There is broadly two attitudes one can have regarding covid: either you see the evil in the virus itself, either you see the evil with much more familiar forms at the interface of politics and finance.
In the former case, you feel this is a pandemic threat that requires worldwide efforts to avoid a sanitary catastrophe and that will be over when science and medicine will crush the illness. In the latter case, you feel this is a pretext to make a paradigm shift in the way we live, the way personal freedoms, people's relationships, etc., are to be conducted from now on and with no time limit.
The latter interpretation comes with a name that is increasingly tagged to an increasing variety of protests and inquiries: "conspiracy theory". If you, not even support, but consider the second option, you immediately become a crazy, stupid, pathetic person with no common sense, education, scientific, logical or intellectual background, whatever is good to make you feel rejected, anomalous, weird and whatnot. The goal is to make you feel ashamed of yourself, to have you question your own sanity.
This is, instead, the most sophisticated form of something which has accompanied civilization since it existed: conformism. You have to think like everybody else, like the mainstream narrative, however idiotic, exaggerated or obviously stupid it is, you have to be in line with it. Otherwise, you are what people were calling before a heretic, and that we now call a conspirationist (other terms also get popular).
Conformism is a powerful thing, because even intelligent people, and maybe, particularly intelligent people, are likely to fully embrace it. Many respectable people, throughout history, have always wanted to show their belonging to the group. Centuries ago, this was to be seen sitting on the front bench at the church, for instance. As I write, these are the people who can't put enough of their mask, up to their social network avatars, to constantly display the image of their strict obedience, their full support to the rules, their unquestionable belonging to the right side. They will also tell you—if not actually immortalize with a picture or movie—when and how they get vaccinated, how they feel about it, and since they can do only a couple of times, they will also show you how they wear the mask indoors, with family and friends, when alone in the open countryside, etc. Many of these people are actually good people who want to do the right thing, who want to belong with the group, who have always believed there was a good side of the story, that it has always been clear which one this was, and that not being on this side was everybody's personal mistake and responsibility. These are the pro-Galileo people centuries after Galileo, who would have confronted Galileo as his contemporary.
Others are less good people and will go farther and actively denounce, if not attack, those not displaying such an enthusiastic adherence to the Doxa. This includes people who are more critical and understand or perceive that the narrative is dubious if not clearly wrong and that mere neutrality is a sign of non-adherence to it, so they would perform a wide variety of exuberant demonstrations to shout to the world that they're part of it. These are the people we see lamenting themselves of how badly are "these people" behaving, how irresponsible, how guilty are the others who do not adhere to the same level of strict adherence. These are the Orwellian people who brainwash themselves more than the thought police wants you to. Some will go as far as openly wishing the demise, the ill-fate and misery of others, rejoicing if they get sick or repressed or even brutalized by the police. We have seen for instance medical staff admitting on social networks how they celebrate the coming of young people to the hospital, this being, allegedly, a consequence of their non-strict adherence to the protocol. Would you, at a more critical level, regard heavily armed police surrounding children on the beach, or mechanical robots, drones or other machines controlling your every moves, as a dystopian, as a drift toward totalitarianism, then you will be excluded from the group of the good people, who want to fight the virus.
As you can guess, I am on the bad-people's side: I feel the virus is a pretext and that the cure is orders of magnitude more toxic than the illness. I feel this is going to a stage where it'll be preferable for people cherishing freedom to die rather from covid or, more likely, police repression, than to live in such an evil, corrupt and rotten society, where conformism dissolved the most basic, the most natural and the most important values that separate the human being from what visionaries were calling "robots" (that's Bernanos) or "citizens" (Georgiu).