This is a list of templates we use for MediaWiki. They can generally be accessed through this website ( by entering Template:NameOfTemplate as the last part of the URL.
Arguments are passed to template with {{{1}}} (2, 3, etc. for several arguments).
arXiv:2402.14010 {{arXiv|2402.14010}} gives a link to an arXiv reference. Ideally it should retrieve meta-data, but that is for later.
A cite template to quote in a way similar as you would do with \mathrm{\TeX} and bibTeX is described in this blog post. Can also be done inline with {{onelinecite|delvalle12a}}.
Puts whatever should read when I need someone to contact me:
{{doi}} displays the DOI passed as an argument with a link to the resource itself, e.g., {{doi|10.1002/pssc.200304064}} produces [DOI: 10.1002/pssc.200304064].
{{done}} puts a little "checked" marker, like this, while {{done|that was great!}} adds a wz-tooltip
. Or several
Offers to "Download the gpx file for this track." {{gpx|Media:AbedularCanencia-27Oct2013.gpx}}
This one is funny as it's one I made with Grok itself (although it couldn't do it wholly by itself):
{{#vardefine:HumanUserIs|Fabrice}} Pass a custom user input (parameter 1) and Grok's response (parameter 2): {{Grok|Question|Answer}}
Note that if HumanUserIs not defined, then the interaction is with "Human".
* This is an example with bullet lists: {{indent}} Hi. {{indent-end}} * And another one: {{indent}} Hi there! {{indent}} Hello. {{indent-end}} {{indent-end}} |
Hi there! Hello. |
* This is an example with bullet lists: {{indent}}Hi.{{indent-end}} * And another one: {{indent}}Hi there!{{indent}}Hello.{{indent-end}}{{indent-end}}
{{ISBN|978-0691145075}} [ISBN: 978-0691145075]
To capture the time at which the edit is made. It must be substituted:
{{subst:now}} 15:16 on 4 September (2024)
This makes an inline reference as Ref. [1] with {{onlinecite|delvalle12a}}
This makes an inline reference which does not have to be a bibTeX key, such as Ref. {{onlineref|This does not have to be a [[bibTeX]] key, e.g., {{delvalle12a}}.}} [2]
{{pdf}} puts an icon like this and {{pdf|File:myfile.pdf}} links to it
Inserts a right-aligned paragraph. This is a weak counterpart to quote but is not a float, so is less fragile.
{{pright|This text.}}reads
This text.
Inserts a quotation. See Template:Quote for documentation.
☞ {{see|Fabrice}} is pointing on Fabrice (used with pages shortcuts).
[sic] {{sic}} points at (but does not correct) an error.
err [sic] {{sic|err}} points at (but does not correct) the error.
err [sic] {{sic|err|should be 'error'!}} points at and correct the error in tooltip.
[sic] {{sic||only correction}} only correct correct the error in tooltip.
{{sleep}} marks a sleeping night in a campervan trip as follows: .
Give the distance and/or time between two localizations, such as [[Tres Cantos]]{{stretch|20min (22.3km)}}[[Soto del Real]]Tres Cantos⮰20min (22.3km)⮱Soto del Real. It can also take two arguments, in which case it separates them with a comma. We use it to plan trips.
Warns of pages that are still so much in construction, they're not really nice to visit.
This page is still largely in progress.
Provides the clickable date of a given day, e.g.,
{{thisday|30|September|1977}} 30 September (1977)
See also {{thesedays}}.
This can take 4 or 5 arguments, and the final argument (year) can be left empty in which case it is not displayed:
{{thesedays|15|June|15|July|2024}} 15 June–15 July (2024)
{{thesedays|15|June|15|July|}} 15 June–15 July
{{thesedays|15|17|July|2024}} 15–17 July (2024)
{{thesedays|15|17|July|}} 15–17 July
If the years are different, then two {{thisday}} calls should be made (and maybe a † has to be featured somewhere?!)
To be used with "subst:" to provide the clickable date of today, e.g.,
Indicates an {{update}} possibly with a date
{{update|16 July 2023}}.
Gives the local hour (shortcut for {{LOCALTIME}} or {{CURRENTIME}}; still have to fix timezone issue), e.g.,
gives {{subst:LOCALTIME}}.
From Wikipedia's multicol. Use as:
{{multicol}} This text appears in the first column. {{multicol-break}} This text appears in the second column. {{multicol-break}} This text appears in the third column. {{multicol-end}}
to read:
This text appears in the first column. |
This text appears in the second column. |
This text appears in the third column. |
<nowiki> You need to create the three corresponding pages<wz tip="Template:Multicol, Template:Multicol-break and Template:Multicol-end.">$^*$</wz>, which are shortcuts for divivision of the page with floats. <nowiki>
For featured articles.
{{wl1}}is to be put on stubby articles in progress (all of them).
{{wl2}}is to be put on good & interesting articles that could/should be improved but remain okay in their present state.
{{wl3}}is to identify great content, that we are proud of.