's duties for the greater good. If this is gone, and children sacrifices will become acceptable, then we'll just witness a paradigm change where the world will turn into what it is becoming today: a world of collective duties with no personal freedom, a world of citizens where individuals are negationists, where humanity will be relegated to some primitive notion with no value in the light of the virtual post-modern society of consensus and togetherness, as opposed to identities and families. In this case, at least, I won't personally feel sad if I'd have to leave it prematurely, due to covid or anything else.

⇠ See also the 2020 greetings.
⇢ See also the 2024 greetings.