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Petrov Seminar

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  • What? Multi-spatial-mode squeezed light for direct quantum imaging
  • Who? Plamen Petrov – web & mail.
  • Where? MA112
  • When? Wed 17th Oct, 13:00–15:00
  • Why? Our first contact with our big neighbour, the University of Birmingham. Plamen has overlapping interests with ours in Wolverhampton and will let us know of his activities there.
  • How? The format of these talks is one hour: 15min all-public intro, 30min talk, 15min questions.
  • Chair: Fabrice Laussy
  • Stool: Jac Chadwick (L5)
    This is a student introduction, drafted by Jac:
    Plamen Petrov's research involves the manipulation of light in such a manner that it is put into a so-called Squeezed State. This state can be obtained if the light's electric field strength ε for some phases θ has a quantum uncertainty smaller than that of a coherent state. A coherent state is a specific quantum state of the quantum harmonic oscillator. The terms squeezing thus refers to a reduced quantum uncertainty, i.e. the squeezed state must also have phases at which the electric field uncertainty is larger than that of a coherent state. In other words, the light is anti-squeezed.


See https://twitter.com/PhysWlv/status/1052584183552532480