Two photons everywhere. E. Zubizarreta Casalengua, F. P. Laussy and E. del Valle in Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A 382:20230315 (2024). What the paper says!?
This paper explains most of the two-photon structure of resonance fluorescence, in particular, it clarifies for the first time the nature of the circle of antibunching that appears in the two-photon correlation spectrum and which remained mysterious since their first report.[1] The text is written self-consistently, so it requires no acquaintance with our earlier works, in particular the theory of frequency-resolved photon correlations[2] and the theory of interfering quantum fields[3], whose union actually accounts for the said circles.
I wrote a long series (four part) of tweets to break down the content of this paper:
There you can see things one cannot find anywhere else, like Dalibard on steroids [1]: